Nik Lackey’s review published on Letterboxd:
70 From The 70’s Part II: #43
Terrance Malick is one of the most profound and specific directors to ever have lived, and his work is beyond the idea of being complex. This film, ‘Days Of Heaven’ (1978) is one of a kind, that dives deep in deception, and longing, while also struggling with the ideas of greed. While this story is very tight and carries a lot with the short run time, it’s still not the most impressive part of the film, that would go to the cinematography. This is just one stunning film to look at, almost every shot done perfectly. This is an absolute keeper in the filmography of Terrance Malick.
Terrance Malick is no stranger to making a complex work of art for us all to enjoy. He has been doing it for decades now. This is his second film, a follow up to ‘Badlands’ (1973), another gorgeous piece of cinema. Malick has a very specific touch to his films, leaving a hand print on film as a whole. His works are almost always more of a visual work of art instead of a story driven one, and because of this, he uses silence in film to counteract the audiences emotions. There is always so much beauty in his work, and his consistency is what we strive to see in filmmakers.
The cast of this film consists of essentially three main characters. Richard Gere as the impulsive and greedy Bill. Brooke Adams as the tender and thoughtful but confused Abby. And Sam Shepard as the Farmer, who duels out his own complex emotions all over the screen. All three actors portray damaged people trying to make a living in the early 1900’s. This film is filled with so many emotions, from the characters and the audience. It becomes a bit more of a ride than I expected, but their acting does everything but fall short. Now, none of these roles are terribly talky or loud, but the subtlety of that makes this even more of an impressive feat.
Like any Terrance Malick film, the cinematography is what makes this film so important. Famed Spanish director of photography, Néstor Almendros worked on this film with Malick, and even managed to take home a best cinematography academy award for this film. The usage of natural lighting with stage lighting is much more complex than first meets the eye. How the light bounces off the sky, but then comes to a stand still underneath the grass and the hands the flow through it. The management of the house overlooking the field, and the interior landscape is all just so perfect. No matter how tight or how wide the shot is, everything looks gorgeous and then some.
Terrance Malick is not only the director of this film, he is also the writer. Now, I must say, especially in his later years, I never found his writing to have too much weight to it. The story telling is all in the visuals. Films like ‘The Tree Of Life’ (2011) and ‘Knight Of Cups’ (2015) are both works that explain this. Both of those films I very much enjoy mind you. However, for ‘Days Of Heaven’ (1978), Malick had that touch to make a gorgeous film while also writing a complex story. This film delves into many different ideas about greed and anger, while also dancing with delusion. This is a story about a couple that find love, but try and manipulate their way through life, but really they are just manipulating their own love. This is some impressive writing for sure.
This is an absolutely fantastic work of cinema. Going into a Terrance Malick film, I know I’m going to get some truly incredible visuals, and even for his second film, I was not let down. On top of all of this, the story had a bit more meat on its bone than I expected. The cast was phenomenal, and their partnerships were one of a kind. I cannot recommend this film enough. It’s a short watch, but every second counts on the screen.