Rafael "Parker!!" Jovine’s review published on Letterboxd:
No matter what anyone tells you, listen to me: Modern musicals were born here.
Now, as many of you've been following me for a while know, I am not that really into musicals - especially those very oldies. I never could pinpoint what was it really that I couldn't stand, but I think I found the key. I think what those earlier musicals were missing was the dynamic that Demy breathes into this picture.
Named as one of the greatest members of the French New Wave, the loose use of the camera, the way how it feels its not restrained to a tractor or to a tripoid, but has some life of its own, in conjuction to the vibrant cinematography, production design and costumes are just stunning and strikes you with its beauty. The choreography it has this nice mix of old and new, that adds to the somewhat dreamy tone the film goes for. It reminded me to the cheerful moments in La La Land, just to give you an idea.
My only complain is the musical element itself. The songs still were very Broadway-ish and derivate. And I can't really stand people just singing - give me more dialogues, damn it!
All in all, the experimental approach taken by the French New Wave strikes his brand into the old musical genre, adding to the list of the many things the French movement get to change and reinvent for cinema as a whole.