Movies are good22’s review published on Letterboxd:
Hello everyone
I wanted to ask all of you a question
what is an 🔥hot takes🔥 you have for movies or shows
Here's some of my 🔥hot takes🔥
Season 2 of The Boys was bad
(I love the show just to be clear)
I don't like Arrival
(I was bored)
I like The Last Jedi
I don't like Zodiac
(I just couldn't get invested in the story because it's everyone knows how it ends)
& my most unpopular opinion
James Cameron is a bad film maker
& has made 1 good movie
side note I hate Titanic
(if you like his films that's perfect fine
I just don't)
But those are just some of my 🔥hot takes🔥
love to hear your 🔥hot takes🔥
Also don't bash mine or anyone else's opinion
they're just opinions