Movies are good22’s review published on Letterboxd:
2nd one of the day
& this is the 3rd one of these where I'm talking about how many followers I've got
I'm not doing all these just having egotistical
I did the other 2 because I didn't think I was going to get to 500 followers so fast
& I was debating if I should just do them for when I hit 500 followers
or if I should just do it back then because I didn't know how long it would take to get there
& I definitely went with the wrong choice
so please don't think I may go testicle
I think this is the last one I'm going to do for followers until I hit like 1k
so yeah thank you all 500 (& 4) of you guys for following me
you're all the best
PS (for those who haven't read THIS pictures) go read THIS please
it’s about a person on this site named Kyler who should not have as big of a platform on this site as he does
he blocked me for having a hot take about a movie
& somehow he turned the conversation from that into threatening someone
& I just want you guys to know that THIS is what he's like
But anyways thank you for following me
this is the best community I could ever ask for
& I hope you all have a spectacular day