marisa’s review published on Letterboxd:
"movies are dreams, doll, that you never forget."
there is always going to be that one actor/actress, director, producer, screenwriter, etc., that will change your life from the first moment you watch a film of theirs. and for me, that person is steven spielberg.
i first watched a spielberg movie on my 4th birthday back in 2008. the film? raiders of the lost ark.
my parents grew up in the 80s when spielberg became a MASSIVE name in the film industry. they both saw raiders of the lost ark at a young age, and have both loved that franchise for such a long time. my parents got my cousins into the indiana jones franchise before having myself and then my brother a couple years later.
my dad was especially the one who LOVES Indiana jones, so he thought: hey, why not get my daughter into spielberg at a young age too? and honestly, i'm glad he did.
as the years went on, i was introduced to many more spielberg films. E.T. the extra terrestrial, jaws, jurassic park, and war horse are just to name a few. when i started high school, my love for spielberg grew drastically, and i knew i wanted to be like him one day.
i've always had a passion for movies. when my cousins or friends would come over, i would make short films on my iPad that i recieved back in 2015 for christmas. having graduated from a broadcasting program at my middle-high school, i was trained on how to make feature films, and even submitted short films for district, state, and national competitions, and my team and i placed in 2nd and 3rd with our short films in high school in the district and state levels.
after having spent junior year and the summer before senior year watching spielberg films, i knew i had to apply to film schools. now, as a college freshmen who is majoring in journalism with a path in film and television production, my love for film never stopped. on christmas 2020, my parents got me a video camera, and i was so so happy and have used it a couple times.
the fabelmans is a perfect example of following your dreams no matter the situation. my relationship with my mom has become strained over the last couple years, and seeing the scenes of sammy and his mother's relationship slowly breaking touched my heart a little too much. yet, after watching this film, i still gave my mom the biggest hug because i knew she would never stop supporting me.
my dad and i have always had a tight relationship. i was always daddy's little girl to him, and at 18 years old, i still am. sure, we've had our arguments, but he's the one that showed me many films growing up that ended up becoming my favorites, and he's the one that i REALLY consider to be my biggest supporter.
film have changed my life in so many ways that i never expected it to. he may never know it, but steven spielberg changed my life. he's the reason i want to be a filmmaker. he's the reason i want to accomplish my biggest dream, which is to stand on the stage of the dolby theater with an oscar in my hand.
whether you are just passionate about film, or just a normal movie watcher, please watch the fabelmans. it changed my life, and it will change yours too.
thank you steven spielberg for shaping my childhood. i will always appreciate your work. even though i have never met you (hope to soon), i always felt like you were there for me.
for my fellow people who dream of becoming a filmmaker: no matter what happens, keep going. never lose your passion. make yourself known to those around you. always be confident with what you do.
"it’ll be our secret movies, just yours and mine."