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MagnusPB’s review published on Letterboxd:
Where do I even begin? I guess I should say that I may be a bit biased as I watched this with my girlfriend but idc, it was perfect. This film just gave me so much to think about, some of the review will be about the actual movie itself and some of it will be the thoughts I had after viewing it.
Let us begin with the visuals because GOOD GOD THIS MOVIE IS GORGEOUS. I mean the colors just fucking pop out, especially the blue and yellow. My girlfriend said it was like watching a dream and I couldn’t agree more. Such beautiful imagery, cinematography, and direction. And that final scene, holy shit, it is just truly phenomenal how it looks. It’s just so nice to actually look at a film and just marvel at the sheer beauty of it.
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone of course just ah I’m running out of complimentary words THEY'RE FUCKING GREAT. The chemistry between is immaculate. That final look and smile they give each other conveys so much in just a look, it is absolutely awe inspiring. And the JK Simmons cameo as Terence Fletcher was great too, lol.
And speaking of that final scene, just wow. Wow. The most bittersweet ending I’ve ever seen. Just sadness and happiness rolled into one. Happiness in the fact that both Seb and Mia did it, they accomplished their dreams. Happiness in the fond memories they made together. Happiness in the impact they had on each other, in them giving the push and support they needed to keep pursuing their dreams. Sadness in the fact that after everything, they didn’t end up being together. Sadness in that they couldn’t accomplish their dreams together.
The movie makes you ponder, is pursuing your dreams and passion worth it if you can’t share it with anyone else? As stated before, yes Seb and Mia accomplish their dreams but it’s without each other. It’s a question I’m sure I’ll be asking myself a lot in the coming years, and especially with my interest in filmmaking. From here I just kind of have a bunch of thoughts and opinions sprouted from viewing the film.
Firstly, somewhat related to what I just discussed, love and dreams. Do you follow your heart or do you follow your dream. Some try to do both, while others can’t even attempt to do so. Ultimately, some are given a better position to live than others but even when only given between the two, I don’t believe either to be wrong. That is the beauty and tragedy of life and the gift of choice.
Secondly, I see a lot of people saying the movie is a “right person, wrong time” situation but I don’t think that’s the case at all. If it wasn’t for Seb and Mia pushing each other, they wouldn’t have achieved their dreams. Seb might’ve picked up a gig but he would’ve lost his dream in order for sustainability, and there’d be no Mia push him back to following his dream. Mia would’ve had the same thing that happened in the movie, she would’ve been humiliated for the last time and given up, and there would be no Seb to pick her back up.
And just in general that idea just doesn’t sit well with me. True, some people may not be ready for a relationship at one point but may give it another go another time. But I don’t think that makes it the “wrong time” because in the end you still learn and gain experience from it. And no two people are destined to be with each other, for choice is the natural gift of the world.
I believe those are all my thoughts of the film on first viewing although I have one thing left to say pertaining to the experience of watching it. I NEEDED TO PISS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOVIE BUT I DIDN’T WANT TO PAUSE AND RUIN THE VIBE SO I KEPT IT IN AND DRANK WATER CAUSE I WAS THIRSTY. That had to have been the longest and most relieving piss in my entire life. Truly a picture to remember, easily one of my new favorites. Although I shall hold off on changing my top 4 until Dune 2 arrives.