Noah Baumbach is a renowned filmmaker known for his insightful and often bittersweet exploration of human relationships and the complexities of modern life. His diverse filmography is a tapestry of intimate character studies and sharp, witty dialogues. Baumbach gained recognition with films like "The Squid and the Whale" (2005), a poignant examination of a family in crisis. He further solidified his reputation with "Frances Ha" (2012), a delightful portrayal of a young woman navigating the challenges of adulthood. Baumbach's collaboration with actress Greta Gerwig continued in "While We're Young" (2014) and reached a pinnacle in "Marriage Story" (2019), a searing depiction of a divorce's emotional toll. He also delved into adaptation with "White Noise" and continued to explore familial dynamics in "The Meyerowitz Stories" (2017). Baumbach's filmography remains a testament to his ability to craft emotionally resonant stories that capture the complexities of human connection.
Here's How We Rank All of Noah Baumbach Movies from our least favorite to his best: