]]>um lixo, prendam a selena gomez
]]>Ah sim justo dois viados tem que se sacrificarem para impedir o apocalipse bíblico 🤨
]]>I was going to say it was stupid, but it was very educational tbh
]]>jack wilder the man you are 😩😩
]]>The only review I can do now is with my tears
]]>Watched on Thursday October 17, 2024.
]]>poor twink demon
]]>imagine loving someone so much that you want them to eat you bones and all so you can be forever united 💭💭
]]>“What if this is a past life, and we are already something else to each other in our next life?"
The first time I watched it I ended up thinking that we shouldn't let the people with who we make these deep connections in life slip through our fingers, now this time, I see that there are things in life that are beyond our control and that it doesn't always depend solely on ourselves. As Nora's mother says “if you leave something behing, you gain something too”, there are so many possibilities in this life that sometimes it is disappointing that we cannot have them all, but it is comforting to know that there is always something new waiting for you when you leave something behind.
The most impactful part for me is when Hae Sung says that he likes Nora because she is simply her, and who she is is someone who leaves, he accepts that she will not stay in his life the way he wanted and that in the end when he asks Nora if she thinks they are already something in another life, it ends with a big maybe, just as in life there are certain situations that we will never know what they could be, the permanent "what if?"
In the end, it becomes clear that both characters needed to close this open door between them, after saying goodbye in childhood and in their 20s, they both needed to say one last goodbye after finally meeting again.
Filme melhor que campanha de prevenção ao suicídio
]]>They could never make me hate you Sandie!
]]>Tentei fugir de mim mas aonde eu ia eu tava
]]>Be my little baby? 🎀🥺
]]>Meio paia trazer o mal a vida hein Pedro? 😹
]]>Watched on Thursday June 13, 2024.
]]>You guys who hate this movie hate what else?? serotonin?
]]>Que série perfeita mdsss!!!! Terror puro,drama, suspense e sem um furinho no roteiro
]]>I hate gen z!! (and I'm probably the biggest stereotype of gen z possible)
]]>“How are you going to spend your life?”
“I'm not sure. But I do know I'm going to live every minute of it.”
A LIFE CHANGED MOVIE, life has no meaning at all, and this is probably the best part of living.
Ps: 22's soul ended up in my body
]]>so brutal but so delicate
]]>I will never see a red wall the same way again
]]>my god tom is so stupid (I'm literally him
]]>Freddie e Sam do icarly tendo um dia ruim
]]>Ryan Gosling conseguiu se dar bem na vida amorosa em um filme 🎆
]]>Velha vagabunda
]]>Vai se foder adivinhei o plot muito bom
]]>Watched on Wednesday April 24, 2024.
]]>best disney live action so far!!!
]]>favorite childhood movie
]]>"Tengo más fé de la que tuve en toda mi vida, pero mi fé no está en tu Dios. Este es mi cielo Y yo creo en otro Dios, creo en el Dios que tiene Roberto en la cabeza, cuando viene a curarme las heridas, en el Dios que tiene Nando en las piernas, para salir a caminar sin condiciones, creo en la mano de Daniel, cuando corta la carne, Y Fito cuando la reparte sin decirnos a qué amigo perteneció, Y así podamos comerla sin... Sin que recordar su mirada. Yo creo en ese Dios, creo en Roberto, Nando, Daniel, Fito, Y en los amigos muertós."
literally the most beautiful monologue I've ever seen in a film 😭
]]>“As memórias vão com o tempo, se desfazem, mas algumas não encontram consolo, só algum alívio nas pequenas brechas da poesia. Você é a minha memória inconsolável, feita de pedra e de sombra. E é dela que tudo nasce, e dança”
Tem tanta tristeza e afeto nesse filme, é um relato íntimo de uma mulher que sente profundamente a falta de sua irmã mais velha, entretanto, mesmo sendo tão íntima é a história que tantas outras pessoas viveram. Compartilhar essa narrativa não foi somente um ato de amor e de transformar as dores profundas em arte, mas também voltou olhos para um debate vultoso, o suicídio.
]]>the spider man that we Latinos deserve
]]>Watched on Sunday April 7, 2024.
]]>Reparação histórica
]]>Watched on Saturday April 6, 2024.
]]>Not me saying that the guy had split personality disorder and then realizing what the plot actually was
]]>Freud estaria orgulhoso
]]>rip Anakin Skywalker you would have loved dune part two
]]>Acabei o filme e descobri que é uma trilogia 🫥
]]>“i think it's nice that we share the same sky”
A father who would like to protect his daughter at all costs, but in the end cannot protect himself. An extremely delicate and sad film, this film received special thanks from the countless minors from my childhood who came to light.
In the end, our parents are living for the first time too.
]]>this is actually how it felt to play among us on the polus map
]]>impeccable … now how do I get California dreamin out of my head??
]]>Watched on Saturday February 17, 2024.
]]>predictable movie, but not bad
]]>Af Oliver é só um bissexual trampando
]]>I will always be grateful to James Gunn for saving the essence of the suicide squad 🙌
]]>“no hay amor mas grande que el que da la vida por los amigos”
This film is just the raw, naked reality, without exaggerations or euphemisms. There are so many ways that could be taken to make the story macabre, but the great humanization of the characters, and consequently of the victims, only makes the plot sad and devastating.
A beautiful story narrated precisely by a non-survivor, showing the countless ways they could be selfish in a situation as dark as this, but there was only the feeling of empathy and the desire to motivate their friends.
There was immense respect in portraying a story as delicate as this, showing in a cruel and emotional way the reality of the victims.
In the end, this film leaves a great reflection on anyone who watches it.
]]>a very personal and specific opinion 37 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]> 2 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]> 10 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]> 2 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]>Esfp characters, films that give me an esfp vibe, aesthetically esfp 13 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]> 4 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.
]]> 10 more. View the full list on Letterboxd.