Black Christmas

Black Christmas

what i liked:

• olivia hussey (hellooooo... hellooooo)

• the marriage of christmas and halloween setting (the supposedly happiest time of the year becoming a horrific nightmare)

• the surprisingly progressive feminist themes for a film made in 1975 (abortion rights, men encroaching women-only spaces, domestic violence, violence against women irrespective of ages, slutshaming)

what i didnt like:

• the tremendous amount of suspension of disbelief needed from my side

• they can search the entire town but not the very house where the murder happened 

• “the killer is in the house, do not go upstairs, walk to the door and leave the house” that's what the cop tells her to do on the phone. what does she do? she walks upstairs towards the killer.

• they leave her in the same house without even conclusively solving the case.

these things were a big blocking point for me. 0 logic. and also, if we are already shown where the dead body is, hence aware of the truth, and then the film spends half of the runtime diverting everyone to another location, it seems pointless and feels frustrating. left me with an irredeemable feeling but lots of respect for being the influential and trailblazer film that it is. fun watch.

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