Wyatt’s review published on Letterboxd:
Ah yes, good evening humble Letterboxd user. I won't take up much of your time as I've probably done in my previous reviews, but yes, it's me once again and yes, I did just got see La La Land in theaters for the third time! Is it quite pitiful I can't seem to go see any other movie you might think? I would say equal parts yes and no. But my best friend still hadn't seen it and finally caved, so obviously I had to be the one to take her. Oh you don't think so? Someone else could have taken her? Well Pischekaka to you, or whatever Sebastian adorably says to Mia when she's feeling insecure!
**OMG SIDE RANT. What's worse? When a couple sits next to you and laughs at parts of the movie that are genuinely intended to be dramatic (*cough* the dinner fight scene *cough*) or when a person has such an unfortunate laugh you want to lean over a rip their tongue out? Both happened at this showing, yet somehow, I still enjoyed myself, which is definitely a first.
But perhaps I did this to myself, seeing the movie 3 times in 3 weeks, but I'm starting to have my reservations about the movie.
- The soundtrack is 100 but the use of City of Stars throughout the film does become a bit exhausting
- It's unclear to me whether we're supposed to interpret the ending as an ultimate point of cynicism, saying you can have dreams or you can have love but not both OR just that sometimes in order to accomplish one's dreams, we meet people that sometimes may not stick around but they will invariably impact our later success.
Yep, that's about it for now. Maybe it's not **perfect** but it's still **dazzling**.
Okay I'm going to watch other movies now I swear!!!!