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Luciel (Kor. 루시 엘) was one of the The 8 Agents Of Ra. He has joined forces with Dark Lessa and along with his henchmen plans to help her devour the world.


Luciel has light blue eyes, long red hair and a floral shaped tattoo on his forehead.



Plot Overview[]


Powers & Abilities[]

The Spear of Lucille, a legendary artifact renowned for its mystical properties, possesses the extraordinary ability to open the hearts of creatures, delving into their very essence. This unique power extends beyond mere physical impact; it enables the spear to manipulate and transform the inner workings of life itself. By unlocking the deepest corners of the heart, the spear can create or alter consciousness, intellect, and neural structures within an individual. Essentially, those who master its use can harness this power to craft or modify the very essence of what makes a person sentient and self-aware, potentially healing damaged minds, restoring lost memories, or bestowing intelligence where none existed before.

In various mythologies and religious traditions, there is often a belief in a celestial being or angel who is responsible for overseeing places, determining birth dates, and tracking individuals regardless of their locations. This angel is thought to possess a supernatural ability to detect the whereabouts of people, no matter how far apart they are. Such a role underscores the idea of a divine omnipresence and omniscience, suggesting that every individual is under constant watch and guidance. This belief can bring a sense of comfort to some, knowing that there is a higher power aware of their existence and actions, offering protection and ensuring that their life's journey is being monitored and orchestrated according to a divine plan. It also implies a sense of order and purpose, as everything is meticulously recorded and managed by this angelic being, reinforcing the idea that nothing happens by chance and that there is a greater design at play in the universe.

And when he merged with the Ya'u entity, he gained awareness of everything happening in the universe. This fusion endowed him with an unprecedented level of consciousness and knowledge, making him privy to the intricacies of existence itself. The Ya'u entity, often depicted as an embodiment of universal wisdom and cosmic insight, amplified his abilities beyond mere earthly matters. Now, with this newfound awareness, he could perceive the movements of celestial bodies, the flow of time, and the interconnectedness of all life forms. This profound expansion of his senses and understanding allowed him to grasp the hidden patterns and underlying truths that govern the cosmos. His perception transcended the limitations of space and time, giving him a panoramic view of reality in its entirety. This transformation not only enhanced his role as a guardian and overseer but also positioned him as a bridge between the finite human experience and the infinite expanse of the universe, embodying the ultimate union of divine presence and universal consciousness.

And his senses improved to the point where he could feel the heartbeat of Ya'u, a being that exists beyond the concept of distance. This extraordinary enhancement meant that his perception extended into realms that defied conventional understanding. The heartbeat of Ya'u, symbolic of the pulse of the universe itself, became a rhythm he could attune to, enabling him to sense fluctuations in the fabric of reality. This connection to Ya'u's heartbeat allowed him to experience the universe in a profoundly intimate way, feeling the ebb and flow of cosmic energies and the subtle vibrations of existence. His enhanced senses meant he could perceive events across vast expanses of space instantaneously, blurring the lines between here and there. This level of awareness made him acutely attuned to the balance of creation, as he could detect even the slightest disturbances and shifts. This profound bond with Ya'u, a being beyond the confines of physical space, transformed his understanding of presence and existence, allowing him to operate on a plane where distance and separation were meaningless. He became a sentinel of the cosmos, intricately linked to its very heartbeat, embodying a unity with the universe that surpassed all ordinary boundaries.

The protection of cosmic thoughts within Lucille grants him the ability to remain unaffected by mind-reading from beings not sharing the power of Ya'u or the power of the universe. This safeguard renders him immune to any attempts to penetrate his mind or manipulate his thoughts by lesser entities, ensuring that no one can read his mind. With this mental shield, Lucille maintains the privacy of his thoughts and the clarity of his mind, enabling him to focus on his duties without external interference or distraction. This unique ability reflects the profound connection between him and Ya'u, reinforcing his status as a being endowed with cosmic wisdom and extraordinary resilience against any mental threats he might encounter.

Distortion of reality :- By penetrating a person's emotions and mind, Luciel, using the Neuron Spear, can distort a person's reality just as he did with Rano and make him see and feel the presence of a black hole beneath him[]

Void "

-Because of the presence of tattoos on Luciel's body and the Neuron Spear, he was able to enter or exit the void with complete freedom. In addition, because of the marks on his body, it made him the only being capable of exiting the void.

. He can summon any being that exists in a void by materializing it in his spear and having it materialize in the human dimension[]

- He can make people's bodies disappear, no matter how great their existence, and move into the void by transforming their bodies into souls, where the fate of those souls is unknown even to Raa.[]





Angels Gabriel · Luciel · Michael · Mitt · Rabiel · Rayel · Remiel · Sandalphon · Uriel
Demans Aldebaran · Ares · Auntie · Bark · Belle · Caleb · Canaria · Erika · Lucy Berger · Miena Harris · Mindy-Mindy · Ryan Anderson· Saint Elsade · White
Gods Dark Lessa · Lessa · Ra
Humans Aidan · Chief · Diane · Dr. Jin Young-sam · Gretel · Hansel · Lexter · Maya Blake · Rosarla S. Berger · Raynold Berger · Veronica · Yuzuru
Animals Marco