Tessellation Chapter II: Rendering Terrain using Tessellation Shaders & Dynamic Levels of Detail
In the previous chapter, we implemented a terrain height map on the CPU and it worked but it had its deficiencies:
- The mesh generation is time intensive ( O(
). - The mesh storage is memory intensive to store the vertices and indices
(width * height * 3 * sizeof(float) + width * (height+1) * sizeof(unsigned int)
- almost 72MB in our example). - The mesh has a fixed uniform resolution (
width * height
vertices and(height-1) * (width*2)
triangles - 4,607,744 vertices and 9,206,730 triangles in our example). - The Vertex Shader needs to process a minimum of
width * height
vertices. - To draw the entire mesh, we need to have
height - 1
draw calls.
In this chapter we'll offload the work to the GPU making use of tessellation shaders to improve the performance and memory footprint. We will render the corresponding terrain using a new method:
- Dynamically subdividing a low resolution mesh on the GPU
This method will give us comparable results, greater control & flexibility, and better performance. In this chapter, we will expand our existing OpenGL Rendering Pipeline and introduce two new programmable shaders.
This chapter is organized in to the following sections:
- CPU / OpenGL Setup
- GPU Implementation using Tessellation Shaders
- Expanded Rendering Pipeline
- Tessellation Control Shader
- Tessellation Primitive Generation
- Tessellation Evaluation Shader
- Dynamic Level of Detail
- Exercises
- References
CPU / OpenGL Setup
The first step is to specify the number of vertices that make up each of our primitives. When dealing with tessellation, our new primitive type
is a patch denoted by the constant n
vertices that will be interpolated between.
The number of vertices per patch is specified CPU side via the OpenGL command below:
glPatchParameteri(GL_PATCH_VERTICES, 4);
Here we are specifying that each set of four verticies refer to a single patch (which matches our quad subdivision previously). Depending on your interpolation calculation, the number of vertices may vary. In the next chapter, we'll see an instance where we'll have more verticies used.
We'll set up our VBO as the set of vertices that represent our quad. We will do a course subdivision of our terrain. Here, width
and height
to the size of the height map image we read in. The rez
is the number of patches across and down our terrain. Therefore, we'll be generating rez2
patches, each to be individually tessellated. Each vertex of our quad has an (x,y,z) location in space and a (u,v) texture coordinate. The locations span through the X range of
[-width/2, width/2]
and Z range of [-height/2, height/2
. Y is set to be zero and will be modified by the height map in our shaders. The texture coordinates
span [0, 1]
to correspond to each resolution block of the texture.
// vertex generation
std::vector<float> vertices;
unsigned rez = 20;
for(unsigned i = 0; i <= rez-1; i++)
for(unsigned j = 0; j <= rez-1; j++)
vertices.push_back(-width/2.0f + width*i/(float)rez); // v.x
vertices.push_back(0.0f); // v.y
vertices.push_back(-height/2.0f + height*j/(float)rez); // v.z
vertices.push_back(i / (float)rez); // u
vertices.push_back(j / (float)rez); // v
vertices.push_back(-width/2.0f + width*(i+1)/(float)rez); // v.x
vertices.push_back(0.0f); // v.y
vertices.push_back(-height/2.0f + height*j/(float)rez); // v.z
vertices.push_back((i+1) / (float)rez); // u
vertices.push_back(j / (float)rez); // v
vertices.push_back(-width/2.0f + width*i/(float)rez); // v.x
vertices.push_back(0.0f); // v.y
vertices.push_back(-height/2.0f + height*(j+1)/(float)rez); // v.z
vertices.push_back(i / (float)rez); // u
vertices.push_back((j+1) / (float)rez); // v
vertices.push_back(-width/2.0f + width*(i+1)/(float)rez); // v.x
vertices.push_back(0.0f); // v.y
vertices.push_back(-height/2.0f + height*(j+1)/(float)rez); // v.z
vertices.push_back((i+1) / (float)rez); // u
vertices.push_back((j+1) / (float)rez); // v
We'll send the vertices
vector to a VBO. When it comes time to actually render and draw the patch, we'll use the same draw command we're accustomed to
but using the primtive type GL_PATCHES
glBindVertexArray (terrainVAO);
glDrawArrays (GL_PATCHES, 0, 4*rez*rez);
That is the extent of what's done on the CPU and via OpenGL. We specify the vertices per patch and will leave the subdivision of each patch to the GPU and our tessellation shaders.
GPU Implementation using Tessellation Shaders
The previous chapter performed the quad subdivision once on the CPU and then sent the precomputed results to the GPU to render. We will now move the quad subdivision to the GPU. The quad subdivision, or tessellation of the quad, is broken in to three steps:
- Determine how much tessellation to do
- Perform the tessellation to generate intermediate points
- Evaluate the intermediate point to generate a new vertex point
Each of those three steps will correspond to each of the new stages in our rendering pipeline.
Expanded Rendering Pipeline
The Geometry Shader sits after the Vertex Shader and before the clipping & culling
stage of the pipeline. However, between the Vertex and Geometry Shaders are two more optional shaders called the
The image below displays a simplified OpenGL Rendering Pipeline. The boxes name each stage in the pipeline and the clouds name the input/output objects for each stage.

The new stages we have added, and their responsibilites, are:
Tessellation Control Shader - Determine how much tessellation to doTessellation Primitive Generator - Perform the tessellation to generate intermediate pointsTessellation Evaluation Shader - Evaluate the intermediate point to generate a new vertex point
As we walk through the tessellation process, we will start the shader program with a simple pass-through vertex shader, shown below.
// vertex shader
#version 410 core
// vertex position
layout (location = 0) in vec3 aPos;
// texture coordinate
layout (location = 1) in vec2 aTex;
out vec2 TexCoord;
void main()
// convert XYZ vertex to XYZW homogeneous coordinate
gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 1.0);
// pass texture coordinate though
TexCoord = aTex;
Tessellation Control Shader (TCS)
The main task of the control shader, as stated above, is to determine how much tessellation to do. How that is done specifically is a multistep process. The three steps are the following:
- Specify the number of vertices per patch
- Perform any transformations to each vertex of the patch
- Specify the tessellation levels to perform - which controls how much tessellation to do
When specifying the number of vertices per patch, this value needs to match the number specified on the CPU. This is accomplished via a output layout parameter.
layout (vertices=4) out;
The tessellation control shader will be run on each vertex that is part of the patch. The shader receives its inputs as an array whose size equals the number of vertices
in the patch. The built-in GLSL variable
// varying input from vertex shader
in vec2 TexCoord[];
// varying output to evaluation shader
out vec2 TextureCoord[];
The vertex positional data gets sent through the built-in GLSL variables
in gl_PerVertex
vec4 gl_Position;
float gl_PointSize;
float gl_ClipDistance[];
} gl_in[gl_MaxPatchVertices];
With all the inputs and outputs set up properly, we're ready to pass through all of the vertex attribute data.
gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;
TextureCoord[gl_InvocationID] = TexCoord[gl_InvocationID];
Now that we've specified the patch data, the final step is to actually specify how much tessellation to do. How the tessellation is performed exactly will be described
below in the next section. Each edge of our quad can be subdivided independently. Therefore, there are four different edge values we can set as specified by the built-in
GLSL array

We will set each element within the two arrays to the number of subdivisions to perform. These are float values and how these values get used will be explained below when the tessellation algorithm is explained. Initially, we will hardcode all the values to be 16. This will be result in 162 tessellated points to be generated.
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = 16;
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 16;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = 16;
The full tessellation control shader code looks as follows:
// tessellation control shader
#version 410 core
// specify number of control points per patch output
// this value controls the size of the input and output arrays
layout (vertices=4) out;
// varying input from vertex shader
in vec2 TexCoord[];
// varying output to evaluation shader
out vec2 TextureCoord[];
void main()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// pass attributes through
gl_out[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in[gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;
TextureCoord[gl_InvocationID] = TexCoord[gl_InvocationID];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// invocation zero controls tessellation levels for the entire patch
if (gl_InvocationID == 0)
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = 16;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = 16;
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = 16;
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = 16;
Tessellation Primitive Generation
The Tessellation Primitive Generator is responsible for doing the actual tessellation of the patch and generating each intermediate point. There is no specific shader code written for the Tessellation Primitive Generator. However, it uses the output of the tessellation control shader and the input of the tessellation evaluation shader to dictate how the generation is performed. The tessellation control shader output the tessellation levels, or number of times to subdivide each edge. The tessellation evaluation shader's input then specifies how to space the subdivisions on each edge. There are three options for how to specify the subdivision spacing:
- creates subdivisions of equal sizesfractional_odd_spacing
- creates an odd number of subdivisions broken into long & short segmentsfractional_even_spacing
- creates an even number of subdivisions broken into long & short segments
A visual of each option is shown below. For more details and specifics, jump over to the OpenGL Wiki page.

The tessellation is performed in a two-step process - first the inner patch is recursively tessellated and then the outer edges are subdivided. The image below shows different tessellations that would result based on different values of the inner tessellation levels.

Once the inner rings have been generated, the outer ring was its final intermediate points generated based on each outer tessellation level.

The abstract patch space spans its dimensions within the range [0, 1]
. Each intermediate point is represented by a fractional coordinate (u, v)
that corresponds to its location within the patch. The tessellation evaluation shader will then be run on every generated intermediate point.
Tessellation Evaluation Shader
The Tessellation Evaluation Shader has a relatively simple job after the above steps have been completed - to specify the (x, y, z)
location of the
generated intermediate point. The presence of the tessellation evaluation shader in the pipeline is what triggers the tessellation primitive generation. Therefore,
the inputs for the tessellation primitive generator are placed in the tessellation evaluation shader as input layout paramaters. We will need to specify the
abstract patch type and can optionally specify the spacing and winding order for the generated primitives. Our patch is representing a quad to be subdivided, so
the patch type will be triangles
and isolines
). The spacing options were outlined above and
the winding order can be either ccw
being the default.
layout (quads, fractional_odd_spacing, ccw) in;
The tessellation evaluation shader receives the following inputs:
- the array of patch vertices, again through the built-in
- the array of varying attributes
- the 2D tessellation coordinate for the generated point through the built-in
We then use the gl_TessCoord
values as the parameters to interpolate the patch vertices as desired. Here, we will apply the same quad subdivision as
we did CPU side in the previous chapter. The difference being that we are now determining the interpolated texture coordinate and final vertex position within the GPU
in parallel, opposed to on the CPU in sequence. The process is also simplified since our code is performing only a single interpolation opposed to having to generate
the fractional interpolation parameters and do the interpolation. We have now offloaded the generation of the interpolation parameters to the tessellation primitive
The full tessellation evaluation shader is displayed below with equivalent steps from the CPU tessellation subdivision.
// tessellation evaluation shader
#version 410 core
layout (quads, fractional_odd_spacing, ccw) in;
uniform sampler2D heightMap; // the texture corresponding to our height map
uniform mat4 model; // the model matrix
uniform mat4 view; // the view matrix
uniform mat4 projection; // the projection matrix
// received from Tessellation Control Shader - all texture coordinates for the patch vertices
in vec2 TextureCoord[];
// send to Fragment Shader for coloring
out float Height;
void main()
// get patch coordinate
float u = gl_TessCoord.x;
float v = gl_TessCoord.y;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// retrieve control point texture coordinates
vec2 t00 = TextureCoord[0];
vec2 t01 = TextureCoord[1];
vec2 t10 = TextureCoord[2];
vec2 t11 = TextureCoord[3];
// bilinearly interpolate texture coordinate across patch
vec2 t0 = (t01 - t00) * u + t00;
vec2 t1 = (t11 - t10) * u + t10;
vec2 texCoord = (t1 - t0) * v + t0;
// lookup texel at patch coordinate for height and scale + shift as desired
Height = texture(heightMap, texCoord).y * 64.0 - 16.0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// retrieve control point position coordinates
vec4 p00 = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
vec4 p01 = gl_in[1].gl_Position;
vec4 p10 = gl_in[2].gl_Position;
vec4 p11 = gl_in[3].gl_Position;
// compute patch surface normal
vec4 uVec = p01 - p00;
vec4 vVec = p10 - p00;
vec4 normal = normalize( vec4(cross(vVec.xyz, uVec.xyz), 0) );
// bilinearly interpolate position coordinate across patch
vec4 p0 = (p01 - p00) * u + p00;
vec4 p1 = (p11 - p10) * u + p10;
vec4 p = (p1 - p0) * v + p0;
// displace point along normal
p += normal * Height;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// output patch point position in clip space
gl_Position = projection * view * model * p;
The Height
value is then used in the fragment shader to apply a grayscale color based on the
relative height. A sample fragment shader used is below:
#version 410 core
in float Height;
out vec4 FragColor;
void main()
float h = (Height + 16)/64.0f;
FragColor = vec4(h, h, h, 1.0);
The result is shown below:

When we view the wireframe of the full terrain, we can see the tessellation of each patch.

If we outline each patch, we have a visual of the course resolution of our patch array:

And the tessellation patch by patch:

Dynamic Level of Detail
In the above TCS code we are hard coding every patch to use tessellation levels of 16 uniformly across all patches. This effectively is the same as we had done on the CPU - pick a fixed resolution and render it. We do get the memory and performance boosts from running in parallel on the GPU. The benefit and power of tessellation shaders is to dynamically calculate the resolution of the subdivision to produce the desired geometry. We will walk through a distanced-based model to compute the tessellation levels. Due to our perspective projection, we need a high level of detail for meshes that are near the camera and can use a lower level of detail for meshes that are far away from the camera.
The Tessellation Control Shader controls the tessellation level of the patch so we must have it present in our shader program to accomplish this task. We only need to perform these calculations once per patch since the 0th-indexed vertex sets the tessellation levels for the entire patch. We'll linearly interpolate the tessellation levels based the depth of the patch. This process is accomplished in six steps:
- Define parameters: We'll be interpolating between a range of tessellation levels and need to define a
MIN_TESS_LEVEL andMAX_TESS_LEVEL . Additionally, the distance is used as the interpolation parameter and we'll define aMIN_DISTANCE andMAX_DISTANCE to clamp the patch distance within. These distance parameters are also used in the third step to normalize the patch distance. - Transform patch vertices to eye space: By transforming our patch vertices in to eye space, the z-component of
the coordinate corresponds to the distance to the camera. This distance is in world space scale just relative to the camera.
- Compute normalized distance to camera: By normalizing the distance to the camera, we're computing how far
this vertex's distance lies between our distance range. This percentage is then used in the next step to compute the same
relative distance between the tessellation levels. After this normalization is completed, the value returned will be in the
[0.0, 1.0]
where a smaller value corresponds to being closer to the camera. - Interpolate outer tessellation levels: We computed the normalized distance for each vertex of our patch. These vertices
coorespond to the corner of a quad. The tessellation levels correspond to the edges of the quads. For each edge, we'll use the vertex
that is closer to the camera as the interpolation parameter to result in a higher level of detail. For each edge, we'll interpolate
from the maximum tessellation level (more detail) at close distances to the camera down to the minimum tessellation level (less detail) at
far distances to the camera.
- Set outer tessellation levels: Assign each corresponding outer tessellation level for the corresponding edge.
- Compute & set inner tessellation levels: Each inner tessellation level is along the same dimension as two outer tessellation levels. Use the higher outer tessellation level for the inner tessellation level.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// invocation zero controls tessellation levels for the entire patch
if(gl_InvocationID == 0)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1: define constants to control tessellation parameters
// set these as desired for your world scale
const int MIN_TESS_LEVEL = 4;
const int MAX_TESS_LEVEL = 64;
const float MIN_DISTANCE = 20;
const float MAX_DISTANCE = 800;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2: transform each vertex into eye space
vec4 eyeSpacePos00 = view * model * gl_in[0].gl_Position;
vec4 eyeSpacePos01 = view * model * gl_in[1].gl_Position;
vec4 eyeSpacePos10 = view * model * gl_in[2].gl_Position;
vec4 eyeSpacePos11 = view * model * gl_in[3].gl_Position;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3: "distance" from camera scaled between 0 and 1
float distance00 = clamp((abs(eyeSpacePos00.z)-MIN_DISTANCE) / (MAX_DISTANCE-MIN_DISTANCE), 0.0, 1.0);
float distance01 = clamp((abs(eyeSpacePos01.z)-MIN_DISTANCE) / (MAX_DISTANCE-MIN_DISTANCE), 0.0, 1.0);
float distance10 = clamp((abs(eyeSpacePos10.z)-MIN_DISTANCE) / (MAX_DISTANCE-MIN_DISTANCE), 0.0, 1.0);
float distance11 = clamp((abs(eyeSpacePos11.z)-MIN_DISTANCE) / (MAX_DISTANCE-MIN_DISTANCE), 0.0, 1.0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4: interpolate edge tessellation level based on closer vertex
float tessLevel0 = mix( MAX_TESS_LEVEL, MIN_TESS_LEVEL, min(distance10, distance00) );
float tessLevel1 = mix( MAX_TESS_LEVEL, MIN_TESS_LEVEL, min(distance00, distance01) );
float tessLevel2 = mix( MAX_TESS_LEVEL, MIN_TESS_LEVEL, min(distance01, distance11) );
float tessLevel3 = mix( MAX_TESS_LEVEL, MIN_TESS_LEVEL, min(distance11, distance10) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5: set the corresponding outer edge tessellation levels
gl_TessLevelOuter[0] = tessLevel0;
gl_TessLevelOuter[1] = tessLevel1;
gl_TessLevelOuter[2] = tessLevel2;
gl_TessLevelOuter[3] = tessLevel3;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 6: set the inner tessellation levels to the max of the two parallel edges
gl_TessLevelInner[0] = max(tessLevel1, tessLevel3);
gl_TessLevelInner[1] = max(tessLevel0, tessLevel2);
The dynamic tessellation levels of each patch is not necessarily noticeable right away when looking at the resultant image.

When we look at the wireframe model, we can more clearly see the patch resolution increasing as the points get closer to the camera. This is purposely a drastic change in the image to demonstrate the effect that can be accomplished. In practice, you would likely want a smoother more gradual transition.

You can find the complete source code for this chapter here. In the next chapter, we'll take a look at using tessellation shaders to render smooth curves and surfaces.
Some additional techniques to add on and investigate:
- Biome Mapping: In addition to using a height map for the shape of the terrain, use climate
simulation to map the temperature, moisture, and other data for the appearance of the terrain. A simple
example of ocean/beach/forest/mountain/snow biomes based on the elevation is shown below.
- Procedurally Generate Infinite Terrain: Instead of reading height data from a predefined and static height map texture of fixed size, use a noise function to generate the height data through space.
- Roughness-based Level of Detail: Instead of naïvely using the eye space distance of the patch corner points to determine the appropriate tessellation levels, use the roughness of the patch to determine the appropriate tessellation level.
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