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New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Rod Begbie

Originally from Scotland, Rod now lives in San Francisco, CA and works as an Engineering Manager at Dropbox.

Originally from Scotland, Rod now lives in Barcelona and is an engineering leadership coach at BestPracticer. Before this, he spent four years as a Senior Engineering Manager at Dropbox. Past lives have been as Co-Founder & CTO of Sosh, VP of Software Engineering at Anova Culinary, and writing code at places like Slide, Bose, and – for 39 days – Google. His writing is featured in O’Reilly’s ’97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts’.

Getting to know your team’s strengths and weaknesses

How can engineering leaders understand more about what makes their reports happy, and leverage their strengths to build a happy and productive team?


Best practice for seamless product integration

How to achieve successful integration within existing infrastructure


Filtering your language as an engineering leader

How to improve your ability to convey intended meaning

Increase your hiring success with job success profiles

Don’t make your life harder by not knowing who the right person for the job is

Estimating your way to success

Improving your ability to predict the future

The geometry of software teams

What shape is your team in?

Taking charge of your career growth

Set OKRs and see your personal development soar

Hypothesis-driven development

Using scientific process to create better process in tech

Being right is only half the battle: how to optimize your interpersonal connections

True or False. Zero or One. Computers are viciously black and white in their logic. Humans, on the other hand, are messy — Emotional, forgetful, biased and opinionated.
