
Life at Duke Law

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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Diversity at Duke Law is more than a statement: It is part of our educational mission. Duke Law values diversity, in the broadest sense, as a valuable goal in itself and because the law is a field and profession that must serve and protect all members of society.

The educational experience of our students is demonstrably enriched by an exchange of ideas and experiences among students, faculty, staff, and alumni who contribute diverse perspectives among other factors and identities. The age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, cultural backgrounds, educational experience, political perspectives, work experience, and physical ability or disability of each member of our community offer opportunities for us to deepen our understanding of our society and our roles as lawyers, leaders, and public servants.

Student Climate Survey

In September 2020, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee conducted a web-based climate survey of all students enrolled at the Law School. A total of 428 students completed the survey, which canvassed the students on diversity broadly.

Law School building
Campus Survey

Nearly 13,000 Duke University staff, faculty, and students responded to the April 2021 Duke Campus Survey, which included questions designed to develop an understanding of the current state of the campus climate and to identify areas of concern and priorities as we move forward in our racial equity work. 

Report an incident
Call to Action Content

To report harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, or related retaliation, or if you have related questions or concerns, please contact Duke's Office for Institutional Equity.

☎ 919-684-8222

✉ [email protected]

⚠ Report an Incident

Law School students who would like assistance navigating these options or who have concerns about any of these issues can also contact Lewis Hutchison, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.

Harassment Prevention Advisors (HPAs) are Duke administrators trained to help students with harassment concerns or complaints, including those involving Title IX. The Law School HPAs are Elizabeth Gustafson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and William Hoye, Associate Dean, Admissions & Student Affairs. When responding to harassment concerns or complaints, HPAs are unable to guarantee confidentiality.