[self.webView.scrollView.panGestureRecognizer setMinimumNumberOfTouches:2];
この記事はProcessing Advent Calendar 22日目の記事です。
久々のブログ更新がAdvent Calendarというね…
Advent Calendarに向けて何しよーかなーと考えていた時期、くろねこは毎週の中二病が楽しみでした。
openFramewoks – OSC (Open Sound Control) を利用したネットワーク連携
// oscP5 setting oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 10001); oscDestination = new NetAddress("", 10001);
// send osc message with velocity value OscMessage messageForPd = new OscMessage("/p5/soundValue"); messageForPd.add(velocityValue(distance)); oscP5.send(messageForPd, oscDestination);
必要になるのはSound APIあたり。
Minim | code.compartmental
import processing.opengl.*; import javax.media.opengl.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.signals.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import ddf.minim.effects.*; PGraphics tex; List<Agent> agents; long time; int groundArea = 1000; int agentArea = 700; int agentNumber = 512; // equal to line input buffer size // for boid theory int DIST_THRESHOLD1 = 10; int DIST_THRESHOLD2 = 20; int DIST_THRESHOLD3 = 30; float FACTOR_COHESION = 100; float FACTOR_SEPARATION = 10; float FACTOR_ALINGMENT = 10; float VELOCITY_LIMIT = 3; float TRAIL_SCALE = 2; float rCohesion = 1.0; // pull to center of agent float rSeparation = 0.8; // avoid bunching up float rAlignment = 0.1; // match average agent speed // for Sound API Minim minim; AudioInput in; int JUMPHIGH = 300; void setup(){ size(1280, 800, OPENGL); tex = createTexture(); minim=new Minim(this); in = minim.getLineIn(Minim.STEREO,agentNumber); agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); for(int i = 0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ float x = random(-agentArea, agentArea); float z = random(-agentArea, agentArea); agents.add(new Agent(new PVector(x, 0, z))); } } void draw(){ background(0); // camera setting float angle = 0.05f * radians(time); camera(800, -200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); rotateY(angle); pushStyle(); // enable additive synthesis PGraphicsOpenGL pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL)g; GL gl = pgl.beginGL(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE); pgl.endGL(); // draw agents noStroke(); fill(0); for(int i = 0; i < agents.size(); ++i){ // decide how much agent jump off float jump = pow(in.left.get(i),2) * JUMPHIGH; if(jump > 0){ jump *= -1; } agents.get(i).update(jump); } popStyle(); // draw ground pushStyle(); stroke(255, 255, 255, 100); for(int x = -groundArea; x <= groundArea; x += groundArea/10) line(x, 0, -groundArea, x, 0, groundArea); for(int z = -groundArea; z <= groundArea; z += groundArea/10) line(-groundArea, 0, z, groundArea, 0, z); popStyle(); time++; } void stop(){ in.close(); minim.stop(); super.stop(); } PGraphics createTexture(){ PGraphics tex = createGraphics(100, 100, P2D); float r = tex.width * 2 / 3; tex.beginDraw(); tex.background(0); tex.noStroke(); tex.fill(100, 255, 150); tex.ellipse(tex.width/2, tex.height/2, r, r); tex.filter(BLUR, 10.0); tex.endDraw(); return tex; } class Agent{ private final float TERRITORY_SIZE = 2000; private final float NOISE_SCALE = 0.001f; private final float AGENT_SIZE = random(50); private PVector center; private PVector offset; private PVector pos; private long elapse; float xOffset, zOffset; // for noise injection PVector vCohesion; PVector vSeparation; PVector vAlignment; PVector velocity; Agent(PVector center){ this.center = center; pos = new PVector(); offset = new PVector(); xOffset = random(TERRITORY_SIZE); zOffset = random(TERRITORY_SIZE); vCohesion = new PVector(); vSeparation = new PVector(); vAlignment = new PVector(); velocity = new PVector(); } PVector getPos(){ return pos; } PVector getVelocity(){ return velocity; } void update(float jump){ // redraw agent // apply boid theory vCohesion.x = vCohesion.y = vSeparation.x = vSeparation.y = vAlignment.x = vAlignment.y = 0; /** * Boid Theory * 1. Cohesion: distance itself from objects -> close to others * 2. Separation: too close to objects -> keep it away from each other * 3. Alignment: run parallel to others **/ cohesion(); separation(); alignment(); velocity.x += rCohesion * vCohesion.x + rSeparation * vSeparation.x + rAlignment * vAlignment.x; velocity.z += rCohesion * vCohesion.z + rSeparation * vSeparation.z + rAlignment * vAlignment.z; limitVelocity(); // tercel_method (use perlin noise) + boid theory elapse++; offset.x = (noise((elapse + xOffset + velocity.x) * NOISE_SCALE) -0.5f) * TERRITORY_SIZE; offset.z = (noise((elapse + zOffset + velocity.z) * NOISE_SCALE) -0.5f) * TERRITORY_SIZE; pushMatrix(); pos.set(center.x + offset.x, center.y - AGENT_SIZE + 0.5 + jump, center.z + offset.z); translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); // 以下変更なしです∩(・ω・)∩ // billboarding PMatrix3D billboardMat = (PMatrix3D)g.getMatrix(); // set unit matrix as rotation factor billboardMat.m00 = billboardMat.m11 = billboardMat.m22 = 1; billboardMat.m01 = billboardMat.m02 = billboardMat.m10 = billboardMat.m12 = billboardMat.m20 = billboardMat.m21 = 0; resetMatrix(); applyMatrix(billboardMat); beginShape(QUADS); texture(tex); vertex(-0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, -AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0); vertex(-0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0, tex.height-1); vertex(0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, tex.width, tex.height-1); vertex(0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, -AGENT_SIZE, 0, tex.width, 0); endShape(); popMatrix(); } void limitVelocity(){ float velocitySize = sqrt(sq(velocity.x) + sq(velocity.z)); if(velocitySize > VELOCITY_LIMIT){ velocity.x = (velocity.x/velocitySize)*VELOCITY_LIMIT; velocity.z = (velocity.z/velocitySize)*VELOCITY_LIMIT; } } void cohesion(){ float len = 0; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len > DIST_THRESHOLD2 && len < DIST_THRESHOLD3){ vCohesion.x += a.getPos().x; vCohesion.z += a.getPos().z; count++; } } } if(count > 0){ vCohesion.x /= count; vCohesion.z /= count; vCohesion.x = (vCohesion.x - this.pos.x) / FACTOR_COHESION; vCohesion.z = (vCohesion.z - this.pos.z) / FACTOR_COHESION; } } void separation(){ float len = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len < DIST_THRESHOLD1){ vSeparation.x -= (a.getPos().x - this.pos.x)/FACTOR_SEPARATION; vSeparation.z -= (a.getPos().z - this.pos.z)/FACTOR_SEPARATION; } } } } void alignment(){ float len = 0; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len > DIST_THRESHOLD1 && len < DIST_THRESHOLD2){ vAlignment.x += a.getVelocity().x; vAlignment.z += a.getVelocity().z; count++; } } } if(count > 0){ vAlignment.x /= count; vAlignment.z /= count; vAlignment.x = (vAlignment.x - velocity.x)/FACTOR_ALINGMENT; vAlignment.z = (vAlignment.z - velocity.z)/FACTOR_ALINGMENT; } } }
import processing.opengl.*; import javax.media.opengl.*; PGraphics tex; List<Agent> agents; long time; int groundArea = 1000; int agentArea = 200; int agentNumber = 100; // for boid theory int DIST_THRESHOLD1 = 10; int DIST_THRESHOLD2 = 20; int DIST_THRESHOLD3 = 30; float FACTOR_COHESION = 100; float FACTOR_SEPARATION = 10; float FACTOR_ALINGMENT = 10; float VELOCITY_LIMIT = 3; float TRAIL_SCALE = 2; float rCohesion = 1.0; // pull to center of agent float rSeparation = 0.8; // avoid bunching up float rAlignment = 0.1; // match average agent speed void setup(){ size(800, 600, OPENGL); tex = createTexture(); agents = new ArrayList<Agent>(); for(int i = 0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ float x = random(-agentArea, agentArea); float z = random(-agentArea, agentArea); agents.add(new Agent(new PVector(x, 0, z))); } } void draw(){ background(0); // camera setting float angle = 0.05f * radians(time); camera(800, -200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); rotateY(angle); pushStyle(); // enable additive synthesis PGraphicsOpenGL pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL)g; GL gl = pgl.beginGL(); gl.glDisable(GL.GL_DEPTH_TEST); gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND); gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE); pgl.endGL(); // draw agents noStroke(); fill(0); for(int i = 0; i < agents.size(); ++i){ agents.get(i).update(); } popStyle(); // draw ground and axis pushStyle(); stroke(255, 255, 255, 100); for(int x = -groundArea; x <= groundArea; x += groundArea/10) line(x, 0, -groundArea, x, 0, groundArea); for(int z = -groundArea; z <= groundArea; z += groundArea/10) line(-groundArea, 0, z, groundArea, 0, z); popStyle(); time++; } PGraphics createTexture(){ PGraphics tex = createGraphics(100, 100, P2D); float r = tex.width * 2 / 3; tex.beginDraw(); tex.background(0); tex.noStroke(); tex.fill(100, 255, 150); tex.ellipse(tex.width/2, tex.height/2, r, r); tex.filter(BLUR, 10.0); tex.endDraw(); return tex; } class Agent{ private final float TERRITORY_SIZE = 2000; private final float NOISE_SCALE = 0.001f; private final float AGENT_SIZE = random(50); private PVector center; private PVector offset; private PVector pos; private long elapse; float xOffset, zOffset; // for noise injection PVector vCohesion; PVector vSeparation; PVector vAlignment; PVector velocity; Agent(PVector center){ this.center = center; pos = new PVector(); offset = new PVector(); xOffset = random(TERRITORY_SIZE); zOffset = random(TERRITORY_SIZE); vCohesion = new PVector(); vSeparation = new PVector(); vAlignment = new PVector(); velocity = new PVector(); } PVector getPos(){ return pos; } PVector getVelocity(){ return velocity; } void update(){ // redraw agent // apply boid theory vCohesion.x = vCohesion.y = vSeparation.x = vSeparation.y = vAlignment.x = vAlignment.y = 0; /** * Boid Theory * 1. Cohesion: distance itself from objects -> close to others * 2. Separation: too close to objects -> keep it away from each other * 3. Alignment: run parallel to others **/ cohesion(); separation(); alignment(); velocity.x += rCohesion * vCohesion.x + rSeparation * vSeparation.x + rAlignment * vAlignment.x; velocity.z += rCohesion * vCohesion.z + rSeparation * vSeparation.z + rAlignment * vAlignment.z; limitVelocity(); // tercel_method (use perlin noise) + boid theory elapse++; offset.x = (noise((elapse + xOffset + velocity.x) * NOISE_SCALE) -0.5f) * TERRITORY_SIZE; offset.z = (noise((elapse + zOffset + velocity.z) * NOISE_SCALE) -0.5f) * TERRITORY_SIZE; pushMatrix(); pos.set(center.x + offset.x, center.y - AGENT_SIZE + 0.5, center.z + offset.z); translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); // billboarding PMatrix3D billboardMat = (PMatrix3D)g.getMatrix(); // set unit matrix as rotation factor billboardMat.m00 = billboardMat.m11 = billboardMat.m22 = 1; billboardMat.m01 = billboardMat.m02 = billboardMat.m10 = billboardMat.m12 = billboardMat.m20 = billboardMat.m21 = 0; resetMatrix(); applyMatrix(billboardMat); beginShape(QUADS); texture(tex); vertex(-0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, -AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0); vertex(-0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, 0, tex.height-1); vertex(0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, 0, 0, tex.width, tex.height-1); vertex(0.5f * AGENT_SIZE, -AGENT_SIZE, 0, tex.width, 0); endShape(); popMatrix(); } void limitVelocity(){ float velocitySize = sqrt(sq(velocity.x) + sq(velocity.z)); if(velocitySize > VELOCITY_LIMIT){ velocity.x = (velocity.x/velocitySize)*VELOCITY_LIMIT; velocity.z = (velocity.z/velocitySize)*VELOCITY_LIMIT; } } void cohesion(){ float len = 0; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len > DIST_THRESHOLD2 && len < DIST_THRESHOLD3){ vCohesion.x += a.getPos().x; vCohesion.z += a.getPos().z; count++; } } } if(count > 0){ vCohesion.x /= count; vCohesion.z /= count; vCohesion.x = (vCohesion.x - this.pos.x) / FACTOR_COHESION; vCohesion.z = (vCohesion.z - this.pos.z) / FACTOR_COHESION; } } void separation(){ float len = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len < DIST_THRESHOLD1){ vSeparation.x -= (a.getPos().x - this.pos.x)/FACTOR_SEPARATION; vSeparation.z -= (a.getPos().z - this.pos.z)/FACTOR_SEPARATION; } } } } void alignment(){ float len = 0; int count = 0; for(int i=0; i < agentNumber; ++i){ Agent a = agents.get(i); if(this != a){ len = dist(this.pos.x, this.pos.z, a.getPos().x, a.getPos().z); if(len > DIST_THRESHOLD1 && len < DIST_THRESHOLD2){ vAlignment.x += a.getVelocity().x; vAlignment.z += a.getVelocity().z; count++; } } } if(count > 0){ vAlignment.x /= count; vAlignment.z /= count; vAlignment.x = (vAlignment.x - velocity.x)/FACTOR_ALINGMENT; vAlignment.z = (vAlignment.z - velocity.z)/FACTOR_ALINGMENT; } } }
iOS deviceで加速度センサーをロギング+csvファイル出力まで。
1. UIAccelerometerDelegateをプロトコル宣言しておく。
@interface HogeViewController : UIViewController <UIAccelerometerDelegate>{ ...
2. 検出するタイミングを指定。
[[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer]setUpdateInterval:0.1]; [[UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer]setDelegate:self];
3. (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)accelerationで検出。
- (void)accelerometer:(UIAccelerometer *)accelerometer didAccelerate:(UIAcceleration *)acceleration{ NSLog(@"x:%f",acceleration.x); // x-axis NSLog(@"y:%f",acceleration.y); // y-axis NSLog(@"z:%f",acceleration.z); // z-axis }
NSMutableArray accelerationData = [[NSMutableArray array] retain]; // センサーログ NSDate startTime = [[NSDate date] retain]; // プログラム実行開始時刻 ... // 出力フォーマット生成 NSTimeInterval elapsedTime = [startTime timeIntervalSinceNow]; // 経過時刻 NSString* str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f,%f,%f,%f",-elapsedTime,acceleration.x,acceleration.y,acceleration.z]; [accelerationData addObject:str]; ... // 出力先パス指定 NSDateFormatter* format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; NSString *dateFormatter = @"yyMMdd_HHmmss"; [format setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"JST"]]; [format setDateFormat:dateFormatter]; NSString *dateStr = [format stringFromDate:startTime]; NSString* path = [[NSString stringWithString:@"~/Documents"]stringByExpandingTildeInPath]; path = [path stringByAppendingString:@"log_"]; path = [path stringByAppendingString:dateStr]; path = [path stringByAppendingString:@".csv"]; ... // ファイル生成 NSString* fullstring = [accelerationData componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"]; [fullstring writeToFile:path atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
参考:Posting Source Code — Support — WordPress.com
void startRequest(){ // Creating and starting the request BasicAuth wiki_authenticator = new BasicAuth(user, pass); Authenticator.setDefault(wiki_authenticator); System.setProperty("java.net.useSystemProxies","true"); pagenumber = int(random(urls.size()-1)); String request_page = urls.get(pagenumber); req = new HTMLRequest(this,request_page); req.makeRequest(); }