
Copyright & Usage
All materials published or otherwise accessible through the website (henceforth, “the Content”) are protected by copyright and are the property of Robert J. Lang unless specifically noted. This includes (but is not limited to) articles, text, photographs, images, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, and software. The Content is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. and international copyright laws and conventions. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, sale, distribution, performance, display or exploitation of any of the Content, whether in whole or in part, without the express written permission of Robert J. Lang is prohibited. No web posting of the Content is permitted.

Notwithstanding the above, visitors may download or copy, one-time only, the Content and other downloadable items displayed on this site for personal, non-commercial use only, provided that visitors maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such Content, e.g., by downloading and/or printing this page.

Permission is also expressly granted for academic use of the Content. Such use is limited to inclusion of the Content in assignments and classroom presentations prepared by students, and to duplication of the Content for distribution to students by instructors.

Origami Copyright
An origami figure is a creative expression, which is a form of intellectual property that is protected by copyright law in the U.S. and abroad. All rights in a copyrighted work belongs to the composer of the figure. In origami, the folded figure, photographs and other images of the folded work, and printed or electronic instructions for folding the work, are all protected by copyright
.Under copyright law, origami instructions are treated much like a musical composition or a piece of software. Personal use is permitted, but any commercial use or republication requires the express permission of the composer. With respect to instructions, both the composer of the origami figure as well as the diagrammer (if different) possess rights. In addition, the original composer retains rights in derivative works, i.e., modifications of the design. In both law and practice, one must obtain permission from both the composer and the diagrammer before republication or other commercial usage is allowed.
No Endorsements
Links to third-party websites are provided for convenience only. No endorsement of any third party products or services is expressed or implied by any information, material or content referred to or included on, or linked from or to this site. has no control over the content of third-party websites. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use is free of such items as viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature. In no event will Robert J. Lang be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this website, or any other hyperlinked website, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if we are expressly advised of the possibility of such damages.
Is there somewhere on your site where I can download diagrams?
No. My diagrams are in my books and other publications. You’ll have to buy the publication to get the diagrams (there are links in the Books section).
Governing Law & Jurisdiction
This site (excluding linked websites) is controlled by Robert J. Lang from within the state of California, USA. By accessing this website, you agree that all matters relating to access to, or use of, this website shall be governed by the laws and courts of the state of California.
Questions About This Website
  • Q. May I print out some of this website for my report?
  • A. Assuming this is a non-commercial academic work, yes. This type of use is encouraged.
  • Q. May I place some of this website on my Internet site?
  • A. Contact me first here. If approved, all the accompanying text information including this copyright statement must be included, and must be presented completely and unchanged.
  • Q. May I link to this site?
  • A. Yes. However, I may change the site in the future, which could have the effect of invalidating links.
  • Q. May I place some of the content of this website on a CD-ROM, public domain or otherwise?
  • A. No.
  • Q. How do I obtain permission to use the files in a publication, commercially, on a CD-ROM, BBS, etc.?
  • A. Anyone wishing to use any of these files or images for commercial use or publication must first request and receive prior permission by contacting me. Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis. A usage fee may be involved depending on the type and nature of the proposed use.
Questions About Origami Usage
  • Q. Can I use an image of an origami figure commercially?
  • A. Only after securing permission from the composer of the figure (and if different, the photographer who took the image).
  • Q. I found some folding instructions in a book/on the web. May I use figures I folded myself from these instructions commercially?
  • A. If the figure is explicitly noted as a traditional figure, yes. If the figure was composed by an individual (who is usually credited in the book), you may fold it for personal use but commercial usage of the origami figure requires permission from the composer of the figure.
  • Q. I learned an origami figure from a published source. May I teach it to someone else?
  • A. Most copyright law contains certain exceptions, which in the U.S. come under the doctrine of “Fair Use.” Although the law is (intentionally) somewhat vague about the specific boundaries of “Fair Use,” teaching an origami figure to someone else informally is generally considered acceptable.
  • Q. May I teach an origami figure to someone else for hire?
  • A. That would be considered commercial usage for which permission must be obtained from the composer.
  • Q. What if I “reverse-engineer” an origami design? Can I republish my own version?
  • A. No. a reproduction of a creative work is considered a derivative work no matter how it was derived and the original composer retains rights in the work.
  • Q. What if I modify an origami design? Can I republish my own version?
  • A. No. a modification of a creative work is considered a derivative work and the original composer retains rights in the work.
  • Q. I composed my own origami design and then subsequently found a published model that’s very similar. Can I publish my design?
  • A. There are several documented examples of simultaneous composition in origami, particularly among figures of a highly geometrical nature. (This situation is analogous to two musical composers independently composing the same melody; it’s rare, but does happen.) If the figures were composed independently, each composer has the right to assign rights to his/her own design.
  • Q. Can I consider these questions and answers to be legal advice?
  • A. No. You may find them useful for understanding general issues, but for any specific legal question you should contact your own lawyer familiar with the relevant laws in your area.