Disputatio Auxilii:Nexus interviciales
Template for missing interwiki links
[fontem recensere]- I moved the discussion from the taberna] to here. --Roland2 07:39, 23 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)
I thınk we should have a template (and a category) for mıssıng ınterwıkı lınks. In Englısh ıt could go lıke thıs, maybe: This article has no interwiki links. Please help, if you can. In Latin maybe: Haec pagina nullos nexus externos habet. Adde si possıs. And then ... what would be a good name for the template? addnexex? add-nex-ex? nex-ex? nexex? nullos-nex-ex? ... --Roland2 10:35, 19 Martii 2006 (UTC) Haec pagina nullos nexus ad vicipaedias alias habet. Adde si possıs. ... better? --Roland2 12:42, 21 Martii 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, that's better. How about formula:non-interwiki? At the other side, addnexex is very good: It is one word and short. --Misericordia 14:39, 21 Martii 2006 (UTC)
- I would suggest, if this be done, that it would be a blank template, one that put the article in a category but display no text in-article. Missing interwiki links is a level of meta-work that probably doesn't need to be brought to a casual reader's attention. —Myces Tiberinus 22:32, 23 Martii 2006 (UTC)
Isn't that information already on the page? Don't you only need to look at the left hand column, and see that there are no interwiki links? As far as a list, doesn't Roland2 already have an automatically generated one? --Tbook 15:01, 24 Martii 2006 (UTC)
Yes, I have suggested this template and it's me who has this generated list. Seems to be odd ..., however, my intention is more than just signaling that a page has no interwiki lınks and there are some technical issues behind it:
- The automatıc generation is done from a database snapshot. The actual one is from the 27th of Februaray, which means there is always some delay. I do not know when it wıll be updated the next time.
- I get the missıng interwiki links with an SQL select from the database but cannot use that information with the intersect tool, another tool for Wikipedia.
- I am not just interested in the fact that a page has no interwiki link. Some Latin pages might never have interwiki links because there are pages, which no other wikipedias wıll ever have. I am interested in marking the pages which could have one. Or should have one.
- Maybe such a template could remember the reader or author that there is an information which should be added to the page. New authors/creators might not know about this sort of information.
- Categorizing these pages via the template would make it easier to mantain those pages.
- I think interwiki links are a very important information and they can help to make the Latin Wikipedia known to users of foreign Wikipedias.
- Some time ago we talked about this color code. Red = errors lıke maxcorrigenda etc. I think the blue ones could be like a checklist what could be improved with a page. There are so many talk pages where readers discuss possible improvements or make suggestions. We should make these aspects searcheable and one aspect is the absence of interwiki links.
--Roland2 18:02, 25 Martii 2006 (UTC)
The service http://www.wikisign.org/ which could produce lists of missing interwiki links has been closed. See http://www.wikisign.org/ ... I think we need a template ... --Roland2 21:17, 31 Martii 2006 (UTC)
I am not opposed to a template, although I would suggest that it be discreat. If there were a way to make it show up in the area where the interwiki links normally show up, I think that would be ideal, but even a regular template could work - perhaps one that did nothing more than add the article to the category: Categoria:Carentes Nexus or something like that? --Tbook 21:15, 3 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)
- See Aballaba ... would this be ok? Please change it as you like. (What about something like Alias linguas carentes since the section is named aliae linguae?) --Roland2 19:37, 4 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)
In my mind, that is ideal - those who are interested can find out which pages are tagged, but it doesn't affect the user's experience of the site. Thanks! --Tbook 21:24, 4 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)
Testing ... I could not resist ;-) ... what about this small tiny little icon in the left lower edge of an article like in Respublica Dominicana which indicates missing interwiki links? --Roland2 09:37, 9 Aprilis 2006 (UTC)