In narrative, Maruna states that he had not seen his mother for a long time by the time she died and never got to learn the circumstances. In response, it took him long to realize how he missed her and he had no one to confess to about it.
Ran reminds Maruna not to get distracted, that their purpose is to return to Willarv and they must be careful not to affect the future. They hide using hoti chandra and attempt to overhear the flock of Garudas. Suddenly, Vinata calls on her clanmates and urges them to stop the Asura clan from getting to the Ananta clan and stopping Ananta from dying.
From this, Maruna deduced that they must be in D500 on the day of Ananta's death, when the Garuda and Yaksha clans blocked the Asuras from getting through, thus helping the gods. This also means that nowhere they can go is safe because all of the sura realm was a battlefield at this time.
Ran suggests asking the gods for help, he is told that Agni was not involved in these events but Chandra remains an option. He and Maruna travel through the Abyss, an area smelling like rotten corpses which makes it possible to shorten long distances in the sura realm, alike the water channels of the human realm. They exit in Ananta clan territory and Maruna points out where the gods are.
He also worries how well Leez the Cat is handling the toxicity and he tells Ran that the daily limits on spell use do not apply in the sura realm so Ran can heal the cat as long as he has vigor. When Ran is about to head towards the gods, Visnu in the form of a small child tugs him by the sleeve.
Maruna immediately senses that this person is powerful and tenses up, but Ran proceeds to joke with the child. Visnu recognizes that the two of them we supposed to be on Willarv 523 years later but he asks Maruna if returning is truly his wish. Maruna had lost almost everyone he was close to, so what is left for him in the future?
Maruna realizes that here, in the past, he can better help his clan by warning them of future threats, and makes the decision to stay. Visnu tells them that their decision must be unanimous since if one stays, there will be no future for the other to return to. Maruna decides to push for his decision by the rule of the stronger, but Ran refuses to accept it and freezes him using Bhavati Varuna. The ice begins to crack.
Currygom's comment[]
Who will win if they decide to fight for real? To be continued...
Blog link | Date: 2020.09.9 23:30 | Category: Episodes | Translated by: Xhyro |
(pic 1: Mother and son) After only looking at her from behind...
There are very few sura parts that remain when Vinata transforms to her human form. Similar to Maruna in that way.
(pic 2: Flock of birds) One day I'll stand there.
Those on the lower ground, including Maruna, are Raksashas. Those on the higher ground (with the exception of the sole 5th stage Raksasha) are all Nastikas.
(pic 3: Sly Visnu) Why did you come out from there?
When Visnu first approaches humans, he often takes the form of a child. On the contrary, to those he already knows, he doesn't appear in that form.
(pic 4: Ran and Maruna disagreeing) Because Ran's weak (?)
For showing his back to such a "weak" Ran, Maruna ...
- When Taraka and her minions appeared in the Water Channels in Episode 96, Ran commented that there was a strong smell of rotten flesh all around. This is the same smell as in the Abyss so there is a possible connection.