Pêvek:Pêşgir bi inglîzî
[biguhêre]- a-: away, from, out. in, on. Anglo-Saxon intensifying prefix. out, wholly. absence, lack.
- ab-: away from. electromagnetic unit in the centimeter-gram-second system.
- abs-
- ac-: to, toward, near.
- acet-, aceto-: methyl group bonded to a carboxyl group.
- acr-, acro-: sharp. tip. extremity. peak.
- actin-, actino-
- ad-: near, at. toward, to, tendency, addition.
- aden-, adeno-
- ae-
- aer-, aero-: air, aircraft.
- af-
- Afro-: African.
- ag-
- agr-, agri-, agro-: agriculture.
- al-: near, at. toward, to, tendency, addition.
- allo-: different. (chemistry) isomeric, especially of amino acids having two chiral centres.
- ambi-: both, on both sides.
- amphi-
- an-: not.
- ana-: up. on. again. apiece.
- and-
- andr-, andro-: human. man, male.
- anemo-
- angio-: blood vessels, lymph vessels.
- Anglo-: England, English. Anglo-Saxon.
- ano-
- antho-
- anthrop-, anthropo-: man, human.
- ante-: prior to in time. in front of in space.
- ant-, anth-, anti-: against, hostile to. ppposite of, reverse. counteracting, neutralizing.
- ap-, apo-: away from, separate. without, lacking. (chemistry) derived from, related to.
- aqua-, aque-, aqui-: water.
- arc-: (mathematics) Used to form the names of inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, and also the symbols for these functions.
- arch-, archi-: chief, highest, most important. earlier, primitive.
- archaeo-, archeo-: ancient, early, primitive.
- aristo-:, elite
- arithmo-
- arterio-: (medicine) artery.
- arthr-, arthro-: (biology) joint, articulation.
- astr-, astro-: star. celestial body.
- atto-
- audio-
- aut-, auto-: regarding oneself. automatic. car, driving.
- azo-: (chemistry) nitrogen.
[biguhêre]- B-: academic grade awarded by some institutions. Slightly better than a C+, slightly worse than a B.
- bacter-, bacteri-, bacterio-: bacteria, bacterial things, bacteriology.
- bar-, baro-: pressure.
- bathy-: deep, especially deep sea.
- be-: as an intensifier. on, around, over, in contact with. verbs derived from nouns or adjectives.
- benz-, benzo-: (chemistry) benzene, six-carbon aromatic ring.
- bi-, bin-: two. (chemistry) old, common method used to indicate the presence of an acidic hydrogen.
- biblio-: book.
- bio-: life.
- blast-, blasto-: bud, budding, germination.
- brachy-
- brady-
- brom-, bromo-: (chemistry) bromine.
- bronch-, bronchi-, broncho-: (medicine) bronchus, trachea, airways to the lungs.
- bry-, bryo-
- by-, bye-
[biguhêre]- C-: academic grade given by certain institutions. Slightly better than a D+ and slightly worse than a C.
- caco-: bad.
- carb-, carbo-: (chemistry) carbon.
- cardi-, cardio-: heart.
- cel-, celo-
- cen-, ceno-
- cent-, centi-: hundred, one-hundredth. 10-2.
- centr-, centri-
- cephal-, cephalo-: (biology) brain or head.
- chalco-: copper, brass. ore.
- cheiro-
- chem-, chemi-: chemicals, chemistry.
- chemico-
- chemo-: chemicals, chemistry.
- Chino-
- chiro-
- chlor-, chloro-: green. (chemistry) chlorine.
- choan-, choano-
- chol-, chole-
- Christo-: Christ. Christian.
- chron-, chrono-: time.
- chrys-, chryso-
- cine-
- circum-: around.
- cis-: on this side of. (chemistry) compound in which two atoms or groups are situated on the same side of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound.
- co-: together, mutually, jointly. partner or subordinate in an activity. to the same degree.
- coel-, coelo-
- coen-, coeno-
- col-: with, together, joint. used with certain words to intensify their meaning.
- com-: with, together, joint. used with certain words to intensify their meaning.
- copr-, copro-: excrement, dung.
- con-: with, together, joint. used with certain words to intensify their meaning.
- contra-: against.
- cor-: with, together, joint. used with certain words to intensify their meaning.
- cosmo-: universe, world.
- counter-: in opposition to.
- cryo-: cold, freezing.
- crypto-: hidden, secret.
- cyan-, cyano-: dark blue-green in color. (chemistry) cyanogen, cyanide.
- cyber-: computer. cyberspace.
- cycl-, cyclo-: circle. cycle. (chemistry) cyclic compound.
- cyn-, cyno-
- cyt-, cyto-: (biology) cell.
[biguhêre]- de-: reversal, undoing, removing. intensifying. from, off.
- dec-, deca-: ten. 10.
- deci-: tenth part. 10-1.
- deka-: ten. 10.
- demi-: half. one that partly belongs to.
- deoxy-: (chemistry) compounds that are formally derived from others by the replacement of a hydroxy group by a hydrogen atom.
- deuter-, deutero-: second (in the sense of next after the first).
- di-: two, twice or double. through, across. reversal, removal. apart. intensifying.
- dia-, di-: through, across.
- dichlor-, dichloro-: (chemistry) two chlorine atoms.
- dinitro-: (chemistry) two nitro groups (-NO2).
- dino-
- dipl-, diplo-: double.
- dis-, di-: reversal, removal. apart. intensifying.
- dodec-, dodeca-: twelve.
- dys-: abnormal. difficult. impaired. bad.
[biguhêre]- eco-: habitat or environment. ecological, environmental (in the ecological sense).
- ecto-: outside, external.
- eigen-: own (adjective).
- electr-, electro-: electricity, electric. electrolytic. electron.
- em-: in, into, on, onto, within. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- en-: in, into, on, onto, within. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- end-, endo-: inside, within. taking in.
- ennea-: nine.
- ent-, ento-: inside, within, inner.
- epi-: above, over, on, upon, outer. in addition to, besides, attached to. after. chemical entity related to or distinguished from (such) another.
- equi-: equal, equally.
- ethno-: race, people, cultural group.
- eu-: good. well, easily. true.
- Eur-, Euro-: Europe, especially as a political entity.
- ex-: out of, outside. not. former.
- exa-: quintillion. 1018.
- exbi-: 260.
- exo-: outside, external, outer. turning out.
- extra-: outside, beyond.
[biguhêre]- femto-: 10-15.
- ferro-: iron (element). (chemistry) ferrous.
- fluor-, fluori-, fluoro-: fluorine. fluorescence.
- for-: from. against, so as to involve prohibition, exclusion, omission, failure, neglect, or refusal. destructively, detrimentally. completely, excessively, to exhaustion, to pieces.
- fore-: before, in front of, front, foremast. earlier, beforehand.
- Franco-: French.
[biguhêre]- gastr-, gastro-: stomach, gastric. cooking.
- genito-: genital.
- geo-: earth, ground, soil. geography.
- gibi-: 230.
- giga-: billion, 109. (kompûternasî) 230.
- gen-, geno-: genetics, genus. family, tribe, race, offspring.
- gymno-: naked.
- gyn-, gyno-: women. female reproductive system. female reproductive organ.
- gyro-
[biguhêre]- haem-, haemat-, haemo-: blood.
- hagi-, hagio-
- half-
- hect-, hecto-: hundred. 100.
- heli-, helio-: sun.
- hem-, hemat- : blood.
- hemi-: half.
- hemo- : blood.
- hendeca-: eleven.
- hept-, hepta-: seven. seven atoms, seven groups.
- hetero-: other, different, other than usual. atoms of different kinds.
- hex-, hexa-: six. six atoms, six groups.
- hipp-, hippo-
- Hispano-
- hist-, histio-, histo-: (biology) tissue.
- hol-, holo-: whole, complete, total.
- homeo-
- homo-: man. same, similar, alike. homosexual.
- homoeo-
- hydro-: water, liquid. (chemistry) hydrogen. (mineralogy) hydrous compound. (zoology) hydrozoa.
- hyper-: over, above, beyond. excessive. existing in more than three spatial dimensions. linked non-sequentially, bridging points within an entity (as a database or network) nonsequentially.
- hypn-, hypno-: sleep. hypnosis.
- hypo-: below, beneath, under, down. deficient, less than normal. (chemistry) in lower oxidation state, in low and usually the lowest position in series of compounds.
[biguhêre]- il-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- im-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- in-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- Indo-: India. East Indies. Indo-European.
- inter-: among, between, amid. reciprocal.
- intra-: inside, in, into, inward, interior, within. during, between.
- ir-: not. in, within, into. toward, on, onto. lacking, without. covered. caused. provide with. as intensifier.
- is-, iso-: equal, homogeneous, uniform. (chemistry) isomer. for or from different individuals of the same species.
- Italo-: Italian.
[biguhêre]- kibi-: 210.
- kilo-: thousand. 1,000. (kompûternasî) 210.
[biguhêre]- macr-, macro-: large. long. inclusive.
- mal-: bad, faulty. not. abnormal. inadequate.
- mebi-: 220.
- mega-: million, 106. (kompûternasî) 220. (computing - marketing) 210 * 103. great, large.
- mes-, meso-: middle. intermediate.
- meta-: transcending, encompassing, comprehensive. self-referential. analogies with metaphysics. classifications. change, transformation. (pathology) consequent on. (anatomy and zoology) behind. (botany and zoology) later, subsequent. (geology) analogies and derivatives of metamorphism. (chemistry) having fewer molecules of water. (chemistry) in isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in alternate positions.
- metro-: city.
- micr, micro-: very small. 10-6. microscopy. microphotograph, microfilm.
- midi-
- milli-: 10-3. thousand.
- mini-: small, brief.
- mis-: bad, wrong. lack, failure. opposite, not. unfavorable.
- miso-: hatred.
- mon-, mono-: one, single, alone.
- multi-: many.
- myria-: ten thousand. 10,000.
- myxo-: mucus.
[biguhêre]- nano-: 10-9. nanotechnology. nanoscale.
- naso-: nose.
- necr-, necro-: death.
- neo-: new, recent.
- non-: not, other than. reverse. absent, lacking. unimportant, worthless, of little or no consequence.
- non-, nona-: nine.
[biguhêre]- oct-, octa-, octo-: eight.
- olig-, oligo-: few.
- omni-: all, universal.
- orth-, ortho-: straight. upright, vertical, perpendicular. right, proper, correct. (chemistry) having extra proportion of water, hydrated, hydroxylated. (chemistry) in isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in adjacent positions. (physics)) of any molecule of the form X2 wherein the two nuclei have parallel spin.
- out-: external. surpassing, exceeding, greater, beyond.
- over-: above, higher. superior. excessive, surpassing, exceeding.
- ov-, ovi-, ovo-: egg. ovum.
[biguhêre]- palaeo-, pale-, paleo-: very old, prehistoric, ancient. very early, primitive, archaic.
- par-, para-: beside, near, alongside, beyond, aside. abnormal. incorrect, faulty. resembling, related, almost. subsidiary, accessory. (chemistry) in isomeric benzene derivatives, having the two substituents in opposite positions.
- pebi-: 250.
- pent-, penta-: five.
- peta-: (United States of America) quadrillion, 1015. (Great Britain) septillion, 1024.
- phon-, phono-: sound, voice, speech.
- photo-: light, electromagnetic radiation, radiant energy. photograph.
- phys-, physi-, physio-: nature. physical.
- pico-: 10-12. very small.
- post-: after. beyond.
- poly-: many. polymer.
- praeter-: beyond.
- pre-: front, anterior (in space). before, earlier, prior (in time).
- preter-: beyond.
- prot-, proto-: first, beginning, primary. (linguistics) hypothetical ancestor of a family of languages.
- pseud-, pseudo-: false, fake, spurious. pretentious. temporary, substitute.
- psych-, psycho-: mind. brain.
- pter-, ptero-: wing, feather.
- pyro-: fire, heat. fever. (chemistry) ortho acid.
[biguhêre]- radi-, radio-: radiation. (anatomy) radius (bone).
- re-: again, anew. backward.
- robo-: robot.
- ribo-: set of 3 CHOH molecules
[biguhêre]- schiz-, schizo-: split, cleft. schizophrenia.
- semi-: half. partial, incomplete.
- sept-, septa-, septem-, septi-
- sex-, sexa-: six.
- Sino-: China.
- step-: related via marriage of parent.
- sub-: under, beneath, below. subsidiary, secondary, subordinate. almost, nearly, somewhat.
- sui-
- super-: above, over, upon. superior in size, quality, number, degree, status, title, or position. inclusive.
- supra-: above, over, on top. greater than, transcending.
- syl-: with, together.
- sym-: identical. with, together. concomitant.
- syn-: identical. with, together. concomitant.
[biguhêre]- tebi-: 240.
- tele-: distance. telegraph.
- ter-: three.
- tera-: trillion, 1012.
- tetr-, tetra-: four.
- therm-, thermo-: heat.
- trans-: across.
- tri-: three.