January 2025 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and

Victor Mazurov  [email protected]



This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

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September 2024 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

June 2024 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

May 2024 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

December 2023 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

July 2023 update for the 20th edition

SEE NEWER POSTS FOR RECENT UPDATES. An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20.

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

December 2022 update for the 20th edition

An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20. (See a newer version in a later post.)

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

Sponsored by 2logos-Kour-LN

June 2022 update for the 20th edition

See newer updates in later posts.
An update for the current 20th edition of “Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory)” is  posted.  A separate file contains the updates only. All the changes are also incorporated in the new version of the main PDF file Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20. (See a newer version in a later post.)

Further comments/solutions are welcome!

Evgeny Khukhro   [email protected]  and
Victor Mazurov  [email protected]

This 20th edition contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on about 1000 problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

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Kourovka Forum: talk by Dan Segal

On Thursday the 17-th of February, 2022, Dan Segal (All Souls College, Oxford) will give an online talk “Groups, rings, logic” at 20:00 Novosibirsk time (13:00 London time).

Abstract: In group theory, interesting statements about a group usually can’t be expressed in the language of first-order logic. It turns out, however, that some groups can actually be determined by their first-order properties, or, even more strongly, by a single first-order sentence. In the latter case the group is said to be finitely axiomatizable. I will describe some examples of this phenomenon (joint work with A. Nies and K. Tent). One family of results concerns axiomatizability of p-adic analytic pro-p groups, within the class of all profinite groups. Another main result is that for an adjoint simple Chevalley group of rank at least 2 and an integral domain R; the group G(R) is bi-interpretable with the ring R. This means in particular that first-order properties of the group G(R) correspond to first-order properties of the ring R. As many rings are known to be finitely axiomatizable we obtain the corresponding result for many groups; this holds in particular for every finitely generated group of the form G(R).

Chair of the session: Evgeny Khukhro

The link to the Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3167567840?pwd=aExXZmUxVmE5blYxYTVRMHhrakxuQT09

(ID 316 756 7840, Password gD11t2).

See the program updates at http://mca.nsu.ru/kourovkaforum/.

If you wish to be added to the seminar mailing list and receive regular announcements, please contact the organizers at [email protected] .

The new 20-th edition of Kourovka Notebook

The latest 20-th edition of Kourovka Notebook (Unsolved Problems in Group Theory), Novosibirsk, 2022, has just appeared:

Unsolved Problems in Group Theory. The Kourovka Notebook. No. 20. (See a newer version in a later post.)

This 20-th issue contains 126 new problems and a number of comments on  problems from the previous issues. The section “Archive of Solved Problems” includes all the solved problems from the previous issues that have already been commented on in previous issues, while new solutions are found among unsolved problems in the corresponding sections.

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