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Print and copy speeds up to 120 ppm reach new levels in efficiency, with high-volume monthly duty cycle of 2.5 million impressions, real-time automated density and registration adjustments deliver ultimate quality and productivity to almost any customer in the printing industry. With a print speed of 136 pages per minute, the AccurioPress 6136 digital printing press provides high-quality black and white output at high volume. It’s the digital press that runs like a pro, with a duty cycle of over three million impressions, and real-time automated image density and registration adjustments maintain image stability over long press runs. The AccurioPress 6136P digital printing press means business with up to 136 ppm print output, a monthly duty cycle of over three million impressions, and up to 18,000 sheet capacity. With real-time automated density and registration adjustments and powerful multiple inline finishing options, it gives you all the tools you need to grow your business. The AccurioPress 6136P MICR is our newest addition to the product line-up. This addition has the same print speed as the 6136P, but with MICR Toner. We have partnered with the Troy Group to help develop a MICR version to our high speed printer. The Troy Group is a leader in the industry for developing security toner. The patented MICR Secure Toner is used in our printer and offers the highest level of security check printing in the market. The AccurioPress 6272P provides high performance, sturdy construction, advanced automation including a wide variety of inline finishing. It utilizes a dual engine system based on the highly successful single engine AccurioPress 6136P. This flagship monochrome product provides our customers with best-in-class productivity, reliability, durability and automation. The press prints 272 ipm duplex to meet extremely tight print deadlines. The AccurioPress 7136 Series brings forth new innovations, automation and replaces the AccurioPress 6136 series. It will sport many new features and improvements such as optimized configurations to consolidate footpace, unified control panel interface with our color production devices, as well as, improved reliability through reduced jams and new transfer control. All to further emphasize the robustness and efficiency this engine platform already provides. The AccurioPress C4070 is a mid-volume all-in-one digital press featuring advanced automation and ease of use opening opportunities for your business to expand. By streamlining workflow and delivering printed output that exceeds customer expectations, the C4070 will take on many new print applications other digital presses cannot, saving you time and increasing profitability. At 70 ppm, the press offers 2-sided printing sheets up to 34” long, professional finishing, excellent image quality, and real-time automated quality adjustments. This product provides a unique level of automation with the inline TU-510 Trimmer Unit and the IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer that is so simple even an inexperienced operator can run even the most complex project The versatile AccurioPress C4080 digital press is an all-in-one print manufacturing powerhouse providing features to streamline workflow and print output that will exceed customer expectations. Advanced real-time automation of color and registration management combined with sophisticated inline finishing options allows your business to excel at delivering a variety of print applications. With the TU-510 Trimmer Unit and IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer, this digital press can output fully-finished, ready to be boxed output. At 80 ppm, the digital press offers the flexibility of 2-sided printing sheets up to 34” long with outstanding image quality. It is much more than a digital press – it is an opportunity to grow your business. Rethink agility with the newest CMYK cut-sheet toner press, the AccurioPress C7100 and C7090. Make an impactful impression – one after the another – as your opportunities continue to grow with a press that works smarter, not harder. Optimize your print performance, offer advanced and creative print possibilities (including excellent quality imagery in full bleed) and see your business flourish! Deliver more jobs with added value effectively and serve more customers efficiently, empowered by our innovative technologies that move your business towards increased success. Konica Minolta is constantly rethinking what’s possible. Introducing the ultra-efficient, super-reliable new AccurioPress C14000 and C12000. This new CMYK cut-sheet toner press is complete with advanced automation to maximize production and produce unparalleled quality and consistency print after print. New finishing options and media compatibility allow you to offer new value to your customers. IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer performs automatic density correction and front-to-back registration prior to printing. The AccurioPrint 2100 black and white digital printing press delivers real value to your print production environment: high-speed 100 ppm B&W output, high paper and toner capacity and a standard built-in print controller. Its compact footprint makes it suitable for production environments as well as an office with high volume printing needs. The AccurioPrint C4065 digital press offers productivity and versatility in one compact, affordable unit. It is the perfect digital press for lower-volume print shops, corporate reprographics departments, and office environments that do not require the extensive finishing and color management options matched with the AccurioPress C4080. The outstanding image and color quality, media versatility, and fast 65 color ppm or 80 black & white ppm output make this press a high-value, yet cost-effective solution for print professionals. Available with booklet and staple finishing, this flexible digital press can output 2-sided printing sheets up to 34” long and envelopes with ease and without the need for an additional fuser. The AccurioPrint C4065 provides everything your business needs to succeed. The bizhub PRESS 2250P for black and white digital printing combines blazing output speed, high-volume reliability and key digital advantages like real-time B&W image control and variable data capability. Powerful options include a compact inline finisher, perfect binding, GBC punching and more — the tools you need to grow your business. One of the biggest challenges facing the print industry today is trying to capture the brilliant color we see on our monitors or photographs taken by a digital device. Conventional CMYK has not been able to replicate the vibrancy — until now. Konica Minolta’s AccurioPress C83hc uses revolutionary High Chroma toner to make colors and images pop like never before — almost as if it’s on screen. The result is color that performs the way you want it to and the way your business needs it to. Our new IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer takes color consistency and registration accuracy to the next level. With highly automated image registration and color control, a closed-loop system that constantly monitors and adjusts printed output, and automated color calibration and profiling, IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer delivers streamlined operator time, reduced print waste, and industry-leading productivity! This is currently available on our AccurioPress C14000/C12000, C2070/C2070P, C3080/C3080P, C3070, C6100, C6085, 6120, 6136, and 6136P models. See Promotions
Digital Press
Automatic Color and Image Control