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Friendship Power (友情パワー, Yūjō Pawaa) is the power of unity that is mainly used by the Justice Chojin, but as Sunshine once said: "Friendship even exists amongst demons!".


In the Dream Chojin Tag Arc, Asuraman and Sunshine steal this power so that the Justice Chojins would participate in the tournament as enemies. Also, during the Throne Arc, Kinnikuman's brother Ataru Kinniku spoke of Genuine Friendship Power (真・友情パワー, Shin Yūjō Pawaa).

During the Perfect Origin Arc, Strong the Budo, aka Chojin Enma, one of the Chojin Gods descended from heaven to protect the Perfect Chojin and oversee the Chojin Graveyard is shown as afraid of the Friendship power, able to defy the levels of Chojin Kyodo established among Chojin and turn a weak Chojin stronger and willing to purge it. He's then forced to accept its existence.

The Omega Centauri's Six Spears even try to learn the secret behind Friendship Power in the Omega Centauri's Six Spears Arc during their search for Osychoman's Magnet Power. Lunaight was the first Six Spear to achieve this feat, but lost to Wolfman. In this occasion, Curry Cook is shown as willing holding off and hiding his own Friendship Power, enraging himself and acting as a Brutal Chojin again, in a desperate bid to prevent the Six Spears of Omega Centauri from studying his power.

Omegaman Aristera successfully obtains this power during his match against Kinnikuman Super Phoenix when Super Phoenix did a God of Intelligence-empowered Muscle Revenger on Aristera. The fallen members of the Six Spears show up one more time and channel their Friendship Power into Aristera, giving him the strength to take on Super Phoenix.

Friendship Power and the Burning Inner Strength are closely related faces of the same coin, as during the Omega Centauri's Six Spears Arc one of the essential conditions to employ the Burning Inner Strength at its fullest is having a righteous heart full of mercy and empathise with the suffering and the needs of the fellow Chojin.

This carries over in Kinnikuman Nisei, where among the trials for the Fire of Inner Strength one of the qualities tested is the ability to form a bond of friendship between Chojin.


True Friendship Power[]

True Friendship Power (真・友情パワー) is a "fixed" and improved version of the normal Friendship Power. It was introduced by Kinnikuman's brother, Ataru Kinniku, during the Scramble for the Throne arc.[1]

Ataru considers the Justice Chojin version of Friendship Power to be a 'scam'. True Friendship Power consists of every chojin doing their best according to their abilities.[1] It is formed by believing in oneself, as much as the team believes in each other; a person can become weaker, and forget their individual strength and abilities, by being overly codependent within a friendship group.[2] A person must rely on themselves as much as they rely on their friends, retaining their individuality.[2]

It also involves doing whatever it takes to bring out your friends' full potential or save them from harm, even if it means doing something they dislike, disagree with, and/or could get hurt from.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 328
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 329