Robin Mask (ロビンマスク) is initially an antagonist in the Kinnikuman series, but grows to become a protagonist and close friend of Kinnikuman. He is later the father of Kevin Mask and a teacher at the Hercules Factory.
Starting out as a recurring villain, Robin Mask soon became one of the most essential members of the Justice Chojin. Robin wore knight-type armour made out of sapphire (later remade out of steel), and wearing the armour reduced his strength, giving his opponent a fair chance at beating him. Although Robin is only a few years older than most of the cast, he is considered the veteran of the group and often comes up with the teams’ overall battle plan.
Robin Mask began the series as a man with fickle motivations, often changing allegiances. He later grows to become the most respected and mature of the Idol Chojin, often acting a leader or mentor to others, such as acting as a coach to Warsman or leading Team Kinnikuman in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc. Robin Mask is prone to occasional bouts of excitement, but generally remains stoic and calm, and is also willing to self-sacrifice for his friends and society. He is a strict teacher, to the extent of inciting trauma on his pupils, such as with Warsman and Kevin Mask.
Robin is a pale man with blond or brown hair (depending on the aesthetic choice of the chapter or arc). [5][6] He is described as handsome and having 'thick eyebrows'. [7] The armour he wears is silver/steel in colour, with red accents, and he lacks an undershirt so that his skin is visible. He has red eyes through his mask, but it is not clear if they are red when his mask is removed.
Anime (1983)[]
Robin Mask wears a blue undershirt underneath his armor and blue tights under his briefs, making it seem at times that he has blue skin. He is depicted as having pale skin beneath his undershirt, and his armor - in the original series - is blue-and-black (with pink accents) to match his undershirt. In Kinnikuman Nisei, his design better reflects his manga counterpart.
Thought to be dead, Robin Mask escapes to Russia and gains a new student in the form of Warsman. Despite his loss to Kinnikuman, Warsman would continue to respect his teacher and would even form a tag-team in the Dream Tag Arc with him.
Robin Mask serves as Warsman's mentor; he rescues him from Russia, before training him to become a chojin wrestler. Robin Mask was a harsh teacher, to the extent of chaining Warsman and beating him, and - even years later - the sight of Robin Mask's alter-ego (Mr. Barracuda) can induce fear in him. The two grow to become close friends, often fighting alongside one another, including in their tag-team (the Chojin Master/Student Combo).
After the 20th chojin Olympics, Kinnikuman became Robin Mask's rival. He fought him during the American Tour arc, but his honor drove him to sacrifice himself to save Kinnikuman from a plane crash. Robin Mask constantly yearns for a proper fight with Kinnikuman and never got the chance until the events of Farewell, Kinnikuman!.
Kevin Mask[]
Kevin Mask displays a complex relationship with his father, who he refer to as "Daddy". Kevin Mask ran away from home as a child, due to his strict upbringing, and eventually joined the d.M.p to spite his father, before becoming a lone wolf. He is often inspired by the notion of surpassing his father, while mentioning his father can recall enough trauma to distract him in battle. The relationship seems to improve with each progressing arc, until the two greet each other warmly in the finale, and Kevin Mask even accepts advice from his father, while freely using some of his techniques. Robin Mask also shows support of Kevin Mask.
Alisa Mackintosh[]
Robin Mask meets Alisa during his time as a rugby captain in university. The two fall in love, despite the anti-chojin sentiment of her family (and the anti-human sentiment of his family), and Robin Mask temporarily becomes a human to make a union with her easier, until he regains his chojin abilities. Alisa is seen rarely in the manga, but is often present in support of her husband. There are moments of neglect within the relationship, such as Robin Mask's absence from his 'death' in the American Tour Arc until his 'death' in the Seven Devil Chojin Arc. The two show affection and general loyalty to one another.
Robin Mask is a skilled wrestler, complete with an arsenal of techniques passed down by his clan, and even came up with secret finishers that can surprise his opponent, like the Pallo Special. However, Warsman also discovered it during his time at the Wolf's Room. Because of this, Robin Mask decided to become his teacher and use him as a way to get back at Kinnikuman.
He can manipulate flames with the help of the Anoalo Staff, and also use it like a unicorn horn.
Born into England’s famous Robin family, Robin Mask began wrestling at a young age and made quite a name for himself. He once stole the Anoalo Staff from his father, in an attempt to use it, but was attacked by George the Thief, who then stole it in turn. This made Robin Mask's father scold him harshly for having their family treasure stolen.
The Young Prince of London Arc[]
Robin Mask plays as the rugby captain at Oxford University and scores every point in the match as the most popular player. [8] He is dating the team's assistant, Alisa, and he is seen to be very excited about becoming a wrestler and meeting Alisa's parents. He acts unwittingly in an uncouth manner, to which Alisa's father derides him from snobbery and forbids their union. [9]
Robin drowns his sorrows in a bar, where he engages in fights and gets drunk, only for John Bullman to intervene. [9] He then reveals to his father, Robin Knight, that he wishes to forfeit his chojin status and become human for Alisa's sake, just as she was willing to give up her family for his sake. [9][10] He is given the blessing of Robin Grande and the "Icon of Robin", that will allow him to become human. Robin goes to Stonehenge and reneges on his powers, thus becoming human. [10]
After seeing John Bullman die in the ring, he flees in order to assume again his position of chojin to protect the people, and gives up his second chance with Alisa's family to be a Justice Chojin. [11][12]He is ganged up on outside a bar by hooligans and beaten up, only to be rescued by Terryman, who gives him back his powers with the stone used to remove them. [12][13] He then goes to the ring to defeat Guillotine King. On September 9th, 1976, he wins the battle with the support of Alisa, making his debut. [14]
19th Chojin Olympics[]
By 1979, he had become so famous that he was invited to compete in the 19th Chojin Olympics. He not only made it into the actual tournament but went on to win, defeating Japan’s Uldraman. [15] Over the next year, he had numerous matches, including one against a man named Quarrelman. Before the match could get under way, Quarrelman walked away, saying that the he saw no point in fighting such an easy opponent and forfeited.
- Robin Mask appears as a competitor in the Chojin Olympics. He loses to Kinnikuman, which inspires him to go to America in search of revenge, where he becomes a Brutal Chojin. During a rematch with Kinnikuman, Robin Mask saves him from being struck by an airplane and plunges into a ravine to his seeming death. Secretly, Robin Mask instead goes to Russia where he finds Warsman and trains him under the disguise of Mr Barracuda, before returning to the Justice Chojin. After later fighting against the Seven Devil Chojin, he leads Team Kinnikuman against Team Phoenix in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc.
20th Chojin Olympics Arc[]
The 20th Chojin Olympics were coming around and Uldraman’s previous loss to Robin caused the committee to decide not to use a Japanese representative this year, upsetting Kinnikuman. [15] Robin decided to confront Kinnikuman and test his skills, but instantly was able to put Kinnikuman in a Bow and Arrow Lock. Kinnikuman, however, refused to submit, and after a few hours, Robin let go of the hold. [15] The fact that Robin Mask - the champion - was struggling impresses the committee and gains Kinnikuman a spot in the Olympics. It is revealed Robin Mask only pretended to struggle, so that Kinnikuman could gain a place in the Olympics. [15]
Robin gives the commencement speech during the preliminary matches, on November 13th 1979. [16] When participants refuse to engage in the rock-paper-scissors first preliminary round, Robin chastises them and demands they respect the process. [16] The third and final preliminary match is a race to the moon and back, in which Robin comes in first place. [17] In the match-ups, Robin is given the A-Block, and his first match is against Canadianman. [18] He is due to fight at Kourakuen Stadium at 6.30pm, which is broadcast worldwide. [19]
Canadianman lifts the entire stadium, before becoming giant-sized and putting Robin Mask in a Canadian Back-Breaker. [19] Robin counters with a Suplex, sending Candianman hurtling into the stadium, which wins him the match. After the match he raised Canadianman’s arm in a show of good sportsmanship. [19]
Robin next appears as a special commentator for the Terryman vs. Skyman match. [19]
The Nippon Budokan is the setting for the semi-final match between Terryman and Robin Mask, who both arrive together as friends. [20] Shortly before their match, Terry is shot in the leg by Kinkotsuman (who was aiming for Kinnikuman) [21] and Terry stoops to dirty fighting in order to gain an advantage over Robin, because of this handicap. Robin was much too strong for Terry, however, [22] and - after being thrown out of the ring - Robin leapt back in and continued the fight, [23] applying a Boston Crab on Terry. [23] Terry soon submits, giving Robin the win. When Robin realizes that Terry had fought with a wounded leg, he offers Terry his spot in the finals, but Terry refuses it. [23]
Kinnikuman and Robin Mask face a press conference in anticipation of their match in the finals. [24] The match will be a one-round death-match at the National Stadium, at April 4th at 4pm. They add a rule that a three-count pin will also allow a victory, at Robin's request, to give Kinnikuman a chance to win due to his lack of a finishing move. [24] They also instigate a rule, at Kinnikuman's request, that losing the match will lead to exile from one's home-country. At this point, a celebratory dance occurs where Kinkotsuman sends enlarged animals to attack them, but Robin Mask defeats single-handed. [24]
The match begins to 100,000 spectators. [25] Moved by Ramenman’s tearfully begging him to defeat Robin (and allow him to look back on his own defeat with pride), Kinnikuman takes his fight seriously. [25] Kinnikuman is so skilled, that it inspires Robin to remove his armor; this reveals that he wears the armor for his opponent’s protection rather than his own. [26] After a series of exchanged blows, Kinnikuman manages to remove Robin's mask. [27] Robin then runs head-first into the corner of the ring, causing a huge crack to appear in his mask. [27]
Robin proceeds to stab Kinnikuman in the back with the spike of his mask, causing him to bleed profusely on the canvas. [27] He proceeds to trap Kinnikuman in his trademark Tower Bridge, but Kinnikuman refused to give up until finally a loud crack is heard. [27] Robin lets go of Kinnikuman, believing him to be dead. When he notices the crowd are not cheering for him, he looks at Kinnikuman’s lifeless body and begun to realize that he had been taking things too far. [28] As he was distracted by thought, Kinnikuman jumps onto his shoulders and pins him with a Mexican Rolling Clutch Hold, gaining the victory. [28]
During the closing ceremonies, Robin is shunned by the English fans. [29] Alisa appears to console him, and Kinnikuman tries to revoke the exile rule so they can have a good life, even willing to sacrifice his championship belt. It is revealed Robin met Alisa during his world-tour (although this contradicts later accounts of their first meeting and relationship), and Kinnikuman changes his mind in hopes of meeting women. [29] He offers Robin a chance to live in Japan, which Robin seemingly accepts. [29] It is later shown that Robin has refused the offer due to his pride, and decides - against Alisa's wishes - to live as a wanderer. [29]
American Tour Arc[]
Robin reappears in Las Vegas, Nevada at Hotel Sheikh the Tropicana. [30] When Kinnikuman is captured by the World Supermen Federation, he confronts Robin when he sees him physically tear hid opponent in half at the Lumber Jack Joe (an underground bloodsport wrestling match). Kinnikuman asks where Alisa is, but Robin reveals he and Alisa have divorced (or Alisa died in the anime). From his bloody victory, Robin is allowed the chance to regain his title from Kinnikuman. [31] Robin later brings him food so that he will survive and remain strong. [32]
The match with Kinnikuman takes place over the Grand Canyon, at 1,600 meters high. [32] Before the fight can be finished, Iwao flies an airplane into the ring. [33] The match is determined to be in Robin's favor, but - due to his assumed death - the belt then goes to the next in the WSF's line, which is Skull Bozu. [34] Kinnikuman is revealed to be alive, while Robin took the brunt of the airplane attack and is willing to let himself be sacrificed as Kinnikuman did not enough strength to remove the plane himself. [34]
Robin reveals that he and Alisa went to live in Africa, where Robin became an animal ranger. He read about Kinnikuman's activity in Hawaii and yearned to return to the life of a Justice Chojin, which caused him to divorce Alisa, and be taken in by the Sheik Seijin. [34] Kinnikuman eventually manages to free Robin, but the WSF explode the ring, and only Kinnikuman can escape. Robin seemingly falls to his death. [34]
Warsman Begins[]
It is later revealed that Robin Mask survived. As it turns out, he went to Russia to survey potential candidates as "Mr Barracuda". Warsman catches his interest when he independently discovers and masters the Pallo Special, a move Robin had been working on in secret. Robin decides that Warsman will be the one to overthrow Kinnikuman and become the new Chojin Olympics champion.
When his former comrade, Kommandas. has Warsman on the ropes, Robin shows up to cheer him on. Kommandas is no longer Warsman's friend, now a heartless killing machine for the Soviet Union. After getting some advice from Robin, Warsman shows Robin that he can be a perfect Brutal Chojin, killing Kommandas with his Pallo Special by tearing his arms off. Robin is shocked, thinking that he's seeing the birth of a cold, fighting computer in action.
Robin offers Warsman a chance to become the champion of the Chojin Olympics. Still paranoid, Warsman tries to attack Robin, but Robin easily blocks the punch and repeats his offer. Robin reveals his true identity and notes that Warsman's Pallo Special is still incomplete, but it was pretty good for a first try. Robin Mask offers Warsman a towel, which he accepts, making Robin Mask his new manager.
21st Chojin Olympics Arc[]
"Mr. Barracuda" doesn't show up at all until the semi-finals of the 21st Chojin Olympics: The Big Fight; Barracuda exits the vehicle taking Warsman to the arena, where he is seen carrying a chain, and whips Warsman on the hand with it for taking time to sign children's autographs. [35] He intensely trains Warsman in preparation for his match against Ramenman. [36] Just before the match, he strikes people in the way with a whip to allow Warsman passage. [37]
Just before the match, Bibimbap accidentally runs into Warsman, which causes Barracuda to try and strike her with his whip, but Warsman stops him. [37] Barracuda also reveals that Warsman is a 'fighting computer' capable of memorizing moves from his opponents and analyzing how best to counter them. [38] When Bibimbap tries to get Warsman to show mercy on Ramenman, Barracuda convinces him to brutally attack until Ramenman is left paraplegic. [39]
He helps Warsman prepare for the finals against Kinnikuman by releasing death-row inmates for him to kill while blindfolded. [40] When Kinnikuman suffers a mask mishap, Barracuda realizes that the removal of Kinnikuman's mask will mean his death, and creates a rule that the finals will be a Mask Removal Death-Match. [41] At Warsman's weigh-in, Barracuda is outraged to find out that the belt gifted to him by Bibimbap puts him overweight. Warsman soon loses control, where it is revealed only Barracuda can calm him, and he drags Warsman away in chains. [42][43] Barracuda reveals his motivation is revenge against Kinnikuman. [43]
Barracuda reveals himself to be Robin Mask. [44]
Robin reveals he survived the fall, but his body was too injured to ever fight again. [45] Unable to personally fight and with the world thinking he was dead, he went in search for a student to train for the purpose of defeating Kinnikuman. He found one in Russia in the body of young Robo Chojin Warsman. Robin trained him to be a cold-blooded killer and then entered him into the 21st Chojin Olympics after teaching him all of his techniques. [45]
When Kinnikuman refuses to take an opportunity to throw Warsman onto his own Bear Claws, Warsman decides to fight the rest of the match fairly and destroys his Bear Claws. [46] Robin orders him to put on spare Bear Claws and, when he wouldn’t, began beating on him. [46] When Bibimba (who had befriended Warsman) tried to stop him, he slapped her, causing Warsman to strike him and then proceed with the fight. [46] Robin realizes that he was wrong and crushes the spare Bear Claws. [46] After Kinnikuman wins, both Warsman and Robin join the Justice Chojin side. [47]
Seven Devil Chojin Arc[]
Robin is next seen after the battle with Black Hole. [48]
He announces that Kinnikuman is too injured to fight, so the remaining Devil Chojin should fight against the remaining Justice Chojin. [48] Robin chooses Atlantis for his opponent. [49] He fights Atlantis on a special ring on a lake in Ueno, where Atlantis surprises Robin in the ring before attacking from behind. [49] Robin starts strong, as he manages to counter Atlantis, but Atlantis ultimately dives into the waters. [50]
He follows with high speed into the lake, as he rapidly kicks at Atlantis' head, but is eventually knocked away by a Water Magnum. Atlantis tries to force Robin into the lake with his Water Magnum, but the ropes stretch and Robin is able to use those to jump away. He proceeds to ride the Water Magnum and he lands a Drop Kick to Atlantis' face. Atlantis throws Meat's leg into the lake, causing Robin to abandon his strategy as he dives into the lake to save Meat's leg from harm. [50]
Atlantis follows him and proceeds to strangle him. [51]
Alisa arrives to support Robin, at which point he attempts a Pile Driver, creating two whirlpools, as the power of Atlantis and Robin collide, and then - after several seconds of silence - Atlantis emerges from the lake with the mask of Robin Mask in his hands. It is revealed, after rescuing Meat's right leg, that he was trapped within an Atlantis Driver and is now dead. Alisa clutches Robin's mask in grief, while Kinnikuman retrieves Meat's leg. [51] This is the last Robin is seen until later in the arc [51] when he is revived by Buffaloman, who sacrifices his life force to do so. [52]
He emerges alive from the lake and retrieves his mask. [52]
Golden Mask Arc[]
Robin Mask appears with the other Justice Chojin for a fitness test. [53]
It is during this time that the Golden Mask and Silver Mask are separated, resulting in all Justice Chojin slowly losing their power. [53] Robin Mask - along with his companions - are placed into plastic bubbles, which act as life-support devices. [54] During Kinnikuman's battle with Planetman, Planetman steals the souls of the Justice Chojin trapped within the life support devices. [55] Robin - and the others - are saved when Kinnikuman sacrifices Warsman in order to protect the rest of the group and defeat Planetman. [56]
This defeat of Planetman restores Robin and the others to full power. [56]
Warsman is revealed to be alive, but in a precarious state. Robin Mask decides to turn into a microscopic size and go inside Warsman's body, along with Terryman, Brocken Jr., Kinnikuman, and Geronimo. [57] Terryman decides that the group will hold off the remaining Devil Knights so Kinnikuman can reach the top floor and retrieve the Golden Mask, with matches that will take place on a tower of rings formed along Warsman's spinal column. [57]
Junkman shows his true form. [58]
Robin Mask challenged Junkman on the first ring. Junkman sees Kinnikuman scaling the spine, but - as he seeks to stop him from reaching the top - Robin Mask intervenes and stops him from an attack. [59] Junkman attempts a Junk Crush, but Robin dodges and the attack strikes the spinal column instead. When Junkman tries the same attack again, Robin tries a Shoulder Throw, but he then attacks once more at the spinal column. Robin soon realizes the aimed attacks are deliberate: Junkman seeks to disable Warsman and prevent Kinnikuman from climbing higher. [59]
Junkman tries a Junk Crush yet again, and Robin allows himself to be caught, before he reveals the philosophy he teaches to younger chojin: "when forced to make a sacrifice, try to save both things". [59] He thus removes his armor and saves himself from being crushed. [59][60] Junkman crushes the armor and uses it to prove his strength, before he tries to attack Kinnikuman again, but Robin stops the attack with his bare hands. [60] Junkman retaliates by making spikes appear on his front, which violently cut and slash at Robin.
Robin believes he has found Junkman's one weakness, which is that he cannot see what happens at his back, and flips him over, until his front spikes trap him in the ring canvas. He tries a Robin Drop, but Junkman uses his Double Face technique [60] and strikes again with a Junk Crush. Robin refuses to stay down and circles Junkman, only to be hit again, and - in an attempt to gain speed to avoid being hit more - removes his belt and part of his helmet. [61] It appears Robin has used all his strength, even as he gains an advantage, and Junkman smashes his face on a corner-post. Junkman uses another Junk Crush, but Robin counters with a Reverse Tower Bridge.
Junkman is thus defeated, with Robin as the victor. [61]
Dream Chojin Tag Arc[]
Robin Mask first arrives at Beverly Park. [62]
He - along with the other Idol Chojin - take Kinnikuman to Korakuen Hall. They reveal that there is a new tag-team tournament and that Robin and Warsman have formed the Chojin Master/Student Combo. The two of them then leave. [62] They are shown - as part of the preliminaries - defeating Blood Illusions with a Double German Suplex Hold. [63] They arrive early in Japan to plan for victory, before they arrive at Tournament Mountain. [64] They make their way through a maze to find their allocated partner in the first rounds. [65]
They are matched against the Hell Missionaries. [65]
When Robin Mask tries to shake Neptuneman's hand, he is rejected and Neptuneman kills Kendaman. [66] This causes Robin Mask to flashback to his youth, where he met Quarrelman, and he reveals that Quarrelman was due to fight him in the English preliminary finals of the Chojin Olympics, but that Quarrelman decided against this and walked away, forfeiting the match. He was known for the same attack used against Kendaman: the Quarrel Special. [66] Robin reveals - in a flashback - he invented a new attack just for Quarrelman, as payback for refusing to fight him in the finals of the Olympic preliminaries (the Tower Bridge). [67]
During the match, they send in Big the Budo first, to prevent Robin from fighting Neptuneman as he desires. Robin manages to avoid the attacks by Big the Budo, before Warsman takes a lead and distracts him, and Neptuneman reveals he will not tag into the ring, even if Big the Budo dies. Robin Mask then uses a Tower Bridge to help Warsman perform a Rolling Bear Claw, which manages to slice open Neptuneman's chest. Robin then uses his Robin Special on Big the Budo, which convinces Neptuneman to join the ring. [67]
Robin attempts a Robin Special on Neptuneman, but Neptuneman counters with a Neptune Sliding. [68] After stabbing Neptuneman with the spike of his helmet, they exchange a series of blows, until it seems that Robin has given up and let down his guard, but - by allowing Neptuneman to attack him - he becomes certain that this is Quarrelman. Warsman then tags in to take over, but loses his mask. [68]
Quarrelman reveals his plans to steal the masks of the strongest chojin and then give them to their minions (thus giving them their powers and identity). [69] Warsman is then killed by a Cross Bomber, before dying in Robin's arms and being reassured that no one is laughing at his exposed face. Robin then attacks in earnest. [70] Robin fights on Warsman's behalf, including using both the Tower Bridge and the Bear Claw, and seems to have the advantage for a while. [71] However, Robin is distracted by retrieving Warsman's mask, which allows him to be severely injured. Neptuneman uses the Robin Special against Robin, followed by the Cross Bomber. [71]
This causes Robin to become unmasked. [72]
The Hell Missionaries decide to give the spectators a closer look at the Chojin Master/Student Combo, throwing them out of the ring and intending for them to fall their deaths below. [73] Right when they were about to hit the ground, the first Kinnikuman Great - (Prince Kamehame in disguise) - catches Robin and Warsman, but he injures his knees in the process. Robin is placed down on the ground, but - when he gets up - his face is fully revealed for the first time. The media tried to get close-ups and photos of his handsome face. [73]
Kinnikuman and the others - excluding Terryman - attack the media, as they say it is rude to try and get pictures of his face. Kinnikuman then gives Robin a towel to put over his face. The aftermath of this was Robin losing his fighting spirit. [73] During the semifinals between the 20 Million Powers and the Hell Missionaries, Robin returned with a cut out mask to help support the Justice Chojin. [74]
He offers Kinnikuman his steel armor, which allows him to reach the ring, when Neptuneman uses a magnetic power against the 20 Million Powers. [74] After the tournament ends, Robin retrieves all the stolen masks from Neptuneman and swears to give them back to their rightful owners. [75]
Survivor Match Arc[]
Robin Mask can be seen celebrating with Kinnikuman. [76]
Robin is promoted to Chief of Staff, which means - at first - he must not help Kinnikuman when his position as a member of the royal family is challenged. [77] He and Terryman are obligated to protect their new posts within the Chojin Association, so they stay behind as Kinnikuman goes to his matches alone. [78]
While teaching a class, one of Robin’s students listens to the Kinnikuman vs. Kinnikuman Mariposa battle on his radio. [79] This alerts Robin to Kinnikuman's peril, and he and Terry rush to Japan. [80] They arrive just in time to save Meat from King the 100-Ton. [81] Robin initially attended in his role as Kinnikuman's friend to offer support, but Kinnikuman reveals he wrote down Robin's name on his team roster in invisible ink. [82]
He is thus able to fight as Team Leader. [82]
Robin Mask vs. Mariposa[]
After Terryman defeats King the 100-Ton, Mariposa is matched against Robin Mask; Mariposa attacks Meat and Kinnikuman - who try to stop him - and enters the ring. [83] He kicks Robin Mask from behind before the gong has been officially rung, before using a Senton Gebradora.
Mariposa tries to attack again, but Robin counters with a Spinning Lobster Defence and an overhead throw. He attempts to skewer Robin Mask on his horn, but Mariposa stops himself from falling with a simple finger on the horn of Robin Mask' helmet, and uses what appears to be a Muscle Revenger to drill Robin Mask into the canvas. [83] Robin Mask pulls himself halfway from the canvas, before attempting a Tower Bridge. [84] Mariposa rotates rapidly, which breaks him free from the hold, but this action helps pull Robin free.
Mariposa uses a Moctezuma Defence, which ignites his body and sets fire to the ropes. Robin Mask takes a hold of Mariposa's legs, which are the only part of him not aflame, and swings him until the flames are extinguished, which enables him to notice the Anoalo Staff. Mariposa leaps upon Robin Mask, and delivers a series of fiery headbutts. [84] It is revealed Mariposa stole the Anoalo Staff in Robin Mask's youth. [85] Robin attempts to counter with a Flying Sausage, but Mariposa breaks the fall with his hands and throws Robin against the corner-post, before using an Iron Post Binding.
Mariposa attempts to use a Moctezuma Defence again, and uses an Aztec Drop on Robin Mask. Robin Mask faints from the burns obtained from the attacks, before using a Muscle Revenger to drive Robin Mask into the canvas once more. Terryman motivates Robin Mask, who summons the Anoalo Staff back to him, and this allows him to use the Unicorn Head technique. [85] Mariposa is stunned by a beam from a temple on Planet Kinniku when he tries to use what is revealed to be a fake Muscle Revenger, a sacred technique used by the Kinniku Royal family, At this point, Mariposa is revealed not be the true prince. [86]
Robin Mask follows with a Fire Turbine and finishes with a Robin Special. This defeats Mariposa, who falls to the mat with a knock-out, and Robin Mask is declared the winner of the match. Kinnikuman dyes his white cape red with the blood of Mariposa, before removing his mask (as per the rules of the tournament). [86]
Blue Impulse vs. Team Zebra[]
The next round is against Team Zebra. [87]
The Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne proceeds as expected, until the match between Team Zebra and Team Kinnikuman, at which point Parthenon attempts a Guillotine Drop on Ramenman. [88] Kinnikuman intervenes to stop the attack, at which point Kinnikuman and Robin Mask declare that they will fight on his behalf. [88] Robin Mask sneaks behind Zebra with a choke-hold, while Kinnikuman is incapacitated. [89] Robin Mask and Kinnikuman proceed to use an Anglo-Japan Cross-Bomber. [89]
It is later revealed Zebra had been punching while holding iron balls, and it is explained he has two personalities within: good and evil. Kinnikuman Zebra unleashes a flying-headbutt, which is made worse by a nail placed under his mask, but - on a second attempt at a flying-headbutt - Robin Mask carries Kinnikuman safely out of harm's way. The force of Zebra's headbutt is concentrated on the ring, where he cracks open a fissure along the canvas, which divides the ring in two. He proceeds to use a Brutal Art: Canvas Presser. [90]
Kinnikuman and Robin Mask survive due to Kinnikuman's Face-Flash. [90]
Parthenon tries to petrify Kinnikuman with a Human Body Fossil Seal, but Robin Mask uses his Unicorn Head to tag into the match. This results in Robin Mask being sealed inside one of Parthenon's pillars. [91] Kinnikuman is revived by Robin Mask's support, which invokes his Friendship Power. [92] Parthenon then casts a shadow on Kinnikuman, which seemingly removes his sense of justice and makes him turn on his friends, but it is revealed Kinnikuman is merely acting evil, and this is due to the power of justice emanating from Robin Mask inside Parthenon. [92]
Robin Mask breaks free from Parthenon, by igniting the methane gas with the Anoalo Fire, and uses a Tower Bridge on Parthenon. [93] This snaps all six of Parthenon's pillars. [94] The top-half of Parthenon continues to live, and this prompts Robin Mask to use a Robin Special, but - on Parthenon's death - money shoots out of his corpse. Robin Mask is too fatigued to continue, and is taken out of the ring by Ramenman. [94]
Robin later helps Kinnikuman in training for the final match. [95]
After Kinnikuman's match with Satan Cross, Kinnikuman is left weakened and Robin Mask carries him to the next match of their final round [96] and Kinnikuman accidentally urinates on him. [97] Later, when Kinnikuman Super Phoenix sexually assaults Bibimba, Kinnikuman tries to kiss Robin (believing the kiss to be consensual and thus jealous), and Robin slaps him in response. [98]
In the final match against Team Super Phoenix, Robin took part in a Six-Man Tag Match with Kinnikuman and The Samurai (actually Neptuneman) against Super Phoenix, The Omegaman, and Mammothman. [99] To make the battle “more interesting”, Super Phoenix began burning the Muscle Prophecy pages of both fighters, causing them to slowly disappear. [100] Robin and Mammothman begin a fierce one-on-one battle. [101] As they fight, Mammothman used his blood-seeking Big Tusks against Robin, but Robin overcame this by putting his own blood on Mammothman. [102]
This causes the Big Tusks to attack Mammothman, severely wounding him. [103]
Robin eventually defeats Mammothman with the Rope Work Tower Bridge and Mammothman then disappears, but shortly afterwards so does Robin, leaving only his helmet and armor behind when their Muscle Prophecy pages are destroyed. [104] During the fight between Kinnikuman and Phoenix, the souls of Robin, Neptuneman, Kinnikuman Soldier, and Geronimo (all of whom had their Muscle Prophecy pages destroyed) helped Kinnikuman regain his Burning Inner Strength and defeat Super Phoenix. [105]
After the tournament, Robin and the others were revived by Kinnikuman’s Face Flash. [105]
Robin returned to England to serve the Queen. [106][107]
Kinnikuman 2011[]
- Robin Mask enters stasis after Kinnikuman's coronation, in order to heal from his injuries, when the Perfect Large Numbers attack Earth. He goes on to compete in their new tournament once he awakens, and is pitted against Nemesis, to whom he loses the match. He is later brought back to life by Mammothman, and goes with the Real Deals to battle aganst the choushin.
Farewell, Kinnikuman![]
This one-shot takes place during Kinnikuman's retirement ceremony. [108]
The Justice Chojin are dismayed at Kinnikuman's retiring. Wolfman's disappointed because Kinnikuman's retiring right after his own retirement, leaving Japan with no protectors. Ramenman's shocked that Kinnikuman retired before he did. Terryman promises that he'll find a stronger partner for a new tag-team. [108]
When Warsman rings the bell, he uses his Bear Claws, causing it to crack. Brocken Jr. calls out Warsman for ruining the atmosphere. Robin Mask even tells Warsman to back down before challenging Kinnikuman to one last fight. Robin Mask says the ceremony is a farce and shatters the bell with a chop, which Terryman likens to a slap to Kinnikuman's face. Robin Mask is quite angry at Kinnikuman's retirement and demands an answer from Kinnikuman. [108]
Kinnikuman says he'll explain after the ceremony, but that isn't enough for Robin Mask, who attacks Kinnikuman. While Kinnikuman defends himself against Robin Mask's assault, he realizes that the helmet Robin Mask is wearing is from the 20th Chojin Olympics tournament, more specifically the finals match in which Kinnikuman cracked the helmet. Robin Mask wants a proper rematch since the last two matches weren't proper losses. [108]
Buffaloman and Terryman try to interfere, but Warsman tells them that Robin Mask wants a serious match against Kinnikuman. Robin Mask places Kinnikuman into a Robin Special, but Kinnikuman doesn't feel that at all. Kinnikuman counters with a Kinniku Driver. Robin Mask reverses the Kinniku Driver and places him into the Tower Bridge, causing Kinnikuman's torso to tear up. Kinnikuman escapes the Tower Bridge because the Kinniku Driver left a mark on Robin Mask, allowing Kinnikuman the opportunity to land a Kinniku Buster. [108]
Robin Mask compliments both of Kinnikuman's techniques before punching Kinnikuman's face. Kinnikuman returns with a punch of his own, leading to mighty fisticuffs exchange. Harabote tells Meat about the time Mayumi retired and reveals that he wanted a last match with Mayumi, but he did not want to break tradition; he sheds a tear because Robin Mask did something he couldn't achieve. The other Justice Chojin cheer Robin on. Although this match is a sham in Robin's eyes, he still wants to fight. [108]
Seeing as the Chairman receiving the retirement letter is the only way Kinnikuman's retirement can be made official, Kinnikuman hands Robin Mask his retirement letter. Robin Mask crushes the letter and gives Kinnikuman a fist-bump, showing off their friendship as Justice Chojin. [108]
Perfect Origin Arc[]
It is revealed - after accumulating so many injuries over the years - that Robin Mask has entered suspended animation as a part of his healing process. [109] He is in England, where he will remain in stasis until his healing is completed. [109] During this time, Marlinman appears at the River Thames to challenge Robin Mask. [110] After the defeat of the first group of Perfect Chojin, a new group appears, and it is at this point that Robin Mask is revealed to have been fully healed and returns to his companions. [111]
Robin Mask vs. Nemesis[]
The next tournament is scheduled to take place on a pyramid, with seven steps and seven rings, and Robin Mask convinces Kinnikuman to rest, so that they can take care of their opponents on his behalf. [112] A series of tunnels leads the Justice and Devil Chojin to their opponents: Robin - on ring six - is assigned Nemesis. [113] Nemesis starts with an upper-hand, as he employs a one-handed back-breaker. [114] Robin eventually is able to land a knee-kick. [115] After exchanging a series of blows, throughout the other matches, Nemesis attacks with a Flying Head Scissors. [116] Robin Mask evades and counters with a Boston Crab.
Nemesis evades the attack and reverses it with a Pile-Driver, but Robin Mask breaks free in turn with a headbutt, and proceeds with an Ice Rock Gyro. They engage in a series of blows, before both fall to the canvas and hold each other in an equal grapple. [116] At this point, Nemesis reveals the origin of the Perfect Chojin. [117] He states that Perfect Chojin are descended from chojin chosen by the gods, but all other chojin are descended from those rejected by the gods. He proceeds to use a Nemesis Driver. [117]
He drives Robin's head into the canvas, but Robin pulls himself out. [118] Nemesis throws Robin again with a double-arm suplex, and follows through with a high-kick, until Robin is able to counter with a throw. Robin uses a Unicorn Fire Head, but Nemesis counters after with a Battleship Sinker, and Robin still stands, as he reveals that Kinnikuman is his main motivation and reason for throwing away his pride. [118] He describes in detail how his defeat by Kinnikuman allowed him to be reborn as a better chojin with Friendship Power. [119]
Nemesis knocks off Robin's Analo Staff with a knee-strike, and they engage in a series of blows again. [119] He is eventually able to stop Robin's blows with the Perfect Defender, which is a variation of the Muscle Curtain, and continues to use the Perfect Assailant, which Robin dodges and uses to lead into a Robin Special. [120] Nemesis breaks free and uses a Scorpion Death-Lock. He convinces Robin to remove his armour and fight at full-power, which leads to Robin attempting a Naked Tower Bridge. [120]
The attack starts to tear apart Nemesis' body, but also has an effect on Robin's body. [121] Nemesis eventually breaks free and uses a Tombstone Driver, leading Robin to try a British Steel Edge. The technique is broken, leading Robin to say goodbye to his friends, before Nemesis uses another Battleship Sinker. [121] Robin is knocked out and the match it declared to be in Nemesis' favour. [122] Nemesis then tosses Robin's body down the pyramid and into the sands of the dunes below. Despite Kinnikuman's attempts to save Robin, he is only able to save the visor of his mask, and Robin's body sinks out of reach of his friends. [122]
Unnamed Arc[]
Mammothman, with his last breath, gives his live sphere to revive Robin Mask, who after traveling a long way from the desert, arrive to the Tower of Babel, where he and the other chosen chojin enter. There, he see how the young Geronimo manage to defeat one of the choushins, who tell them about the true motives of the Gods: seen who was the most worthy chojin. This makes that the team split, and Robin Mask decide to go with his old rival, Neptuneman.
The two of them arrive to a room with a ring in it, and with a choushin that resemblance Big the Budo. Neptuneman starts the match, and the choushin reveal his identity as Levianthan, the God of Fortune and Misfortune. During the match, Robin Mask adopts a supporting role, making Neptuneman remembering his power as a single fighter. After the win of his old rival, Robin Mask walks to the next room.
Kinnikuman Nisei[]
- Robin Mask has become the headmaster of the Hercules Factory, as well as the father of Kevin Mask. He appears during the prologue chapters, but is rarely seen outside of flashback chapters. He plays a prominent role in the Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc, where the Time Chojin go back in time to kill him (and thus rewrite history), but - when Alisa is harmed in his stead - he teams up with Terry the Kid to form The Adrenalines. This is to save his son, Kevin Mask, from being erased from history and to avenge his critically ill wife. They succeed in their matches until they compete against the Five Disasters in the quarter-finals, at which point they lose. Robin Mask will then support the Justice Chojin in their fights.
Hercules Factory Arc[]
In Kinnikuman Nisei, Robin is the headmaster of the Hercules Factory and the father of rogue chojin Kevin Mask. He is one of the original chojin defeated on Earth by the new dMp, which prompts a state of emergency among the older chojin. [123] He is present as a key player in the international meeting at the Muscle League headquarters, and he is the one to propose opening a school: the Hercules Factory. They decide to use the next three months to train the new generation. [124] He is often the one to referee and chaperone training. At graduation, Robin is the one to make the announcements. He engages in an argument with Mantaro Kinniku about his placement. [125]
HF Replacement Matches Arc[]
Robin has a very brief appearance as he referees the matches of Generation Ex, often commenting on their victories against the older generation. [126] He appears very much as he did in the prologue chapters, as he acts in the role of headmaster.
Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament arc[]
He is involved with the current story-line as two evil Time Chojins have gone back in time to steal the Completion Bulbs on the bottom of the Tag Trophy and end up killing him and subsequently mess up the timeline. Now, Kinniku Mantaro and the others (along with secret stowaways Neptuneman and Warsman) have gone back in time to stop Kevin from disappearing. Mantaro manages to save Robin but accidentally bumps into Alisa, causing her to become a victim of the Death Watch Branding in his place.
After the Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament is announced Robin goes with Alisa in a medical helicopter, but not before hearing Terry the Kid refer to Kevin by name. While in the helicopter, Alisa asks if they can name their first son after their favourite pub, Kevin's Bar. This cause Robin to trust the New Generation and decide to help them. He comes across Terry the Kid, who is depressed about always being Mantaro's sidekick, and witnesses him saving a puppy from an oncoming bus. He tells Kid that he believes Kevin may be his son, and the two of them form The Adrenalines (ジ・アドレナリンズ ).
Battle Royale[]
The Adrenalines are the second tag-team to enter the tournament at Kourakuen Stadium.[127] The crowd reacts warmly to Robin Mask, but cold to Terry the Kid, but - once Robin helps Chaos Avenir after a fall - Robin's comrades soon turn on him. Once the Five Disasters arrive, they place Kevin Mask just outside of the ring; this distracts Robin and causes him distress. [128]
Harabote notes that they currently have too many teams, so the final line-up will be decided by a battle royale, and this will happen immediately on two prepared rings.[129] Robin Mask remains distracted and is attacked by Moaidon and Ortega, who use Crusher Scrap and a Bookshelf Attack.[130] The Illusions proceed to join in the attack. Robin Mask is sent hurtling into the second ring, while Master Shuffle uses his body to build a bridge between the two rings, and allows the Alphabet to cross over and attack with a Big Wave Card and Big Wave Attack. Terry the Kid dives across to save Robin Mask.[130]
Terry the Kid convinces Robin Mask to keep fighting and inspires him.[131] He dodges a kill punch from the Alphabet; Robin Mask dodges Master Shuffle's Big Boot, before he uses a Flying Neck Breaker Drop. The Adrenalines then go to defend the Machineguns, but realise they are not needed and instead congratulate the Machineguns in their success against the Celebrities.[131] After the other teams help whittle down the numbers to twelve, the Adrenalines are declared one of the winners and advance through to the main tournament.[132]
First Round[]
The match takes place at Kuramae Kokugikan, at 2.30pm. [133] The Adrenalines arrive in matching costumes and masks, until Terry the Kid reveals himself by removing his mask, and the Wailing Ghost Gang arrives on palanquins, but the Adrenalines strike the Wailing Ghost Gang before the bell is rung. [134] The bell is rung and The Adrenalines start with a flying body attack in a synchronised aerial move, before the Wailing Ghost Gang toss them across the ring. [135]
The Wailing Ghost Gang retaliate with a Gaon's Bamboo-Copter Blood-Fountain. This knocks Terry the Kid out of the ring, and Robin Mask slams Gaon down onto the mat. [135] The Gaon gains an advantage, as Robin Mask becomes distracted by the sight of Kevin Mask disappearing at the ring-side. [136] The Wailing Ghost Gang team up against Robin Mask, and use a Wailing Leg Slash, which causes Robin to collapse at the side of the ring and allow Terry the Kid to switch with him. [137] Kid is able to take the lead. [137]
Kid uses a Dead-Crush Arm-Breaker against Emperor Death. [138] Emperor Death counters with a Snake-Belly Hand, before using an Emeishan Drop. Gaon joins in with a drop-kick to Kid's face, while Kid works out that Kevin's survival depends on Robin's victory during the match, as his death will result in Kevin's death. He kicks Gaon on the back of his head, before Gaon counters by tossing him to Emperor Death, who uses a Cobra Claw to force Kid to his feet. The Wailing Ghost Gang gain an advantage, until Robin Mask sees Kid in distress and tags himself into the match. Robin Mask uses a Kingdom Neck Chancery. [138]
Emperor Death uses his snake-hand to remove Robin Mask's armour, and he tosses the armour onto Kevin Mask's clear-bed. [139] Robin Mask then uses an Indian Death-Lock on Emperor Death, and Gaon then stops him with a Gaon Ride. Emperor Death then uses a Snake-Tail Foot against to hang from the rafters, as he uses a Snake-Belly Hand and engages in Slow-Slicing. [139] Emperor Death then uses a Blood-Leech Bowl technique to keep Robin Mask alive, while he announces his aim to gain immortality with the trophy bulbs. [140]
Terry the Kid then kicks Robin's armour back into the ring. [141] Robin Mask uses a Blood Fountain to blind his opponents, before Kid uses a $1,000,000 Kick to incapacitate Emperor Death. [142] Robin uses his Maelstrom Power, followed by a Greenwich Time Crash, and puts back on his armour, which helps to heal him with its familial and ancestral powers. The Wailing Ghost Gang try to use another Bamboo-Copter, until The Adrenalines use Tag Formation A. Kid also then uses a Texas Tornado Elbow. [142]
This knocks out Gaon. [142] The Adrenalines then use an Adrenaline Bridge upon Emperor Death, which causes Emperor Death to be knocked out in turn, and Harabote Muscle declares the match in The Adrenalines favour, causing the audience to throw cushions into the ring in support of them. [143]
Robin Mask visits Alisa in hospital, where he helps calm her with Kevin's feather charm.[144]
The Adrenalines face the Five Disasters on May 10th, in Ueno Park.[145] The match takes place at Shinobazu Pond, which is where Robin Mask lost his life to Atlantis, and the rules are death-match rules in the centre of the lake. Both teams arrive by boat, while Kevin Mask is suspended above the ring in his glass X-container.[145]
It had seemed like a close match at first, until Thunder threw Kevin's tube into the water, causing Robin to go after him. After that, it had looked like Robin had died the same way as his first death, but he had actually taken Kevin's mask since it doubled as an oxygen tank. Robin then put Lightning in a Tower Bridge, but it only broke his original costume and revealed a second one. Lightning then broke out and performed Justice Crushing Finale on the Adrenalines. They then tried to do Deathwatch Branding on Robin, but Terry saved him with a Condor Kick only to get slashed by Thunder's Lion's Authority, ending the match.
After the match, Robin Mask supports the Justice Chojin from his hospital ward. He reappears towards the end of the series, where he - along with Terryman and Kinnikuman - find Kevin Mask and nurse him back to full health. Robin Mask then supports Kevin Mask during the finals, culminating in a brief celebration with his son after the Young Masters defeat the Five Disasters. He and Alisa say a heartfelt goodbye, as Kevin Mask returns to the present timeline.
Anime Changes[]
American Tour Arc[]
In this arc, Robin Mask's motivation is changed. It is revealed - through flashbacks - that his wife Alisa died, as opposed to them enduring a separation, and he attributes her death in part to the enforced exile. This is what motivates him to go to Hawaii in order to defeat Kinnikuman.
21st Chojin Olympics []
The reason for his sudden change of heart is lamp-shaded by other characters, as he was previously seen sacrificing himself for Kinnikuman, but - unlike the manga - an explanation is attempted. Robin explains that he felt that Kinnikuman's first victory was a fluke, and their second match was unable to properly end, and so he used another chojin to gain closure and see whether he truly has skills or not. In this arc, a long-lost twin sister of Alisa is revealed and her presence helps him to see the error of his ways, as Alisa would not want for him to act in an evil manner. This adds a reason to his motivation change that was absent in the manga.
- Tower Bridge (タワーブリッジ )
- Robin's trademark move. AKA Argentine Backbreaker. He puts his opponent face-up across his shoulders and then grabs their head with one hand and a leg with the other and pulls down on both sides.
- Reverse Tower Bridge (逆タワーブリッジ Gyaku Tawā Burijji)
- Robin places his opponent face up on his helmet horn, jumps high into the air, flips upside down, and then drives them face-down into the canvas, piercing their back with his horn.
- Modified Tower Bridge (変形タワーブリッジ, Henkei Tawā Burijji)
- An anime only attack that was used against Jiraiyar and Gudon in the final arc of the anime (before the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne). Robin was fighting Jiraiyer during the 5-on-3 tag match when he was grabbed from the apron by Gudon. Gudon held him in a double under-hook from behind while Jiraiyer beat on him and prepared for a flying head-butt. Robin, however, flipped upside down so that Jiraiyer hit Gudon with his attack and the three fell out of the ring and into the clouds (the ring was on top of a mountain range). While they fell, Robin was still being held by Gudon, so he applied a Tower Bridge on Jiraiyer with his feet (one caught Jiraiyer's neck while the other caught one of his legs), eliminating all three of them from the match.
- Ropework Tower Bridge (ロープワーク・タワーブリッジ )
- Similar to the Reverse Tower Bridge except Robin drives the opponent into the ropes. Used against Mammothman.
- Tower Bridge Naked (タワーブリッジネイキッド )
- Robin performs a normal Tower Bridge, but instead of pull down on both sides, he bends his opponent to make it similar to a bow. To make it more effective, Robin rapidly jumping up and down to tear the opponent's body. Used against Nemesis, he manages to tear open his stomach's skin and break some of his ribs, but unable to knock him out and Nemesis manages to escape.
Backdrop (脳天逆落とし )
Boston Crab (逆海老固め )
Chōjin Rocket (超人ロケット )
- Robin jumps up and launches himself (like a rocket) headfirst into his opponent. Originally called Human Rocket (人間ロケット, Ningen Roketto).
Bulldogging Headlock (ブルドッキングヘッドロック )
- Course of Death (死のコース Shi no Kōsu)
- With his opponent face-down on the ground (usually thanks to the Pendulum Back Breaker), Robin jumps up into the air and lands horn first in their back. He then repeatedly stabs them in the back with his horn.
- Course of Death: Octopus Dream (死のコース「オクトパスドリーム」 Shi no Kōsu: Okutopasu Dorīmu)
- Repeated pinfalls.
- Robin Special (ロビンスペシャル )
- Version 1: With his opponent falling headfirst towards the ring, Robin jumps up and catches their head with his feet. He then flips up so that their head is now between his knees and then wraps his arms around their body and drives them headfirst into the canvas.Similar to a Tombstone Piledriver.
- Version 2: Just like with the first version, he catches his opponent’s head with his feet. He then extends his arms so that he lands on his palms. Right before they hit the canvas, he briefly lets go of their head only to capture it in a Triangle Choke as they touch down.
- Unicorn Head (ユニコーン・ヘッド )
- A headbutt used when holding the Robin Dynasty's treasured Anoalo Sceptre. Used against Kinnikuman Mariposa.
- Fire Turbine (ファイヤー・タービン )
- Robin activates his Anoalo Sceptre, then spinning himself with such force that creating a fire tornado that blowing upward. Used against Kinnikuman Mariposa, the storm was strong enough to blow Mariposa up to the sky.
- Robin's Ice Rock Gyro (ロビン流アイス・ロック・ジャイロ Robin-Ryū Aisu Rokku Jairo)
- He lifts up his opponent and throws him/her into the air. While in mid-air, Robin rapidly hit the opponent, with each hit make he/she moves faster, the opponent's body becoming freeze due to the speed making the air around them colder. Used against Mammothman and Nemesis.
- Liner Tackle (ライナータックル )
- Kingdom Neck-Chancery (キングダム・ネックチャンスリー )
- Greenwich Time Crush (グリニッジ・タイム・クラッシュ )
- Chōjin Cyclone (超人サイクロン )
- Thames River Storm (テームズリバーストリーム )
Unicorn Fire Head (ユニコーン ファイヤーヘッド )
- A headbutt similar to Unicorn head, but with the help of Robin Dynasty's treasured Anoalo Sceptre. Robin uses it to ignite himself and stab the opponent with Anoalo Sceptre, making him a flaming bullet Used against Nemesis.
British Steel Edge (ブリティッシュ・スティール・エッジ )
- Robin starts by grabbing his opponent's right wrist with his right hand and their left with his. Then he twists his opponents arms around each other to the point where their right hand is once again on the right side and the left hand on the left side. Next, Robin releases the hold by uncrossing his own arms and the force of breaking the hold flings the opponent into the air, spinning in various directions. To finish the move, Robin jumps up after the opponent and grabs their near arm under his own (so that the opponent is upside down and Robin is sideways with his stomach against their back), reaches between their legs to hook their far thigh with his other arm, wraps his legs around their head and far arm, and falls to the ground so that the opponent lands head first. But by the time Robin use this technique, it is incomplete and was easily be defeat by Nemesis. Later, it becomes his son, Kevin Mask, trademark technique and was rename as Big Ben Edge (ビッグベン・エッジ)
Career Record[]
- Great Britain Heavyweight
- 19th Chojin Olympics Champion
- 20th Chojin Olympics Runner-Up
- 1st Kinnikuman Nisei All Chojin Dai Shingeki Popularity Contest (8th Place)
- Justice Chojin Battle Chief
- Idol Chojin Battle Leader
- Team Kinnikuman: Commander (First Round) → Second in Command (Semifinals and Finals)
- Hercules Factory Headmaster
- Noble Persona
- Chojin Professor
- Mad Noble
- Sir Robin Mask
- Gentleman Chojin
- Justice Chojin No. 1 Intellect Chojin
- Justice Noble
Win/Loss Record (Singles)[]
- O Guillotine King (Tower Bridge)
- O Uldraman (Tower Bridge)
- O Quarrelman (Forfeit)
- O Canadianman (German Suplex)
- O Terryman (Boston Crab)
- X Kinnikuman (Mexican Rolling Clutch Hold)
- O Dynamite Piper (Tower Bridge)
- - Kinnikuman (No Contest)
- X Atlantis (Atlantis Driver)
- O Junkman (Reverse Tower Bridge)
- O Kinnikuman Mariposa (Robin Special)
- O Parthenon (Robin Special)
- Δ or O Mammothman (Rope Work Tower Bridge→ Double KO)
- Δ Kinnikuman (No Contest)
- X Nemesis (Battleship Sinker)
- O Rampageman (Twisted Tower Bridge)
Win/Loss Record (Tag)[]
- O Blood Illusions (Double German Suplex Hold)
- X Hell Missionaries (Cross Bomber)
- O Kinnikuman Zebra & Parthenon (Incomplete Muscle Spark)
- O Wailing Ghost Gang (Adrenaline Bridge)
- X Five Disasters (Justice Crushing Finale⇒Lion's Authority)
Win/Loss Record (Anime Only)[]
- O Black Knight (Tower Bridge)
- Δ American Football Boss (Suicide Dive)
- O Black Knight (Reverse Tower Bridge)
- O Condor Satan (Tower Bridge)
- O Condor Satan (Tower Bridge)
- O The Umibozun (Tag Formation Ace→ Robin Special 1st) (Tag Match with Warsman)
- Δ The Kongo (Spinning Body Attack→ Double KO)
- O Hell Knight (Tower Bridge)[Psycho Chojin Arc]
- Δ Jiraiyar & Gudon (Modified Tower Bridge)[Heinous Chojin Arc]
Speech & Quotes[]
- "The king of Justice Chojin, who we'll never stop respecting!" - Kinnikuman, talking about Robin Mask.
Trivia []
- Hobbies: Rugby, Golf, Chess, Association football
- Favourite Book: The Tale of Genji
- Favourite Words: Love
- Submitted by: Yasunori Okajima (岡島保則) of Osaka
- Robin appears in the Kinnikuman chapter of Super Kochikame, in which he comes to the Police Box after he loses his armour
- He is the Oxford University rugby captain
- He is modelled after British wrestler Billy Robinson [146]
- Theme Song: "Nijiiro no Kishi" by Arakawa Tsutomu.
- The Anoalo Sceptre is named after obscure wrestler Anoalo Atisano'e, brother of famed sumo Konishiki.
- In the English Dub of Ultimate Muscle, despite being from London, Robin Mask's voice is a heavy Scottish brogue, patterned on either Sean Connery or Darrell Hammond
Justice Chojin |
Legends |
Brocken Jr., Buffaloman, Geronimo, Kinnikuman, Robin Mask, Terryman, Warsman, Wolfman, |
New Generation |
Chaos Avenir, Gazelleman, Kevin Mask, Mantaro Kinniku, Seiuchin, Terry the Kid |
Female Chojin |
Bibimba, Fiona, Jacqueline Muscle, Okan, Sayuri Kinniku |
Idol Chojin |
Leaders |
Kinniku Clan, Muscle Clan |
Original Generation |
Kinnikuman, Terryman, Robin Mask, Buffaloman, Ramenman, Brocken Jr, Geronimo, Wolfman |
New Generation |
Mantaro Kinniku, Terry the Kid, Gazelleman, Seiuchin, Kevin Mask, Scarface, Jade |