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Some Things I Love About the Internet

One day, you write something about a guy’s first book, and the next day, you get an email message from that guy thanking you for your comments and offering help with a critical issue you’re currently facing.

One day, you express a desire for a new feature in a very cool web tool, and later that very same day, the author of the tool pops by to discuss the feature’s possibilities.

One day, you go to a conference where you get to hang out with an exceptionally cool woman whose blog you’ve been reading, and she takes you to meet another fabulously cool blogger who shows you around the town, and then you can watch over the next two years as that blogger meets another blogger at a conference on blogging, as they fall in love, plan their wedding, and are finally married by, you guessed it, a blogger-priest they met at that very same conference.

The ways of the internet are strange and wonderful, and some days it’s just exciting to get to be here. So says AKMA:

The next time somebody tells you that technology will destroy our civilization because nobody actually talks to other people any more, remind them about this evening. Although Joey and Wendy didn’t exactly meet online, the Internet played a vital role, several vital roles, in bringing this holy occasion about. I became acquainted with Joey online; Wendy was working at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and the three of us converged on the same place at the same moment as part of a conference on blogging. If ‚Äì as we are taught ‚Äì marriages are determined in heaven before we are born, then God has been clearly been an early adopter of cutting-edge social software, for which we all have much reason to give thanks over and above the expected celebration of a marriage.


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