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Tagged “internets”

  1. Please Reply This Email Immediately and Provide the Following Information Above
  2. Why I Want Google Wave NOW, Please
  3. 2001
  4. Has the Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World Yet?
  5. Les Pauvres
  6. Tee-totaling
  7. Time's Arrow (But Not In A Martin Amisy Way)
  8. It's About Time
  9. From YouTube to YouNiversity
  10. The Morning After
  11. You Decide
  12. Squishy Cow
  13. I'm Just Saying
  14. This Is Why I Love Computers
  15. kfitzpatrick
  16. Spambot University Library
  17. Twelve Steps Will Not Cut It
  18. Thank You, Michael Bérubé
  19. Identity Protection Matters
  20. Shouting Down a Well
  21. Anxiety, Obsolescence, Etc.
  22. Formerly
  23. Reading the Wire
  24. The Worm Turns, or Begins to Turn, or Begins to Think of Turning
  25. And Now for Something Completely Different
  26. Just to Show Ogged I'm No Prude
  27. Some Things I Love About the Internet
  28. Maybe It's Just Me
  29. At a Loss
  30. But One More Thing
  31. Hear, Hear!
  32. The News Today
  33. Leaning Shelves
  34. My Next Book
  35. Here I Am
  36. And the Moral of the Story Is
  37. More Marcus
  38. Ahhhhhh...
  39. Andrew Sullivan, 'Why I Am Supporting John Kerry'
  40. Life and Death in the Electronic Age
  41. Write Your Own Bush Acceptance Speech!
  42. What Goes Around Comes Around. And Around.
  43. Daily Reason to Dispatch Bush
  44. Proverbs for Postmodern Paranoids, Part 1
  45. Marriage: It's What's for Dinner!*
  46. Oy.
  47. Visibility, of a Sort
  48. Reclaiming 'Patriotism'
  49. Like, Ghirardelli, or What?
  50. Just for Fun
  51. Who Says People Suck?
  52. Random Links
  53. Oh, Sure, It Was Super
  54. Productivity in Sharp Decline
  55. brightly colored food
  56. Open Foot, Insert Mouth
  57. Once Again, Ignored by the Academy
  58. A Terrible Idea
  59. Fitzpatrick's First Law
  60. Sharing Teaching Resources
  61. Ach! My Eyes!
  62. How Do You Make Yourself a Body-Without-Organs?
  63. I Didn't See the Danger
  64. For Your (RIAA-Approved) Listening Pleasure
  65. But Then, Tragedy Struck
  66. Where Did That Quote Come From, Again?
  67. The Qualifying Exam Meets the Cult of Personality
  68. You Haven't Read My Book, Have You?

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