Kenshi Wiki

We'll plunder the fat nobles and the ignorant cowards...

So that our brothers never go hungry again.


Reavers are a faction of bandit-slavers who believe that they deserve to be in charge instead of the United Cities. They have the same trade culture as the Swampers.

Members of this faction can colour armour and clothing due to a colour scheme attached.

Unlike other factions who practice slavery, Reavers are unique in that they don't use them as civilian workforce but as slave-soldiers sent to the fray to prove their worth or perish. It's likely that many higher-ranked Reaver slaver members were former slaves themselves, and are attempting to bring others into their fold in the same way they have been themselves.

Like the other factions of the southeastern region of Kenshi, they dislike and often times come into skirmish and border raids with their rivals Crab Raiders, Skeleton Bandits and Skin Bandits. They will stop raiding the player's outpost if their leader is either killed or kidnapped.



 Faction Relations[]

The factions this faction has special relations towards. For all others, it will use this faction's default (0).

Player Relations[]

The reasons for this faction to have a non-zero relation towards you.

  • Aligning with the Skeletons Bandits before being captured gives you a negative rating with this faction but they will still enslave you.


Reaver patrols can spawn in Greenbeach, Stobe's Garden, The Crags, The Outlands, and The Pits East.

These towns, outposts, and other locations are controlled by this faction.
Mapico-watchtower Ark
Mapico-watchtower Reaver Camp x3

World States
If certain World States are achieved, this faction can be found patrolling Heng, Stormgap Coast, and The Eye.
Town Overrides

Depending on World States, these locations can be controlled by this faction.

Mapico-town Brink
Mapico-watchtower Crab Village
Mapico-watchtower Okran's Shield
Mapico-watchtower Reaver Camp