Kenshi Wiki

Bull Horn Axe is a unique Fragment Axe used by Flying Bull, the Leader of the Kral's Chosen. King Shager gave him this Axe for being a loyal warrior. Aside from a slightly reduced indoor combat penalty and the description, there is nothing unique about this Fragment Axe. It can come in 3 different grades, all of them being Ancient quality.


As a unique item, it cannot be crafted.


There are no Blueprints for this item available in the game.


Mid-Grade Salvage Fragment Axe
Bull Horn Axe
[Heavy class]
-Cutting damage 0.14985
-Blunt damage 0.54
-Blood loss 1.00x
-Indoors bonus -4
-Required Strength Level 21.60
-Weight 12.60 kg
-Value c.4,102
-Sell value c.1,025
[Model # Mid-Grade Salvage]
Manufactured by Ancient
Old Refitted Blade Fragment Axe
Bull Horn Axe
[Heavy class]
-Cutting damage 0.1728
-Blunt damage 0.72
-Blood loss 1.00x
-Indoors bonus -4
-Required Strength Level 28.80
-Weight 14.40 kg
-Value c.4,762
-Sell value c.1,190
[Model # Old Refitted Blade]
Manufactured by Ancient
Refitted Blade Fragment Axe
Bull Horn Axe
[Heavy class]
-Cutting damage 0.19575
-Blunt damage 0.90
-Blood loss 1.00x
-Indoors bonus -4
-Required Strength Level 36.00
-Weight 18 kg
-Value c.5,682
-Sell value c.1,420
[Model # Refitted Blade]
Manufactured by Ancient
