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Neet di̱ Wikipedia
field of study, field of study, legal concept
Tafaintellectual work, legal transaction, agreement, promise Jhyuk
Yet kapdocument Jhyuk
Kapcontract law Jhyuk
Participantlegal person Jhyuk
Has effectobligation Jhyuk
Described at URLhttps://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/contract, https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/contract Jhyuk
Has contributing factoragreement Jhyuk
Byia̱ za̱kwatype of contract Jhyuk

Kwanggila yet shim nang anyet a̱feang shim mang agyang bah a̱ni. Kuyet zazzarak nkyang anib mami a̱tung anyet a̱ni.