Thursday, September 19, 2024

On the Wings. Landing is Never Graceful

There is a saying that you can't step into the same river twice.  When last week I saw again the squadron of pelicans flying towards me again I felt like I had stepped into the same river twice.

The pelicans smoothly approach the water, they are graceful for now.

The leading pelican is ready to land, its wings spread wide and its legs stretched forward.

And then follows the impact with the water, with lots of splashes. It is always a perfectly calculated and thoughtful landing.

Generally, life is good.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Immature Black-crowned Night Heron During Sunrise

I don't remember how it all started, but I remember very well the day I discovered a spacious backwater on the Bear River, which is the flight path of many birds.

When I am on the Bear River MBR, I drive to this backwater, and like a Great Blue Heron patiently wait  for the fish to come to me  when in the sky a bird may appear, any bird. 

Sometimes I see a squadron of pelicans heading my way or seagulls soaring overhead, but on some days a lone immature Black-night heron flies past. 

Generally, life is good.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Young Male Mule Deer with His Harem


A young buck with his harem appeared out of blue, quickly crossed the road and before they were going to disappear into the desert they stopped and looked at me with curiosity. Just a few seconds decided the fate of this family portrait.

Generally, life is good.