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There were four main milestones in Azeri-Turkish intellectual contacts up to the 1960s. First, Istanbul as the Ottoman capital 'sent out rays' on the Caucasian Shia Muslims at the end of the nineteenth century. The second wave was in the... more
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The relationship between work stress and organizational justice has gained considerable interest in the organizational behavior literature. However, previous models and studies have focused on the effect of organizational injustice... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyEconomic JusticeOrganizational Justice
Soft keyboards have become ubiquitous, especially with the introduction of the iPad. This study aims to determine for experienced touch typists whether there are characteristics of soft QWERTY keyboards that can make them easier to use... more
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      EngineeringAudio FeedbackSoft Keyboard
Yücel-Öner Davası 1945 sonrası siyasal değişiklikleri ve siyasal çatışmaları anlamada çok önemli bir yere sahiptir. Şu ana değin bu davayla ilgili daha çok iki husus incelenmiştir: Milli Eğitim Bakanı olarak Hasan Ali Yücel'in solcu bilim... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesArtPolitical Science
Harf İnkılabı Türk Devrimi'nin en devrimci ve başarılı girişimlerinden biriydi ve Osmanlı dönemini de içerecek şekilde uzun süre tartışılmıştı. Entelektüellerin çoğu Arap alfabesinin korunmasını savunurken sadece çok az bir kısmı Latin... more
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    • Humanities
This study, It is performed to examine significance and necessity of Individual voice training lessons society's most important cultural assets that language, to be able to use the correct and effective
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As organizations mature and grow, one of the best growth options would be to expand operations globally. While the choice of enter into foreign waters includes exporting, franchising, licensing, joint ventures and wholly owned... more
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      BusinessMarket Orientation
Ziya Gokalp 1924’te “Tebessum” adli bir makale yazmisti. Bu makalede Gokalp, Turkiye’deki toplumsal problem alanlarindan biri olarak tebessum etmemeye ve bunun kulturel-tarihsel kaynaklarina ve olasi guncel sonuclarina deginiyordu. Bu... more
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The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of coping mechanisms and work stress on employees’ perceptions of organizational justice. A survey of 211 white-collar employees in the banking and telecommunications industries was taken.... more
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      ManagementPsychologyPerceptionManagement Science
Strategic thinking in management literature dates back to 1960s. From these days forward, strategy has been defined and conceptualized in many different ways. As a result different schools of thoughts and diverge approaches have been... more
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      PsychologyManagement ScienceStrategic ThinkingCriticism
The aim of this paper is to provide a basic understanding about the four fundamental theories of organization: Contingency theory, resource dependence theory, institutional theory, and population ecology theory of organizations, and to... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyContingency TheoryGeneral theory
Akademisyenler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen bu ampirik çalışmada, çalışanların hangi tip psikolojik taciz davranışları ile karşılaştıklarını, bu olumsuz davranışların en çok kimler tarafından gösterildiklerini belirlemek ve demografik... more
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      Workplace BullyingBullyingMobbingYard
Soft keyboards have become ubiquitous, especially with the introduction of the iPad. This study aims to determine for experienced touch typists whether there are characteristics of soft QWERTY keyboards that can make them easier to use... more
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      EngineeringAudio FeedbackSoft Keyboard
The aim of this study is to determine which works are taught to the students who are in voice change and development (mutation) period in individual voice training courses in the department of music in fine arts high schools in Turkey and... more
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    • Humanities