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@onenicebugperday are you able to ID this larvae?
It’s a scarab beetle grub, but without the location it was found I can’t say which species. Goliath beetle grubs, for example, can get very large, but I suspect this photo has been altered or this person has small hands, because they’re not generally quite so massive-looking, though they are close.
Here’s a confirmed Goliath beetle grub, Goliathus goliatus:
via BugsinCyberSpace
(via raptorofwar)
when i was 12 and new to tumblr i didn't know what bisexual meant and i thought it was like you had split personalities and one was gay and one was straight so i asked someone i was kind of friends with "who are you today?" and when they went ??? i said "are you the gay one or the straight one today" and they blocked me
Bi people when their gay side takes over