Úlgi hújjeti[tanısıp shıǵıw] [redaktorlaw] [tariyxı] [ ]
This template adds a non-breaking space followed by a pipe (|) character. It is useful in lists where a line break is only wanted after the pipe. For example, in the string "Item1 | Item2 | Item3" one probably does not want a line break between each pipe and its preceding space. This could be used to fix it: "Item1 | Item2 | Item3".
Add better documentation here; cannibalize it from Template:!/doc.
See also
[derekti redaktorlaw]Joqarıdaǵı hújjet Úlgi:-!/doc betinen alınǵan. Tájiriybe ótkeriw ushın qaralama hám test betinen paydalanıńız. Iltimas, kategoriyalardı hújjet betine hám interwikilerdi wikimaǵlıwmatlarǵa jaylastırıń. Usı úlginiń astbetleri. |