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UNSTABLE: Utilities for parsing and serializing Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)

This package works with Deno, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
4 weeks ago (0.1.6)


Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) is a binary data serialisation format optimised for compactness and efficiency. It is designed to encode a wide range of data types, including integers, strings, arrays, and maps, in a space-efficient manner. RFC 8949 - Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) spec.


  • This implementation only supports the encoding and decoding of "Text String" keys.
  • This implementation encodes decimal numbers with 64 bits. It takes no effort to figure out if the decimal can be encoded with 32 or 16 bits.
  • When decoding, integers with a value below 2 ** 32 will be of type number, with all larger integers being of type bigint.

Functions and classes may have more specific limitations listed.

import { assert, assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
import { decodeCbor, encodeCbor } from "@std/cbor";

const rawMessage = "I am a raw Message!";

const encodedMessage = encodeCbor(rawMessage);
const decodedMessage = decodeCbor(encodedMessage);

assert(typeof decodedMessage === "string");
assertEquals(decodedMessage, rawMessage);
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deno add jsr:@std/cbor

Import symbol

import * as cbor from "@std/cbor";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as cbor from "jsr:@std/cbor";

Add Package

npx jsr add @std/cbor

Import symbol

import * as cbor from "@std/cbor";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @std/cbor

Import symbol

import * as cbor from "@std/cbor";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @std/cbor

Import symbol

import * as cbor from "@std/cbor";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @std/cbor

Import symbol

import * as cbor from "@std/cbor";