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Tools for working with Telegram Miniapps

This package works with Node.js, Deno, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
21 hours ago (0.2.0)

Telegram Miniapp Tools

A utility package designed to simplify the development of Telegram Mini Apps (unofficial). This package includes tools and types for seamless interaction with the Telegram WebApp environment.


React/Node.js (NPM/Yarn)

To add telegram-miniapp-tools to your Node.js/React project, use the following command:

npm install telegram-miniapp-tools


yarn add telegram-miniapp-tools


For Deno users, the package is available as @smartearnersteam/tapp-tools and can be imported directly from

import {
} from "";


  • Utilities to manage Telegram Mini App environments and parameters.
  • Functions for custom functionality like adding an icon to the home screen.
  • Strongly typed interfaces for Telegram WebApp parameters.
  • Modular and lightweight implementation for modern web development.



The following utilities are available for managing your Telegram Mini App:

More details in /docs/md/


Calling init()Loads the Telegram Web App script [] into the document synchronously, ensures the script is only loaded once and is placed before other scripts.

import { init } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";


For Deno:

import { init } from "";


Alternatively, you can simply add the Telegram Web App script into the document head of your pages directly.

<script src=""></script>

Adding an Icon to the Home Screen

import { createAddIconToHomeScreen } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

const homeScreenManager = createAddIconToHomeScreen();

For Deno:

import { createAddIconToHomeScreen } from "";

const homeScreenManager = createAddIconToHomeScreen();

In use:

const status: HomeScreenStatus = homeScreenManager.getStatus();

if (status !== "added") {
  // Optionally, listen for status changes
  const onStatusChange = (newStatus: HomeScreenStatus) => {
    if (newStatus === "added") {
      // do something here

Parsing Initialization Data

import { parseInitData } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";
// Let's imagine, we have init data in a raw format like this. Telegram application is
// sending it in the exact same format.
const initDataString = "user",

// Extract init data.
// or
console.log(parseInitData(new URLSearchParams(initDataString)));

// Output:
// {
//     "authDate": "2024-11-26T15:59:44.000Z",
//     "chatInstance": "60494508300341655",
//     "chatType": "sender",
//     "hash": "f0981624e433a75f60559592609ac345699c635942bdcbc869c8b5e60264fad2",
//     "signature": "1oewsopfbyF6LnZtb0HY6-XmGe8mc1rUUUIklSXGlrPsVeetK_4pb-v3L6rPr3mwheJtyjSLawxqDyGQpimCAw",
//     "user": {
//         "allowsWriteToPm": true,
//         "firstName": "EVMlord",
//         "id": 13707702,
//         "isPremium": true,
//         "languageCode": "en",
//         "lastName": "",
//         "photoUrl": "",
//         "username": "EVMlord"
//     }
// }

The function extracts the required parameters and automatically validates their types. If a property has an invalid type or value, it will throw an error.

Mocking Telegram Environment (for testing)

The mockTelegramEnv function imitates the WebApp environment provided by Telegram. It helps developers start building applications even without creating a mini app record in BotFather.

import { mockTelegramEnv } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

  themeParams: {
    accentTextColor: "#6ab2f2",
    bgColor: "#17212b",
    buttonColor: "#5288c1",
    buttonTextColor: "#ffffff",
    destructiveTextColor: "#ec3942",
    headerBgColor: "#17212b",
    hintColor: "#708499",
    linkColor: "#6ab3f3",
    secondaryBgColor: "#232e3c",
    sectionBgColor: "#17212b",
    sectionHeaderTextColor: "#6ab3f3",
    subtitleTextColor: "#708499",
    textColor: "#f5f5f5",
  initData: parseInitData(initDataString),
  version: "7.2",
  platform: "tdesktop",
⚠️ Warning
This function only imitates Telegram environment behavior. It doesn't send any real requests or perform actions that will only be visible in the Telegram application..

Retrieving Launch Parameters

import { retrieveLaunchParams } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

const MainContent: FC = () => {
  const { initData, themeParams } = retrieveLaunchParams();

  return (
      // content here
      <div className="pt-8">Something goes here</div>

Managing Back Button Behavior

import createBackButtonManager from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

const backButtonManager = createBackButtonManager();

if (backButtonManager) {
  // Show the back button;

  // Add a click event handler
  function handleBackButtonClick() {
    console.log("Back button clicked!");
    // Perform any action, e.g., navigate to the previous page


  // Optionally, remove the event handler later
  // backButtonManager.offClick(handleBackButtonClick);

  // Hide the back button when not needed
  // backButtonManager.hide();
} else {
  console.error("BackButton is not available.");

Managing Cloud Storage

import { createCloudStorageManager } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

const cloudStorage = createCloudStorageManager();

// Attempt to save `token` to cloud storage.
try {
  if (cloudStorage) {
    await cloudStorage.setItem("token", JSON.stringify({ token, expiresAt })); // Consistently store as JSON
  // console.log("Token successfully saved to cloud storage.");
} catch (cloudError) {
  console.error("Error saving token to cloud storage:", cloudError);

// Attemt to retrieve `token` from cloud storage
const storedTokenStr = await cloudStorage?.getItem("token");

Managing Fullscreen

This function manages the fullscreen state and provides requestFullscreen and exitFullscreen methods.

Public Methods:
  • getIsFullscreen(): Returns the current fullscreen state.
  • getError(): Returns the current error state.
  • requestFullscreen(): Attempts to enter fullscreen mode and resets any previous errors.
  • exitFullscreen(): Attempts to exit fullscreen mode and resets any previous errors.
  • onFullscreenChange(callback): Registers a callback to be called when the fullscreen state changes.
  • offFullscreenChange(callback): Unregisters a previously registered fullscreen change callback.
  • onError(callback): Registers a callback to be called when an error occurs.
  • offError(callback): Unregisters a previously registered error callback.
  • destroy(): Cleans up event listeners and handlers. Should be called when the manager is no longer needed.
import { createFullscreenManager } from "telegram-miniapp-tools/utils";

const fullscreenManager = createFullscreenManager();

if (fullscreenManager) {
  // Get the current fullscreen state
  const isFullscreen = fullscreenManager.getIsFullscreen();
  console.log(`Is fullscreen: ${isFullscreen}`);

  // Listen for fullscreen changes
  const handleFullscreenChange = (isFullscreen: boolean) => {
    console.log(`Fullscreen state changed: ${isFullscreen}`);

  // Listen for errors
  const handleError = (error: FullscreenError | null) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`Fullscreen error: ${error}`);

  // Request fullscreen

  // Later, when you want to exit fullscreen
  // fullscreenManager.exitFullscreen();

  // When you're done, clean up
  // fullscreenManager.offFullscreenChange(handleFullscreenChange);
  // fullscreenManager.offError(handleError);
  // fullscreenManager.destroy();
} else {
  console.error("Fullscreen manager is not available.");


Strongly typed interfaces are available to enhance TypeScript support for Telegram Mini Apps.

More details in /docs/md/

import type { InitData, LaunchParams, ParsedThemeParams } from 'telegram-miniapp-tools/types';

// Example usage
const initData: InitData = { ... };

Exported Variables

The library provides direct access to the Telegram WebApp and environment variables.

import telegram, { webApp } from "telegram-miniapp-tools";


You will find more details in the Telegram-MiniApp-Tools Documentation


We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
  3. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.


This package is open source and licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This package was inspired by the amazing work done in:

A big thank you to the developers and contributors of these projects for their invaluable work!

Add Package

deno add jsr:@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools

Import symbol

import * as tapp_tools from "@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as tapp_tools from "jsr:@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";

Add Package

npx jsr add @smartearnersteam/tapp-tools

Import symbol

import * as tapp_tools from "@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @smartearnersteam/tapp-tools

Import symbol

import * as tapp_tools from "@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @smartearnersteam/tapp-tools

Import symbol

import * as tapp_tools from "@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @smartearnersteam/tapp-tools

Import symbol

import * as tapp_tools from "@smartearnersteam/tapp-tools";