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Streamline real-time application development. Abstracts networking, connection management, and signaling for applications. Built on WebRTC. PulseBeam handles peer-to-peer communication, media/data transmission, and provides infrastructure.

This package works with Node.js, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Deno
This package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a week ago (0.0.22)

@pulsebeam/peer: WebRTC Peer-to-Peer Communication SDK

Simplifies real-time application development. Defines signaling protocol for connection establishment, handling media and data transmission, and provides infrastructure.


  • Media & Data Support: Transmit audio, video, and/or data channels within your applications.
  • Abstracted Signaling: Handles the exchange of information required to set up WebRTC connections, relieving you of low-level details.
  • Automatic Reconnection: Maintains connection stability by automatically re-establishing connections when disruptions occur.
  • Opt out of Peer-to-Peer: Can configure to force server-relayed communication.


The project is in active development, please refer to the roadmap to track our major milestones.



This SDK is currently in Developer Preview. During this phase:

  • APIs are subject to breaking changes
  • Stability issues may occur
  • Core functionality is still being validated

We value your input!
Report bugs, suggest improvements, or collaborate directly with our team:

Create GitHub Issues
Join PulseBeam Developer Discord


Install and import the package using npm, deno, or yarn:

Use with npm

Add Package

npm i @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";

Use with Yarn

Add Package

yarn add @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";


Here's an example demonstrating how to use @pulsebeam/peer to establish a peer-to-peer connection:

import { Peer, createPeer } from "@pulsebeam/peer";

// Obtain an authentication token (implementation specific)
const authResponse = await fetch("/auth");
const { groupId, token } = await authResponse.json();

// Create a Peer instance
const peer = await createPeer({ token });

peer.onsession = (session) => {
  session.ontrack = ({ streams }) => console.log("New media stream:", streams);
  session.ondatachannel = (event) => console.log("Data channel:",;
  session.onconnectionstatechange = () => console.log("Connection state changed");

// Start Alice's availability. Connect to our signaling servers

// Connect to bob
const abortController = new AbortController();
await peer.connect(groupId, "bob", abortController.signal);

This example retrieves an authentication token (implementation details will vary depending on your setup), creates a Peer instance, and defines event handlers for receiving media streams, data channels, and connection state changes (optional). Finally, it starts connection attempts and connects to a specific peer identified by its ID within the group.


For documentation, API keys, and usage scenarios, please refer to the official PulseBeam documentation:

Semantic Versioning

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

  • MAJOR version (X.y.z): Incompatible API changes.
  • MINOR version (x.Y.z): Functionality added in a backwards compatible manner.
  • PATCH version (x.y.Z): Backwards compatible bug fixes.

WebRTC Resources

For a deeper understanding of WebRTC concepts, consult the official WebRTC documentation:

Name Link
Client SDK
Server SDK
FOSS Server
Signaling Protocol
PulseBeam Cloud
Built and signed on
GitHub Actions
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as peer from "jsr:@pulsebeam/peer";

Add Package

npx jsr add @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @pulsebeam/peer

Import symbol

import * as peer from "@pulsebeam/peer";