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Convert any directory into a Plop template. Perfect for when you have a component, hook, or utility that you want to turn into a reusable template.

This package works with Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.1.4)


Convert any directory into a Plop template. Perfect for when you have a component, hook, or utility that you want to turn into a reusable template.


# Install globally
deno install --allow-read --allow-write jsr:@gitmazzone/[email protected]

# Or run directly
deno run --allow-read --allow-write jsr:@gitmazzone/[email protected] ./source ./output


# Convert existing component to template
dir-to-plop ./components/MyAwesomeComponent ./plop/templates/awesome-component

# Generate from starter template (interactive)
dir-to-plop --starter ./plop/templates/new-component

# Generate React component template directly
dir-to-plop --starter-react-component ./plop/templates/new-component


Given this source component:

├── MyAwesomeComponent.tsx
├── useMyAwesomeComponent.hook.ts
├── my-awesome-component.module.css
└── my_awesome_component_utils.ts

With contents like:

// MyAwesomeComponent.tsx
export const MyAwesomeComponent = () => {
	const { data } = useMyAwesomeComponent();
	return <div className='my-awesome-component'>{data}</div>;

Running dir-to-plop will create:

├── {{pascalCaseName}}.tsx.hbs
├── use{{pascalCaseName}}.hook.ts.hbs
├── {{kebabCaseName}}.module.css.hbs
└── {{snakeCaseName}}_utils.ts.hbs

With transformed contents:

// {{pascalCaseName}}.tsx.hbs
export const {{pascalCaseName}} = () => {
  const { data } = use{{pascalCaseName}}();
  return <div className="{{kebabCaseName}}">{data}</div>;

Current Features

  • ✅ Converts directories into Plop templates
  • ✅ Detects and transforms different naming patterns:
    • PascalCase (MyComponent)
    • camelCase (myComponent)
    • kebab-case (my-component)
    • snake_case (my_component)
  • ✅ Maintains directory structure
  • ✅ Adds .hbs extension to all files
  • ✅ Provides an opinionated React Component starter template

Limitations & TODOs

Current limitations:

  • Does not generate Plop configuration files - you'll need to manually set up your plopfile.js
  • Does not automatically configure Plop helpers (like pascalCase, camelCase)
  • Only handles basic naming patterns - complex or nested component names might need manual adjustment
  • Only processes text files - binary files are copied as-is

Setting up Plop

After generating templates, you'll need to:

  1. Install Plop in your project
  2. Create a plopfile.js
  3. Configure the required helpers

Basic plopfile.js example:

export default function (plop) {
	plop.setHelper('pascalCase', (text) => {
		// Example telling plop how to transform pascalCase in templates
		return text
			.map((word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase())

	plop.setGenerator('component', {
		description: 'Create a new component',
		prompts: [
				type: 'input',
				name: 'name',
				message: 'Component name?',
		actions: [
				type: 'addMany',
				destination: './src/components/{{kebabCaseName}}',
				templateFiles: 'plop/templates/component/**',
				base: 'plop/templates/component',


Issues and PRs welcome!



Built and signed on
GitHub Actions
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop

Import symbol

import * as dir_to_plop from "@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as dir_to_plop from "jsr:@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";

Add Package

npx jsr add @gitmazzone/dir-to-plop

Import symbol

import * as dir_to_plop from "@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @gitmazzone/dir-to-plop

Import symbol

import * as dir_to_plop from "@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @gitmazzone/dir-to-plop

Import symbol

import * as dir_to_plop from "@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @gitmazzone/dir-to-plop

Import symbol

import * as dir_to_plop from "@gitmazzone/dir-to-plop";