I recently found quite a cool way for easy sharing sharing of git code between two machines in a LAN or WLAN (as easy as in mercurial). The following command creates a git alias called “serve” (you only need to run this once so you don’t have to manually call git daemon ...
each time):
git config --global alias.serve 'daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=. --export-all --verbose'
Get your IP with ifconfig
. After this you can just cd
into your code directory, (where the .git dir is) and then run:
git serve
This will host a small git daemon (server) and you can stop it any time with CTRL+C. While still running simply run this from the fetching computer (client):
git clone git://the_server_ip/
You can also run the server in a parent directory and actually serve multiple git repositories. If you do you need to include the relative path information to the .git-dir containing directory on the client side:
git clone git://the_server_ip/your/subdirs/here/
Subsequent calls like git fetch
should also work. If the IP changes just change the origin remote’s link.
For more you might want to have a look at these:
You can also use ssh no?
In my slightly contrived example this seems to work:
[cc_bash]git clone git+ssh://localhost/home/ggrimnes/projects/rdflib/rdflib tmp/test[/cc_bash]
Yes, but for this you’d need to create an ssh account for the contributors… (something i don’t want to have on my own computer). So if there’s a shared system where all people can login to it’s maybe the simplest solution to use git via ssh, otherwise this ad-hoc approach is very handy.
Thank you, this alias was very handy for me today (to test my latest code in a VirtualBox VM).
Any tips for killing the git daemon process? A ‘git stop-serving’ alias would be nifty.
D’oh, it’s just a Ctrl-C in the right terminal. Sorry, I got lost among all my open terminal tabs :/
😉 you’re welcome