Get your Jevero educational license!
Jevero Educational
Jevero is school-friendly!
Request an educational license
Fill out the form to request your Jevero license. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible by sending you an e-mail with payment details. If you want to try out Jevero before purchasing it let us know, we offer 30-days trial to our prospects.
Frequently asked questions
Here’s what you need to know about your Jevero license, based on the questions we get asked the most. If you need more informations you can visit our Support page or Contact us
Jevero is passionate about collaborating with academic institutions and design schools to share their passion for CAD pattern engineering. They aim to inspire and equip the next generation of designers and engineers with the necessary tools to excel in the field of footwear development.
Despite being a very young software, Jevero is used all around the world to produce tons of shoes. Check the Jevero in the world page to find out all the locations where it’s used!