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That is, I think I disagree.
The sporadic adventures of Jet Silver, feminist.
This journal should be viewed with discretion.
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Created on 2009-04-22 04:59:16 (#114552), last updated 2013-04-19 (606 weeks ago)
4 comments received, 178 comments posted
50 Journal Entries, 22 Tags, 2 Memories, 4 Icons Uploaded
Name: | Jet Silver |
Birthdate: | Sep 25 |
Location: | Australia |
Website: | I Am Not Cake |
Hi there. I'm glad to have you stop by. I'm interested in feminism, media, pop culture, social justice, and reading.
Please subscribe or unsubscribe at will, and I'll do the same. Introductions are nice but not necessary.
My aim is for my journal to be as safe a space as possible. If my ass is showing, and you are kind enough to tell me, I promise to hear you and try to respond appropriately.
Please subscribe or unsubscribe at will, and I'll do the same. Introductions are nice but not necessary.
My aim is for my journal to be as safe a space as possible. If my ass is showing, and you are kind enough to tell me, I promise to hear you and try to respond appropriately.
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