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東京オートサロン2017に「グランツーリスモSPORTS」出展--PS VRとPS4 Proで試遊可能 - 16/16


(C)Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Developed by Polyphony Digital Inc.
Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties. "Gran Turismo" logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Produced under license of Ferrari Spa. The name FERRARI, the PRANCING HORSE device, all associated logos and distinctive designs are property of Ferrari Spa. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari Spa property under design, trademark and trade dress regulations


(C)Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Developed by Polyphony Digital Inc.
Manufacturers, cars, names, brands and associated imagery featured in this game in some cases include trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any depiction or recreation of real world locations, entities, businesses, or organizations is not intended to be or imply any sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties. "Gran Turismo" logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
Produced under license of Ferrari Spa. The name FERRARI, the PRANCING HORSE device, all associated logos and distinctive designs are property of Ferrari Spa. The body designs of the Ferrari cars are protected as Ferrari Spa property under design, trademark and trade dress regulations

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