Hello! Привіт! I'm James (/d͡ʒeɪmz/) (also capjamesg). My pronouns are he/him/his. I live in Scotland. This is my blog.
I hope this website can bring a little bit of joy into your day.
📌 Inspiration
Coffee and quotations
Published on under the Stories category.
I visited a coffee shop I have not been to in at least two years today. On the wall, above the coffee equipment rested on wooden countertops, there was a quotation written on a sign. It read:
Third run
Published on under the Running category.
I have just finished the first week of Couch to 5k! It has has been a challenging week, but incredibly rewarding. I have gone from having not run in years to doing three runs in a week. I’m very happy!
Pattern: Lazy loading
Published on under the Programming category.
One of the programming patterns I have seen used in several contexts over the last year is lazy loading.
Tools for the next decade of the web
Published on under the Ideas category.
I had a conversation last week with Ben about tools for the next decade of the web. I think we are at an inflection point in the history of the web, one where the tools we made over the last decade or two may not be fit for us in the coming decade.
The morning sky
Published on under the Moments of Joy category.
The clouds in the sky are painted with a light pink hue. The full moon peeks over one of the clouds. It is morning.
Learning about web design
Published on under the Design category.
Over the last few months, I have been learning more about web design. I have been experimenting with layout, learning about colours, figuring out what types of fonts are available and using them in different contexts. Thus far, there have been three facets to my learning: noting, making, and understanding.