Address: 6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi,
L-1359 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Phone: +352 466644 5600
email: jacques.klein at
skype: jacquesklein2302
Twitter: @JacquesKlein14
Short Bio:
Since 2010, I have been working at the SnT center of the University of Luxembourg,
first as a Research Scientist (from 2010 to 2015), then as a Senior Research Scientist (Faculty position, from 2015 to 2019),
and as Chief Scientist I (Associate Prof., from 2019 to 2022).
Finally, in January 2023, I was promoted to full professor (Chief Scientist II).
With my colleague Prof. Bissyande, we are heading the TruX research group.
Since Oct. 2018, I have been a member of the University Council of the University of Luxembourg as a representative of the Interdisciplinary Centers Professors.
From August 2021 to May 2022, I was a visiting scholar at the University of Washington, Seattle, in the PLSE group (mostly working with Prof. Mike Ernst and Prof. René Just).
Research interests:
I am working in Software Engineering and Software Security, with a specific focus on:
Program analysis -- applied to mobile security,
Software debugging -- especially bug localization and program repair, and
NLP and AI for software engineering -- especially to devise new code representation techniques.
Employment History:
Jan. 2023- present: Chief Scientist I (Full Prof.) at SnT, University of Luxembourg
Nov. 2019- Dec. 2022: Chief Scientist II (Associate Prof.) at SnT, University of Luxembourg
Aug. 2015- Oct. 2019: Senior Research Scientist (Faculty Member) at SnT, University of Luxembourg
Mar. 2010- Jul. 2015: Research Scientist, Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication, University of Luxembourg, SnT member
Mar. 2009- Mar. 2010: Project Leader, Public Research Center Gabriel Lippmann, Belvaux, Luxembourg
2006: Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Rennes 1, France
2003: Engineering School, Mulhouse, France
I am/was Principal Investigator on a dozen of projects including industrial partnership projects. I acquired more than 5 million euros of project funding
(mainly through projects funded by the Luxembourg Research Agency, the European Commission, and industrial partnerships). The full list of acquired grants could be found here.
From Nov. 1, 2021: Damien Francois working on the IDAE (Integrative Data Analysis in Epilepsy) project, University of Luxembourg IAS Audacity funding (also advised by Prof. Alexander Skupin)
From Feb. 1, 2022: Alioune Diallo working on Android app analysis, LuxWAyS funding
From Jun. 15, 2022: Yewei Song working on NLP, Chatbot, and AI, FNR BRIDGES funding and Industrial Partnership funding from BGL BNP Paribas
From Sep. 1, 2022: Despoina Giarimpampa working on Security Operations Center Automation, Industrial Partnership funding from the Army of Luxembourg
From Oct. 15, 2022: Marco Alecci working on Android Security, FNR CORE funding (REPROCESS Grant)
From Mar. 15, 2023: Jules Wax working on Explainable AI for non-Experts, Industrial Partnership with Zortify
From Nov. 1, 2023: Pedro Jesus Ruiz Jimenez working on Android App Analysis, FNR CORE funding (UNLOCK Grant)
From Feb. 15, 2024: Omar El Bachir working on NLP, Chatbot, and AI, Industrial Partnership with BGL BNP Paribas
From Dec. 1, 2024: Loïc Taleb working on vulnerability and malware detection, Industrial Partnership funding from the Army of Luxembourg
Past PhD Supervision:
From Apr. 2021 to Dec. 2024: Dr. Tiezhu Sun
PhD Title: Boosting Android Malware Learning
Funding: FNR AFR
Supervision done in collaboration with Prof. Bissyandé
Currently Research Associate at the SnT, University of Luxembourg
From Feb. 2019 to Jun. 2023: Dr. Yusuf Arslan
PhD Title: On the Integration of Interpretable Machine Learning Techniques to Machine Learning Pipelines
Funding: Partnership with BGL BNP Paribas and FNR BRIDGES programme (project ExLIFT)
Supervision done in collaboration with Prof. Bissyandé
From Mar. 2019 to Mar. 2023: Dr. Cédric Lothritz
PhD Title: NLP De Luxe - Challenges for Natural Language Processing in Luxembourg
Funding: Industrial Partnership funding, Partnership with BGL BNP Paribas and the Weicker Foundation
Supervision done in collaboration with Prof. Bissyandé
Currently Research Associate at LIST, Luxembourg
From Feb. 2019 to Jan. 2023: Dr. Nadia Daoudi
PhD Title: Revisiting and Boosting state-of-the-art ML-based Android Malware Detectors
Funding: University of Luxembourg Internal research project
Supervision done in collaboration with Dr. Kevin Allix
Supervision done in collaboration with Prof. Monperrus (the official supervisor was Prof. Le Traon)
Currently Professor at the Umeå University, Sweden
I was partially involved in the supervision of the following PhD thesis:
From Oct. 2011 to May 2015: Dr. Christopher Henard
PhD Title: Test of Large Scale Software Product Line
Funding: Cetrel Partnership
PhD student mainly advised by Prof. Y. Le Traon and Dr. Mike Papadakis
Currently working at QuanoX
From Nov. 2013 to Oct. 2016: Dr. Assaad Moawad
PhD Title: Towards ambient intelligent applications using [email protected] and machine learning for context-awareness
Funding: FNR CORE COPAIN Project
PhD student mainly advised by Prof. Y. Le Traon and Dr. Francois Fouquet
Currently working at DataThings
From Nov. 2013 to Oct. 2016: Dr. Jabier Martinez
PhD Title: Mining Software Artefact Variants for Product Line Migration and Analysis
Funding: AFR from FNR
PhD student mainly advised by Prof. Y. Le Traon, Prof. Tewfik Ziadi and Dr. Tegawende Bissyande
Funding: AFR from FNR
Currently working at TECNALIA Research & Innovation
From Aug. 2013 to Nov. 2016: Dr. Thomas Hartmann
PhD Title: Enabling Model-Driven Live Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems: The Case of Smart Grids
Funding: AFR and the CREOS partnership
PhD student mainly advised by Prof. Y. Le Traon and Dr. Francois Fouquet
Currently working at DataThings
With my colleagues, we maintained a constantly growing set of Android apps (more than 24 millions apks in early 2024) that we make available to the research community:
Editorial Board Member of the Springer Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE), since 2021
Since 1 June 2022, member of the evaluation committee for Brainstorm and Distinguished projects of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the University of Luxembourg
Luxembourgian representative at the ERCIM Software Evolution Working Group
Reviewer of the following journals: Empirical Software Engineering, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering (TSE), Springer Software and Systems Modeling (SOSYM), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Software: Practice and Experience (SPE), Springer Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming, IST, ACM Survey, TAOSD (LNCS Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development journal), etc.
External reviewer of the following conferences: TOOLS’12, ICST’12, ICSE@NIER’12, ICSE'09, MODELS'09, EMISA'09, MODELS'07, MODELS'06, ISSRE'06, LMO'O6, SCESM'06
Poster Track co-chair at ICST 2020
Member of the University Council of the University of Luxembourg as representative of the FSTC’s scientific, administrative and technical staff from May 2010 to July 2015
Since Oct. 2018, member of the University Council of the University of Luxembourg as representative of the Interdisciplinary Centers Professors.
Teaching Responsability:
I am responsible for the following courses:
“Introduction to Static Program Analysis”, in the Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS) of the University of Luxembourg. 45 teaching units and 5 ECTS.
"Software Vulnerabilities: Exploitation and Mitigation" in the Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS) of the University of Luxembourg. 45 teaching units and 5 ECTS.
"Static and dynamic software security analysis" in CYBERUS (Erasmus Mundus joint Master in Cybersecurity). 45 teaching units and 5 ECTS.
I was responsible for the course entitled "Principles of Software Engineering" in MICS from 2016 to 2020 (45 teaching units among which 30 were done by myself).
Master thesis supervision:
Adrien Geets (2023, University of Luxembourg), Lucas Visintin ((2023, University of Luxembourg)), Pedro Ruiz (2023, University of Luxembourg), Frederick Van Der Windt (2023, KTH), Claude Ohloff (2022, University of Luxembourg), Ye Qiu (2022, University of Luxembourg), Isabella Olariu (2022, University of London), Vanitha Varadharajan (2021, University of Luxembourg), Nabila Khouya (2021, University of Luxembourg), Mansaf Bourkaib (2021, University of Luxembourg), etc.
June 2024:
2024 Most Influential PLDI Paper Award for the PLDI 2014 paper "FlowDroid: Precise Context, Flow, Field, Object-sensitive and Lifecycle-aware Taint Analysis for Android Apps".
September 2024:
Most Influential Paper in Software Product Line research for our paper ICST 2010
entitled "Automated and Scalable T-wise Test Case Generation Strategies for Software Product Lines"
July 2020: KDD Health Day, AI for COVID-19, Best paper award for the paper
entitled "Data-driven Simulation and Optimization for COVID-19 Exit Strategies"
September 2018: IPSJ SIG SE Excellent Research Award, Information Processing Society of Japan,
for our ICSE 2028 paper entitled "FaCoY - A Code-to-Code Search Engine"
May 2018: FOSS (Free, Open Source Software) Impact Award, MSR, for our MSR 2018 paper
entitled "Characterising Deprecated Android APIs"
March 2016: Award of Best ERA paper, SANER, for our SANER 2016 paper
entitled "Parameter Values of Android APIs: A Preliminary Study on 100,000 Apps"
December 2024 at the
APSEC 2024 conference.
Title: Mobile App Analysis
You can download the slides here: [pdf]
July 2024 at the NLPAICS 2024 conference.
Title: AI for Software Vulnerabilities and Android Malware Detection
You can download the slides here: [pdf]
June 2024 at the
DefMal 2024 Workshop.
Title: AI for Software Vulnerabilities and Android Malware Detection