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A lightweight Open-Source Javascript library of getting The Purple Star Astrology(Zi Wei Dou Shu) astrolabe information.


Welcome to the iztro development documentation! This page will introduce you to how to integrate, how to retrieve data, and how to quickly obtain all the data on a natal chart in Zi Wei Dou Shu. If you are just a basic user, reading this document will be enough for your daily use. If you have mastered the content on this page, you can explore further on other pages.

You will obtain the following information:

  • How to install and integrate iztro into your code
  • How to retrieve a natal chart information
  • How to analyze palace positions based on the natal chart information
  • How to analyze star brilliance based on palace positions


You can install iztro using any package management tool you are familiar with.

npm install iztro -S

If the installation is successful, you will find iztro in the dependencies list of your package.json.

"dependencies": {
  "iztro": "^1.0.0"

The version might be different.

Quick start

Import code

You can import iztro into your code using the following methods.

import { astro } from "iztro";

Get astrolabe data

When retrieving a natal chart in Zi Wei Dou Shu, you can obtain it based on either the lunar calendar or the solar calendar. iztro provides both options, and you can choose according to your needs. However, we recommend using the solar calendar method. Rest assured, the data obtained internally by the program is consistent for both the lunar and solar calendars.

Using the solar calendar has the following advantages:

  • It can be easily found on a birth certificate.
  • You can use a calendar component for date selection.
  • Many people nowadays cannot remember lunar calendar dates.
  • It can avoid a series of issues caused by overlooking leap months.
import { astro } from "iztro";

// Get astrolabe by solar calendar.
const astrolabe = astro.astrolabeBySolarDate("2000-8-16", 2, "male");

// Get astrolabe by lunar calendar.
const astrolabe = astro.astrolabeByLunarDate("2000-7-17", 2, "male");

You will find that the return values of astrolabeBySolarDate and astrolabeByLunarDate above are the same. This is because the astrolabeByLunarDate method internally converts the date to the solar calendar and then calls the astrolabeBySolarDate method. Here is the execution result. Since the result is quite long, it is folded. If you want to check if your call result is the same as this, you can expand to view it.

Result of astro.astrolabeBySolarDate and astro.astrolabeByLunarDate
  // 阳历日期
  solarDate: '2000-8-16',
   // 农历日期
  lunarDate: '二〇〇〇年七月十七',
  // 四柱
  chineseDate: '庚辰 甲申 丙午 庚寅',
  // 时辰
  time: '寅时',
  // 时辰对应的时间段
  timeRange: '03:00~05:00',
  // 星座
  sign: '狮子座',
  // 生肖
  zodiac: '',
  // 命宫地支
  earthlyBranchOfSoulPalace: '',
  // 身宫地支
  earthlyBranchOfBodyPalace: '',
  // 命主
  soul: '破军',
  // 身主
  body: '文昌',
  // 五行局
  fiveElementsClass: '木三局',
  // 十二宫数据
  palaces: [
      // 宫名
      name: '财帛',
      // 是否身宫
      isBodyPalace: false,
      // 是否来因宫
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      // 宫位天干
      heavenlyStem: '',
      // 宫位地支
      earthlyBranch: '',
      // 主星(含天马禄存)
      majorStars: [
        { name: '武曲', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '天相', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '天马', type: 'tianma', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      // 辅星(含六吉六煞)
      minorStars: [],
      // 杂耀
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '月解', type: 'helper', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '三台', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天寿', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天巫', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天厨', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '阴煞', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天哭', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      // 长生12神
      changsheng12: '',
      // 博士12神
      boshi12: '蜚廉',
      // 流年将前12神
      jiangqian12: '岁驿',
      // 流年岁前12神
      suiqian12: '吊客',
      // 大限
      stage: { range: [44, 53], heavenlyStem: '' },
      // 小限
      ages: [9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81],
      name: '子女',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [
        { name: '太阳', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '天梁', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      minorStars: [],
      adjectiveStars: [{ name: '天刑', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' }],
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '奏书',
      jiangqian12: '息神',
      suiqian12: '病符',
      stage: { range: [34, 43], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80],
      name: '夫妻',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: true,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [{ name: '七杀', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      minorStars: [
        { name: '右弼', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '火星', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '封诰', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '华盖', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '将军',
      jiangqian12: '华盖',
      suiqian12: '岁建',
      stage: { range: [24, 33], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79],
      name: '兄弟',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [{ name: '天机', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      minorStars: [],
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '天喜', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天空', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '孤辰', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '小耗',
      jiangqian12: '劫煞',
      suiqian12: '晦气',
      stage: { range: [14, 23], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78],
      name: '命宫',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [{ name: '紫微', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      minorStars: [{ name: '文曲', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '年解', type: 'helper', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '凤阁', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天福', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '截路', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '蜚廉', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '青龙',
      jiangqian12: '灾煞',
      suiqian12: '丧门',
      stage: { range: [4, 13], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77],
      name: '父母',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [],
      minorStars: [
        { name: '天钺', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '陀罗', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '天姚', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '空亡', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '帝旺',
      boshi12: '力士',
      jiangqian12: '天煞',
      suiqian12: '贯索',
      stage: { range: [114, 123], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76],
      name: '福德',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [
        { name: '破军', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '禄存', type: 'lucun', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      minorStars: [{ name: '文昌', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '龙池', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '台辅', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '旬空', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '临官',
      boshi12: '博士',
      jiangqian12: '指背',
      suiqian12: '官符',
      stage: { range: [104, 113], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75],
      name: '田宅',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [],
      minorStars: [
        { name: '地空', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '擎羊', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '咸池', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天贵', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '月德', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '冠带',
      boshi12: '官府',
      jiangqian12: '咸池',
      suiqian12: '小耗',
      stage: { range: [94, 103], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74],
      name: '官禄',
      isBodyPalace: true,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [
        { name: '廉贞', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '天府', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      minorStars: [{ name: '左辅', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '天才', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天虚', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '沐浴',
      boshi12: '伏兵',
      jiangqian12: '月煞',
      suiqian12: '大耗',
      stage: { range: [84, 93], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73],
      name: '仆役',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [{ name: '太阴', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      minorStars: [],
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '红鸾', type: 'flower', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '恩光', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天官', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天月', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天伤', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '长生',
      boshi12: '大耗',
      jiangqian12: '亡神',
      suiqian12: '龙德',
      stage: { range: [74, 83], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84],
      name: '迁移',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [{ name: '贪狼', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      minorStars: [{ name: '铃星', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' }],
      adjectiveStars: [{ name: ' 八座', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' }],
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '病符',
      jiangqian12: '将星',
      suiqian12: '白虎',
      stage: { range: [64, 73], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83],
      name: '疾厄',
      isBodyPalace: false,
      isOriginalPalace: false,
      heavenlyStem: '',
      earthlyBranch: '',
      majorStars: [
        { name: '天同', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '巨门', type: 'major', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      minorStars: [
        { name: '天魁', type: 'soft', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
        { name: '地劫', type: 'tough', scope: 'origin', brightness: '' },
      adjectiveStars: [
        { name: '天德', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '寡宿', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '破碎', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
        { name: '天使', type: 'adjective', scope: 'origin' },
      changsheng12: '',
      boshi12: '喜神',
      jiangqian12: '攀鞍',
      suiqian12: '天德',
      stage: { range: [54, 63], heavenlyStem: '' },
      ages: [10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82],

function definition

  • Get astrolabe by solar calendar.

    astro.astrolabeBySolarDate(solarDateStr, timeIndex, gender, fixLeap, language)

    • Parameters

      solarDateStrstringtrue-solar date string【YYYY-M-D】
      timeIndexnumbertrue-chinse hour index【0~12】. from early Rat hour(0)to late Rat hour(12)
      fixLeapbooleanfalsetruewhether to fix the leap month. if true, the first half of the leap month is counted as the previous month, and the second half is counted as the next month
      languageLanguagefalsezh-CNthe returns will be localized to the specific language. we support zh-CN,zh-TW,en-US,ko-KR and ja-JP for now
    • Returns:


  • Get astrolabe by lunar calendar.

    astro.astrolabeByLunarDate(lunarDateStr, timeIndex, gender, isLeapMonth, fixLeap, language)

    • Parameters

      lunarDateStrstringtrue-lunar date【YYYY-M-D】. e.g. pass 2000-7-17 if it's 2000年七月十七
      timeIndexnumbertrue-chinse hour index【0~12】. from early Rat hour(0)to late Rat hour(12)
      isLeapMonthbooleanfalsefalsewhether the date is a leap month. This parameter does not take effect when there is no leap month in the actual month
      fixLeapbooleanfalsetruewhether to fix the leap month. if true, the first half of the leap month is counted as the previous month, and the second half is counted as the next month
      languageLanguagefalsezh-CNthe returns will be localized to the specific language. we support zh-CN,zh-TW,en-US,ko-KR and ja-JP for now
    • Returns:


Get horoscope data

The horoscope in Zi Wei Dou Shu is divided into "大限" (Decadal horoscope), "流年" (Yearly horoscope), "流月" (Monthly horoscope), "流日" (Daily horoscope), "流时" (Hourly horoscope), "流分" (Minute horoscope), and "流秒" (Second horoscope). However, since Minute horoscope and Second horoscope are not commonly used, we do not currently provide them. "大限" (Decadal horoscope), "流年" (Yearly horoscope), "流月" (Monthly horoscope), "流日" (Daily horoscope) are already sufficient to meet the majority of needs and scenarios. By using iztro you can easily obtain this data.

import { astro } from "iztro";

// Get astrolabe by solar calendar.
const astrolabe = astro.astrolabeBySolarDate("2000-8-16", 2, "male");

// Get horoscope data of the `astrolabe` instance
astrolabe.horoscope(new Date());

You'll get the result below by invoking astrolabe.horoscope()

Result of horoscope()
  solarDate: "2023-8-28"
  lunarDate: "二〇二三年七月十三"
  decadal: {
    index: 2
    heavenlyStem: ""
    earthlyBranch: ""
    palaceNames: ["夫妻", "兄弟", "命宫", "父母", "福德", "田宅", "官禄", "仆役", "迁移", "疾厄", "财帛", "子女"]
    mutagen: ["太阳", "武曲", "太阴", "天同"]
    stars: [{name: "运马", type: "tianma", scope: "decadal"}], …]
    age: {
      index: 10
      nominalAge: 23
  yearly: {
    index: 1
    heavenlyStem: ""
    earthlyBranch: ""
    palaceNames: ["兄弟", "命宫", "父母", "福德", "田宅", "官禄", "仆役", "迁移", "疾厄", "财帛", "子女", "夫妻"]
    mutagen: ["破军", "巨门", "太阴", "贪狼"]
    stars: [[], [{name: "流魁", type: "soft", scope: "yearly"}, …], [], …]
  monthly: {
  index: 3
    heavenlyStem: ""
    earthlyBranch: ""
    palaceNames: ["子女", "夫妻", "兄弟", "命宫", "父母", "福德", "田宅", "官禄", "仆役", "迁移", "疾厄", "财帛"]
    mutagen: ["太阳", "武曲", "太阴", "天同"]
  daily: {
    index: 3
    heavenlyStem: ""
    earthlyBranch: ""
    palaceNames: ["子女", "夫妻", "兄弟", "命宫", "父母", "福德", "田宅", "官禄", "仆役", "迁移", "疾厄", "财帛"]
    mutagen: ["贪狼", "太阴", "右弼", "天机"]
  hourly: {
    index: 3
    heavenlyStem: ""
    earthlyBranch: ""
    palaceNames: ["子女", "夫妻", "兄弟", "命宫", "父母", "福德", "田宅", "官禄", "仆役", "迁移", "疾厄", "财帛"]
    mutagen: ["天梁", "紫微", "左辅", "武曲"]

Tips: Only Decadal horoscope and Yearly horoscope include horosope stars. The values of the result above will be different by different parameters. But the data structure is fixed.

function definition

  • Get horoscope data of the astrolabe instance

    astrolabe.horoscope(date, timeIndex)

    • Parameters

      datestring | Datefalsenew Date()solar calendar string or a Date instance. timeIndex can be omit if the hour data is included in date
      timeIndexnumberfalse0chinese hour index【0 ~ 12】
    • Returns


Get horoscope star

The horoscope() method above already includes the horoscope star of the Decadal horoscope and Yearly horoscope. So in general, there is no need to separately call a method to obtain the horoscope star. However, there are exceptional cases where you need to obtain the flow on your own, in which case you need to call the following methods to obtain it.

import { star } from "iztro";

// Get `Horoscope star` by `Heavenly Stem` and `Earthly Branch`
const horoscopeStars = star.getHoroscopeStar("", "", "decadal");

You'll get the result below by invoking star.getHoroscopeStar()

Result of getHoroscopeStar()
  [{ name: "运马", type: "tianma", scope: "decadal" }],
  [{ name: "运曲", type: "soft", scope: "decadal" }],
  [{ name: "运喜", type: "flower", scope: "decadal" }],
    { name: "运钺", type: "soft", scope: "decadal" },
    { name: "运陀", type: "tough", scope: "decadal" },
  [{ name: "运禄", type: "lucun", scope: "decadal" }],
  [{ name: "运羊", type: "tough", scope: "decadal" }],
    { name: "运昌", type: "soft", scope: "decadal" },
    { name: "运鸾", type: "flower", scope: "decadal" },
  [{ name: "运魁", type: "soft", scope: "decadal" }],

function definition

  • Get Horoscope star by Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch

    star.getHoroscopeStar(heavenlyStem, earthlyBranch, scope)

    • Parameters
    heavenlyStemHeavenlyStemNametrue-heavenly stem name
    earthlyBranchEarthlyBranchNametrue-earthly branch name
    scope'decadal' | 'yearly'true-to specific the scope of the horo
    • Returns


☕ Summary

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The above data can generate the following natal chart. The palaces data is used to fill the 12 palaces, while the other data is used to fill the central palace. Please keep in mind that the display of the flowing Star names in the image may differ from the actual returned data. This is because the image was generated from an earlier version. Please refer to the actual returned data for accuracy.


📜 License

MIT License

Copyright © 2023 Sylar Long

Please use this open-source code responsibly and refrain from using it for illegal purposes.