If the goddesses are with me, I hope so ! Keep your eyes open ...
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Hi ! Yes, I see where is the issue ! Thanks for this, I think that the crash doesn't appear everytime in this spot, but the script is a little bit brittle. I make an update very soon ! Did you succeed to load the save correctly ? I see at your inventory that you got the first seal of Llwyn, did you see anything wrong in this part of the game ?
Hello ! This room is the tiral of Llwyn, Normally, the camera begins to move after the text and you have to stay the most at the center of the screen during the trial. Remember to equip the harmlet of Llwyn to pass trough the holes. Here is the video of the trial ( I tested it just now). This room is optional until a certain point : you can go forward to see other parts of the temple and going back after. That's the reason why I didn't put a checkpoint in this area. But you will need the U letter to complete the finals enigmas. Good luck !
De rien ! ^^ Ce n'est pas forcément difficile, c'est plutôt crispant vis à vis du mouvement de la flèche. Sur un clavier/souris c'est facile de bouger un peu partout pour explorer, mais avec un joystick c'est tout de suite plus compliqué. Par exemple je me suis retrouvé coincé dans la salle où on trouve la pièce de monnaie dans l'orbite du crâne : je ne savais littéralement pas où cliquer pour revenir sur mes pas, j'ai finis pas trouver un trigger en haut à gauche de l'écran. Récemment je me suis fait Primordia sur Switch, et la gestion de l'interface mixe les deux approches, c'est une bonne idée !
Je ne suis pas allé au delà des runes à déchiffrer. Les graphismes sont tops ! Perso j'aurais amélioré le système de navigation en mettant des locks sur les objets/issues possibles plutôt que de balader la flèche avec les touches directionnelles, ou au moins mettre une petite animation dès qu'on frôle un point d’intérêt, parfois on sait vraiment pas où cliquer. Le système de bonnetteau est très punitif, il faudrait peut être le réserver aux ennemis et avoir d'autres énigmes pour la fouille de coffres ou l'exploration ! Bon courage !
Really nice puzzle game ! The TV section have still some collision issues, maybe the "point and click" sections (office desk and mini-games) could be facilitated by a locked selections of items. BTW the pixel art is gorgeous and scary as well ! The atmosphere is like a Stephen King novel ! I like the crossover with A Friend In Need, it makes your universe bigger !
Thank you for this pleasant review !
For the UI, I know it's hard to find a compromise between lights signs and secret alphabet, I'll do a better job for this part !
Concerning the feeling of being lost, I added better maps in strategical points, hopping it could be more helpfull.
I didn't understood the last point, do you say that the animations of interactions are too slow, or there is some interactions which operate in a way too far from the event ?
Hi !
For all the retro-lovers and seekers of narrative interweaving, I recently released a new game made on GB Studio.
This is the beta-version, as a free price edition. All the criticals bugs have been removed, only a few display and sounds issues left. The english correction is on its way.
Here is the trailer :
I know that playing at an unfinished game could be frustrating at times, so for everybody who play and find a bug, there is a dedicated topic right down the presentation, and you can win a price by posting a comment in it :
One of the 20 first special edition of the physical release available on december !
Put any bugs that you saw in the game :
Describe its nature : display, music, physic etc.
If you can, make a screenshot or describe the place where it happens.
Everybody who post on this topic will be entered into a lottery to win a physical release availlable soon ( mid-december) !
The lottery is closed !