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A member registered Apr 11, 2014 · View creator page →

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Do they accept itch as a host of the privacy policy? Used to have mine on github but they recently refused......

(1 edit)

Mask Around have been updated to version 1.2 on all platforms. Here are the changes:

Once you've beat the game with a mask, a star will display next to it and you'll be able to see your best time with this mask.


  • Added run timer logic
    • Added a setting to display the run timer (default to off)
    • Displayed the run timer on game over screen when successfully completing a run
    • Displayed the fastest run timer on the main menu
    • Once you complete a run with a mask, it will be granted a "star" in the mask menu
      • Changing mask during a run will not star any mask even if you complete the run.
    • Added best time display for each starred mask in the mask menu.
  • Added a pacific status indicator after the first floor


  • Made some room patterns easier for zones 2 and 3
  • Punching with "Straigh Up Bleach" while in HAND form will now project juice only if it doesn't hit anything
  • Increased BUFF kick hitbox size
  • Removed accountability for enemy bomb parrying and dark tree heart killing
  • Xray gun's bullets will now project ennemies according to the aiming direction
  • Made legger take more time to jump
  • Decreased faceless's run speed

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a display bug when the system's language was german or spanish
  • Fixed played dying instantly on taking damage while BUFF in fog with only one heart left
  • Fixed some objects being not properly destroy when restarting a run
  • Fixed player not losing HAND while idle
  • Fixed spike balls being stuck in the air
  • Fixed spike balls not damaging enemies sometimes
  • Fixed some sounds being played too loudly
(2 edits)

Mask Around is now available for android! Get it for free on the Google Play Store or as a paid standalone apk from Steam version was updated at the same time.


  • Added Backpack Mask: beat the final boss with no items and the default gun to unlock! 
  • Added Mask backpack: beat the final boss while cursed to unlock! 
  • Added keyboard rebind menu in settings (PC version only)
  • Added controller dpad support


  • Increased the damage of the Pink Bubble Mask's bubble from 5 to 15
  • Lowered Walker's bulb HP from 30 to 20
  • Allowed player to jump out of the detransform animation
  • Made third zone a bit easier (I intend on tackling this issue more in future patches)
    • Lowered Weird Bird Enemy
    • Made Legger enemy wait a bit more before jumping
    • Tweaked some trap rooms

Bug fixes

  • Fixed languages display issues under certains conditions
  • Fixed cracked wall not being broken with HAND
  • Fixed pacific condition (only enemies directly killed by player's hitboxes or bullets will count as kills)
  • Fixed sun mask bullets colliding with player
  • Fixed passive juice loss not matching the current juice amount
Mask Around community · Created a new topic Hotfix V1.03

Published on Steam on 15/11/2024

  • fixed supernova hand falling through the ground
  • fixed inconsistent succulent leaf weak spot 
  • fixed sacred book being gifted on curse cured 
  • fixed translation issues 
  • fixed key disappearing 
  • fixed premium mask steam achievement unlock 
  • fixed cherry shooter doing double damage 
  • fixed decor floating in the air 
  • fixed Stupid Mask still shooting bullets sometimes 
  • adjusted room patterns

J'ai adoré ! Ça m'a fait penser à un subtil mélange de Everything et Katamari Damacy. Mention spéciale pour la musique progressive !

(15 edits)

This is a list of all available version of Mask Around.

EditionPlatformPriceSpecificityCurrent Version
Steam EditionWindows7.99$Steam Achievements, automatic updates via Steam
1.2 Edition
Windows (.exe file) + Android (.apk file)
7.99$DRM Free, both platform with a single purchase
Google Play Store EditionAndroidFree with 7.99$ IAPGoogle Play Achievements, automatic updates via Google Play Store.
Some restrictions if not purchased

Update history

8/11/2024: Released Windows version on Steam/itch
15/11/2024: Hotfix V1.03. Read more
24/11/2024: V1.1, android release. Read more
2/12/2024: V1.2, run timer. Read more

Gordon Kart update in 2024?!!!

Kinda hate that I still don't have a proper gif workflow after all these years 💀

(1 edit)

I will post the patch notes here instead of discord as of now. Here's the content of the -5.0 "Many Reasons To Explode" beta update, available on the google play store for the testers (join the discord to get access)


  • Added 5 masks, 4 backpacks, 2 items, 1 weapon 
  • Zone 1 - "PIPES": added exploding blocs & semi solid platforms. Drones now explode upon death.
  • Zone 2 - "PLANTS": added clover blocs, shooting flowers & walker enemy. Added music. by PeKaNo.


  • Reworked rooms of first biome and added new ones
  • Decreased floor length
  • Decreased shop + can dispenser spawn rate (2 per 3 floors)
  • Prevent equipped items from spawning in shops


  • Added staleness HUD indicator
  • Added controller support in menus
  • Reworked Life and Jauge UI
  • Reworked green blocs behavior (can now be damage by bullets)
  • Improved most items logic, visuals and sounds
  • Improved behavior of all enemies
  • Fixed tons of bugs, introduced new ones


  • Added an option to ignore unlocked stuff for worldgen
  • Added an option to lock the movement of the on-screen aim stick
  • Added an option to lock the movement of the on-screen attack/movement buttons

cute !!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. You make fair points

My bad, I noticed afterwards that you spend a lot of time making review! Thank you for you work. I will keep you in touch.

Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed Plant Down!! discord link for future game/updates info

Yearly level. This one's philosophical.


Hi!! I just released my new game, Plant Down. It's a short-and-sweet boss fighting game for android.

I'm pretty proud of the look of the store page: It's also worth noting that the game is available on the Google Play Store as well.

I hope the game will catch your eyes, and I'll soon post a devlog talking about the game's development.



crazy good and funny

37000 should be the default port

Excellent game.

black monolith rectangle ARG is over boys, pack it up.

(2 edits)

Here's Mask Up update history. I'll update this post with any future update.

Release date
Main changes
1.013/03/2020Initial release
2.009/05/2020Added shops, drones and big dogs
3.006/06/2020 Added gong and masks page 2
3.112/08/2020Added turkish translation
3.219/10/2020Balance & Improvements (more)
4.012/03/2021Corruption update, Windows release (more)
5.012/05/2021 on Windows
29/05/2021 on Android
Form 4 (more)

Please note that the version displayed in game might be slighlty different as I sometime have to make plateform specifc patches.

I just released a Windows build of my quirky roguelike Mask Up! The game is also available for free on android.

>>> <<<

Managed to finish the first and third levels, they were pretty good! Thanks for sharing, I'm happy that you had a good experience with the game.

Hey I guess this is a thread now. here's another hardcore level


Thanks! I'm sorry, but there is no plan to port it to Mac at the moment, though updated Windows and Linux ports are coming soon. May I ask how you discovered the game? I've been getting more view than usual lately.

I thing you guys make a killer team as visuals, audio and writing fit perfectly together. Unfortunately I was stuck and couldn't make the hot air balloon. I feel like giving clues to the player or just plainly giving them the solution at a certain point could help with keeping the player engaged. I wanted to know what happened at the end!

That's a really specific thing to like about the game, it makes me happy that someone noticed, thanks!

2190 is a solid score, congrats  And thanks for the review ; power-ups were definitely on our to do list and the game would probably have some if we had a bit more time.

Sorry, the game works on Linux using Mono or Wine. If you can't get it to work we'll remove the tag. I don't have linux personnally so I can't test, but people have reported that it worked for them.

Thank you for the review! We've added the linux tag avec reading your comment, we didn't expect it to work so that' definitely a bonus I'll take.

this game is SMOOTH. I love seing your past paint scrolling faster. Really cool concept.

It's nice to see some 1v1 games on a jam! Great job on making it accessible

I LOVE the graphisms and animation in this game. Unfortunately it was really hard for me to get past the first few enemy waves. Really great job overall (also I couldn't play on the web version for some reason)

Fun mecanic, I like how you took the time to explain the controls and the aim of the game with cute illustration at the beginning.

One of the bests game of the jam hands down. Graphisms are really cool, the concept is simple yet fun. Just wish the controls were indicated when launching the game because I was a bit confused at first.

The controls are good with this one and the theme is 100% respected. But poor penguins!

Fun, but the controls were a bit confusing at first! I like that we both went for a dino theme for no apparent reason

Thanks <3 Glad you enjoyed it

Good job! There's a third zone beyond 1300m btw ;)

Thanks for playing