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A member registered Jul 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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Can you elaborate?

(1 edit)

Hey, you can make the game visible only if she has a link by using those settings

Oh, I love overcooked so much! You made a fantastic game, and the main character (and the comics!) is just adorable! The difficulty is a little bit high, but I guess it's hard to balance the game well for a game jam. I delivered at most five dishes (and was already carrying the sixth one)! 

I cannot wait to see where you take this project. I also have to say that this is an entertaining way to promote your comics! I love it!

Alex, you made a lovely butt-touching simulator :D :D. 

On the more serious side - very nice idea. I think it could make a great little game. Maybe an idea for a new mini-game for your main project? :D I would love to the enemies to move and the colliders to be slightly more accurate. Also it would be nice to see that the Ruthless is just about to see you so you have a short moment to react. I haven't managed to complete the game as I have always been caught. How many coins would I need to get? I got to 10 and 'died' getting my 11th :D. 

By the way, I really appreciate the piti coins in game :D. 

Hey Water! Great job! Thank you for submitting your game! You made a lot of progress since your last game! 

Amazing! I cannot wait to play the new version!

By 'slower' I meant the enemies. So much is happening right from the start that I don't have the time to get mentally in the game loop :D. I would love the enemies and player speed to maybe increase overtime - but requiring my quick reactions from very beginning is really stressful haha.

Woah, congratulations on the entry! You have done really amazing job. I enjoyed the game and thank you for putting me in the game aaaaaand the encouragement to subscribe to my channel! On the more concrete side of the feedback:

It's pretty hard to aim with bow and spears. If I play with mouse (at least to hit) I would expect the aiming to be done via mouse too. 

The boar boss was first but was the most difficult. For all of the rest the simplest tactics was to stay as close to them as possible and smash them with sword. 

What are your plans for the game? Are you going to extend the project or is it 'jam only' thing? :)

Hey ExGardenGnome, I cannot believe how much you progressed and how much you achieved since the first CGJ. Really great job! I am really impressed by how much you improved when it comes to pixel art. Thank you for your submission! :) 

By the way - I am also impressed by the length of the game! I passed like first 20 levels and still didn't complete the game! ;o ;)

Yay! Thanks for submitting the game! I love the idea! I hope you are not going to abandon the project soon, as I really think it has a lot of potential! 

Hello! Thanks for your submission! I really like the game, however, I would enjoy it even more if it was slightly slower. Especially at the beginning. The intro is great. I also love the ritual mechanics. Great job! :)

(4 edits)

A thread to gather all of the bugs in one place

  1. The fog of war sometimes has missing particles.
  2. You cannot interact with anything if you are not standing next to it already (clicking on it won't start a movement towards it)
  3. Enemies cannot walk through unvisited tiles. 
  4. Movement glitches sometimes, and the character moves to the 'half tile' position. This is happening around the colliders. 

Hello, as there is a chance for some people to join the jam/complete their games within the next few days, there is a small time extension. You have an extra 72 hours to finish your game! :) 

Hey, thank you so much! I am going to complete the game soon! There is a chance for some extra levels, however as this project got already out of hands in terms of scope, I really want to have it completed :D 

Yay! I am so happy to see you had fun with my little game. You are right, the snipers should definitely be implemented slightly differently. When it comes to the achievements - all of them are described in the menu :). You can hover over the icons and see what has to be done to get them :) Thank you for spending some time with my game and for providing such a detailed feedback <3

Hey, did you try to start new game? Maybe you clicked continue instead? 

There is a big rocket in this room. Code is on it :)

the code is somewhere in this room, it’s part of the level design :)

oh, that sounds like a super cool idea! :)

oh I see it didn’t post my image with being -10000 haha

buuuuut I never have enough money for it :D

Cute little platformer! I guess somebody is 'out of money' because they bought so many candies haha! 

Don't forget to contact me to suggest the video idea :)

Ok, 'wow' is the only thing that comes to my mind. The amount of stuff you managed to implement is just incredible. I am impressed. Seriously. And OMG, the meteor rain looks awesome!

The only thing is, the wizard towers are so powerful that I didn't have the need to use the regular towers. Also I completely forgot you can upgrade the towers :D

Oh, the idea is sooooooo cool! I just wish it was slightly easier! 

What I love:

- The idea is very cool

- The game is very intuitive 

What I would do slightly differently:

- I would start at a much slower rate and then increase the speed over time. 

Really, really fun game! 

Don't forget to contact me to suggest the video idea! :)

As said before I love the game! At this point I have only 2 minor comments

1. The collisions sometimes seem to do not work correctly

2. I wish the net was slightly easier to control

Besides that awesome, little game!

Don't forget to contact me to suggest a video subject!

Hey, I am sorry but the game got quarantined by and also my system doesn't want me to run it :(. If you handle that I will be more than happy to give it a try :) 

Hey, I will definitely need more info to know how to play the game and what the goal is :D. 

Remember to contact to suggest the video subject :)

I am very good with money! 

Ok, you need to tell me the truth - does the earn button do anything? :D:D:D

Solid, brutal experience - just like life :D. 

Don't forget to contact me to suggest the video subject :)

Oh, I wish there was a little bit more explanations to the game. I managed to build two coal power plants but never got beyond that point. I will definitely need a few tips from you to go further :D.

By the way - don't forget to contact me on discord to suggest video subject :)

(1 edit)

I love the game! Very fun, casual entry. I think it would make an amazing mobile game. Seriously, I think it may be worth exploring this option. :) Congratulations on creating and releasing your first game! 

What I loved: 

- The gameplay is very intuitive and very clear.

- The sound effects are just adorable 

What I would do differently:

- I think the forces are combined when 'shooting' the ball while it is moving, which makes it go in a different place than the little blue target ball shows. This was a little bit confusing for me but didn't break the experience. 

Great entry! 

Don't forget to contact me on discord to suggest video subject :)

Wow, that is really, really solid entry. You have done amazing job! I love the art, the level design, one can clearly see how much work you put into this game! 

The strongest points in my opinion:

- Cute main character

- Great art style

- Very fun gameplay 

- A lot of small features and details

What I would do slightly differently:

- I think I would stop the timer and gold drop when the shop/inventory is open. I preferred not to read the stats of the items (and also not to wear them) to do not lose time. 

- As the main gameplay does not require any mouse input, it took me a while to figure out that the shop and inventory requires mouse input. Also, in the shop I did not know how to sell items until I accidentally clicked the sell all button. 

- I think the white borders around the ground sprites can be easily removed in photoshop 

Once again, great entry! Don't forget to contact me on discord to suggest the video subject :) 

Could you please list the changes? :D I would love to see what changed!

Thank you so much! This is just the beginning! Hopefully tomorrow I will be starting working on the levels. :) My e-mail is [email protected] - feel free to contact me :).

Cannot wait to see the final result <3

Ok, I managed to beat the game :D 

It was really fun - I love this type of games. I do have few more comments: 1. I found no reason what so ever to create archers. 3 knights were sufficient enough to kill all the enemies anywhere, especially after building hospital. 

2. I expected the fridge to be storage space rather than 'processing station'. As a result I destroyed all the food resources I had. I would suggest it processes food as other stations - with farmer or something. That way if somebody makes similar mistake they will not lose everything as I did. 

3. This is really personal opinion - I am not saying it is correct or valid but... I feel the items like computer, car and circuit to be a little bit out of place. Everything else seemed to be more fantasy based. 

4. I wish some crafting resources where more useful. In the sense that I produced milion bateries and milion graduation caps to use them in 1-2 receipies. 

5. When the new resources spawn and my farmers get killed I would love to have a quick way to see where it happened. Maybe under the 'idle' button there could be another one for 'warning' or something like that and when you click it it takes you to important event place. 

Besides that I really think you have done great job. The game seems very polished, I didn't encounter any bugs or anything like that. The pixelart is very cute and works very well. I cannot wait to see where you will take it next!

Hey, I have seen your game on the FB group. I love it. To be fair it's one of the most pleasant and relaxing games I have seen in a while. Over all everything seems to work great and the design is pretty clear. There are few minor things though:

1. I have not discovered how I can kill my people if I need dead bodies. The only way I managed to get one dead body was by sending a farmer to a tile with enemy.

2. I would love to have a shortcut like SHIFT + Click or something that would automatically pick up the items from the ground and place them in the inventory. 

3. I missed a message about what the towers do during tutorial and it took me like 30-45min to discover that they are used to uncover the map. I was close to switching off the game because I couldn't figure it out :D. 

Today I will be playing a bit more and maybe I will have more feedback :)

Good luck! I love to see your game grow and progress! Just pleged $20. Cannot wait for the full release :)

Yay! I mentioned you in the annoncements now :D.