A great take on an amazing classic. Can't wait to get home and play more ❤️.
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Thank you so much for playing and the kind words! Actually I love making games like these. I've been lived some serious and bad situations, and I feel like games are a great way to actually make you understand how these situations feels and if you are living one, it can make you feel comprehended (is that a word? Please tell me) and maybe, just maybe , even ease that feeling of loneliness.
Other than that, I think you can follow me on itch.io for my next games! (I say I think 'cause idk really if you can, I'm new to this platform).
I hope I see ya around! :)
I tried to scale the violence up to make it more clear, and to give the player more reasons to hate the other person in a shorter amount of time. So many times we see a friend in a similar situation and it's not clear to them but for us it is, and viceversa (we are in an abusive relationship and we don't see it but other people do), that's what I was aiming for. A situation where you can see that the character is being abused in an extreme toxic relationship but she doesn't see it as clear as you do. That's why even if you say to him Fuck you the next thing the character wants to say is Yes, I'm Sorry, etc. But it maybe was too much. I didn't tried to make it mockery or disrespectful but I see what you mean. Thanks for playing and the feedback!
In my game (Doughtags) i wanted to add a Pizza Boss that you should shoot pineapples to corrupt it and make it sweet!
Plus two more enemy types: A Chipá (a common salty snack in Argentina) and French Fries. But i didn't had much time left so i decided to make it more enjoyable with the things that were already in game.
So, tell me! What features did you wanted to add if you had more time?