Yes all works good , thank you again for your time and your amazing plugins !
Recent community posts
Hi, leasha, when i take a potion for hp recover from map menu, i have the following error and when i disengage the plugin battlecustomsuite i have no error:
it refer to this line from console:
const _Game_Action_executeDamage = Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage;
Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage = function(target, value) {
_Game_Action_executeDamage.apply(this, arguments);
value < 0 ? 'heal' : 'damage',
Can you help me with that ?
This is already done i'm not new with your plugins they are incredibles haha.The only way i find to make the game launch with your plugin is to delete the ' parseSoundEffectJSON ' section from the code and it work but no swim animation, no splash sound and no animation splash but the player jump in water and walk normally. And for the swim animation , when i select my character sprite sheet, is the plugin simulate the swim animation ?