Hi. Great plugin, although I have a strange question - how do I "interact" with the node to harvest it? I tried the default "enter", even mouse click, but nothing happens.
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Hi - firstly, great plugin! Customised everything nicely and everything works well - I just have a bit of a question.
I am using this plugin to simulate a "hunting" system - so when the player selects/activates the event from right next to the event, I want the QTB to activate. I got the activation perfectly fine...however, it is activating wherever the player is on the map and if the player presses the allocated button. So, basically, it activates if the player is on the opposite side of the map.
It is at all possible for some input on how this can be done? I will post screenshots if needed. Thanks.
So, I have added this eating/drinking system and everything is working perfectly fine (thank you for such a great template!) For the context of my game, the player cannot carry water/drinkables in their inventory, and I would like them to be able to "activate" or "select" water from water sources (all water tiles are marked through region or terrain IDs) which they then immediately drink from.
Is there any way that I can have the player "activate" or "select" the water to cause them to essentially "drink" it?
Thanks in advance!