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Songs from the Eye of an Elephant

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Songs from the Eye of an Elephant
album in studio
ArtistaRyan Star
EtichettaKoch Records
Ryan Star - cronologia
Album precedente

Songs from the Eye of an Elephant è il primo album da solista del cantautore Ryan Star. È stato pubblicato precedentemente alla sua apparizione nel reality show della CBS Rock Star: Supernova.

  1. We Might Fall
  2. So Ordinary
  3. Famous Love
  4. Losing Your Memory
  5. Psycho Suicidal Girls
  6. O
  7. The Back of Your Car
  8. Saw You In Heaven
  9. The Same When I'm Alone
  10. Dance With You
  11. Sink or Swim
  12. Perfect
  13. Famous Yet
  14. The First Time
  15. Waiting For Love
  16. Here Son
  17. Take A Ride With Me
  18. The Fairy Tale
  19. The One You Know
  20. Lullaby Suicide

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